Jan 30, 2014

Bahan-Bahan Ini Berbahaya Kalau Terkena Kulit

Vemale.com - Tidak ada produk skincare yang benar-benar aman sekalipun berlabel natural. Kulit wanita itu unik, dan terkadang sensitif terhadap sebagian bahan aktif yang terkandung di dalam produk skincare.

Agar Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati, ketahui beberapa bahan-bahan yang bisa menimbulkan alergi, iritasi, dan mungkin penyakit atau kerusakan kulit.

Benzoyl peroxide
Banyak produk skincare yang mengandung bahan ini, khususnya produk yang menyembuhkan jerawat. Tetapi Anda tetap harus berhati-hati saat menggunakan produk yang satu ini. Susan Jeske, seorang ahli kulit, seperti dikutip dari allwomenstalk mengatakan bahwa Benzoyl peroxide mengandung zat karsinogen yang tak hanya dapat menyebabkan kulit keracunan, atau mengalami kerusakan sel, tetapi juga dapat memicu kanker kulit.

Mengapa Anda tak sebaiknya menggunakan produk berbahan triclosan untuk kulit? Yeap, triclosan ternyata berhubungan erat dengan beberapa kerugian seperti melemahkan sistem immune tubuh, pertumbuhan abnormal, serta cacat pada janin.

Terdengar seperti bahan yang familiar, triclosan memang biasa dipakai dalam produk antibakteri, pasta gigi dan bahkan juga makeup. Triclosan mungkin dapat membasmi bakteri, tetapi di satu sisi, ia juga menimbulkan kerugian bagi Anda.

Mendengar kata zinc, Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa itu adalah mineral baik yang sering ditemukan pada makanan. Mineral ini dikembangkan menjadi zinc oxide yang digunakan untuk bahan skin care dan tabir surya oleh para peneliti. Namun sayangnya Universitas kedokteran Missouri menemukan fakta bahwa partikel nano zinc oxide ini dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit dan menutup pori-pori.

Seringkali ditemukan pada parfum, EPA adalah bahan berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan pernafasan, penyakit ginjal serta mempengaruhi sel syaraf.

Tidak sedikit lho skincare yang menggunakan bahan ini di dalam produknya. Misalnya saja produk perawatan rambut, makeup, pasta gigi, dan bahkan dalam sebagian besar baju Anda. Kandungan petroleum ini berbahaya karena dapat menyebabkan pori-pori tertutup, memicu munculnya jerawat hingga kanker kulit.

Bahan berbahaya yang terkandung di dalam acetone adalah tingginya resiko merusak liver, kulit, serta saluran pernafasan. Disarankan untuk Anda yang gemar memulas kuku lebih baik menggunakan produk non acetone.

Bahan ini biasanya digunakan untuk membersihkan dan menjernihkan kolam serta membuat air kolam tetap dingin. Klorin dapat memicu alergi, diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, asma dan banyak penyakit lain yang dapat membahayakan tubuh.

Mencegah reaksi negatif klorin, disarankan agar Anda mandi setiap habis berenang dan memastikan seluruh tubuh Anda bersih.

Karena bahan-bahan tersebut ada di sekitar Anda dan mungkin terkandung pada produk-produk yang Anda gunakan, lebih berhati-hati ya ladies saat menggunakan produk tersebut. Akan lebih baik lagi jika Anda bisa mengganti dengan produk yang punya bahan lebih aman.

Source: http://www.vemale.com/topik/perawatan-tubuh/41742-bahan-bahan-ini-berbahaya-kalau-terkena-kulit.html

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11 Everyday Toxins That Are Harming Your Thyroid


Millions of people struggle with low thyroid symptoms, and millions more experience the symptoms of a low thyroid only to have their labs come back negative. They're told they are "normal," and are left with no answers. Symptoms like anxiety, irritability, depression, brain fog, weight gain and fatigue can debilitate lives for decades. One major underlying factor that isn't being addressed in the standard model of care is toxins.

Whether they're synthetic or natural in nature, toxins are a piece of the complex thyroid puzzle. Here are 11 offenders that may be affecting your thyroid function:

1. Perchlorates
Almost all of us have perchlorates in our bodies, according to the CDC. Perchlorate is a byproduct of the manufacturing of rocket and jet fuel, car air bags and fireworks. This toxin leaks into much of our drinking water and food supply. The CDC study found widespread perchlorate human exposure, and a connection between perchlorate levels and thyroid hormone levels.

Perchlorate prevents the production of thyroid hormone, which can lead to low thyroid symptoms. One study found babies born with elevated levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone may have been affected by small amounts of perchlorate in their mother's drinking water. These studies, and the work of the Environmental Working Group, show that not only is perchlorate exposure pervasive, but that even low levels of perchlorate exposure can have negative health effects on the thyroid.

2. PCBs
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are industrial chemicals that were banned in the 1970s but are still detected in our environment today. PCBs have been shown increase thyroid dysfunction, and, by increasing the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone, can make your body resistant to the thyroid hormone, similar to the insulin resistance seen in type II diabetes. They also can affect the liver enzymes that regulate the conversion of your thyroid hormone so it can be available to use in your body.

3. Dioxins
Both PCBs and dioxins are known to have disruptive effects on the endocrine system, and a dioxin is the primary toxic component of Agent Orange. I have seen many patients who served in Vietnam, and they have linked their current thyroid problems to Agent Orange.

4. Soy
Phytoestrogens in soy proteins have been found to inhibit thyroid peroxidase. Soy is able to disrupt normal thyroid function by inhibiting the body’s ability to use iodine, blocking the process by which iodine becomes the thyroid hormones, inhibiting the secretion of thyroid hormone, and disrupting the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3. Researchers have also found that infants fed soy formula had a prolonged increase in their thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels, compared to infants fed non-soy formulas. Soy is also commonly a genetically modified food (GMO), which adds another variable to consider.

5. Pesticides
One study found that women married to men who used pesticides in their daily work were at a much higher risk of developing thyroid problems than other women. Another study warns that about 60 percent of pesticides used today may affect the thyroid gland’s production of hormones. Many antifungals and weed killers used on produce have been shown to decrease thyroid function and increase weight-loss resistance.

6. Flame retardants
Flame retardants, or polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have been found in several studies to disturb thyroid function. Flame-retardant chemicals are found in television and computer screens, as well as in the foam used for furniture and carpeting padding. PBDEs are also found in many Americans, and are linked to behavioral and developmental problems.

7. Plastics
Beyond an environmental concern, plastics can also be hazardous to your body's environment. Antimony, a chemical that leaches from plastic bottles, is one concern. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen found antimony levels in fruit drinks and juices in plastic bottles at levels 2.5 times higher than what’s considered safe in tap water! Phthalates in some plastics have been shown to decrease thyroid function. Bisphenol A (BPA) — also used in plastics, food can coatings, and dental sealants — decreases thyroid receptor site sensitivity, causing thyroid resistance, similar to PCBs.

One study found that perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical used to make Teflon, food wrappers, and other products, can affect thyroid function even at moderate levels of exposure. A study in Environmental Health Perspectives found that higher concentrations of PFOA are associated with the thyroid conditions that are seen today.

9. Halogens
Fluoride and chloride exposure can lead to a decrease of iodine transport and block the conversion of the T4 to T3, which is the active form of your thyroid hormone. Fluoride was found to suppress thyroid function, and the dose needed to reduce thyroid function was low, 2 to 5 mg per day. You can absorb these halogens through your food, water, medications and the environment. Because they're similar to iodine, they can occupy your iodine receptors, making the body's iodine levels unusable.

10. Heavy Metals
Mercury, lead and aluminum can all trigger antibodies, which in turn lead to autoimmune thyroid conditions such as the Grave’s and Hashimoto’s disease. This is not acute poisoning that I am referring to, which would show up on a conventional blood test. I'm referring to a chronic heavy metal toxicity which can only be accurately shown with a urine test using a chelating agent. The chelator will pull the metals from your cells where it has leached, so it can actually be measured on the test.

11. Antibacterial Products
Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical added to soaps, lotions and toothpastes. Although some research has shown small amounts to be safe, there's evidence that triclosan is an endocrine disruptor and impacts thyroid function. One recent study found that triclosan had an effect on thyroid hormones, and another showed that triclosan interacted with androgen and estrogen hormone receptors.

Remember, every person is uniquely complex. Everyone has his own genetic tolerance for toxins like these. Think of your genetic tolerance as an empty bucket, and these toxins are filling up the bucket. Some people's buckets are smaller than those of others, and therefore fill up faster. Some people can be exposed to all of these toxins and show no noticeable effects from them. This is not a simple "one size fits all" solution.

I don't want you to feel defeated when reading this article. It's easy to say, "I'm doomed," but be encouraged, because knowledge is power. You can make informed decisions to decrease the level of stress your thyroid is up against. You can also investigate these underlying issues and address them head on. And lastly, remember, your body is amazingly resilient. It wants to heal. I coach people all around the world who suffer from seemingly insurmountable health problems, and I've seen them completely restore their health when we address these underlying components.


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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: bynaturael.blogspot.com

Jan 29, 2014

Twin Brothers Put Diet Crazes To The Ultimate Test

By Sarah B. Weir, Shine Senior Writer | Healthy Living

If you follow diet trends closely, you could get whiplash. One year fat is the enemy; the next, sugar is poison. Recently, twin brothers, Chris and Alexander "Xand" van Tulleken set out on a month-long radical experiment to put the debate to rest over which is worse.

Chris adopted a super low fat diet, consuming only the 2% he would need to maintain his health. Xand opted for a high protein diet that ditched all forms of sugar (i.e. carbohydrates), from table sugar to flour to fruit. The brothers, who both work as physicians, shared similar daily routines and stuck to the exact same fitness regimen. Furthermore, because they share identical DNA, any changes they experienced would be attributable to diet, not genetics. A film crew followed their nutritional journey, and it's airing as a documentary on BBC2 on Wednesday.

Xand was motivated because he was at his highest weight ever — 245 pounds. He told the Daily Mail he looked like the "fat version of his twin" and was a living, breathing "cautionary tale." He realized that while he and Chris were both doctors, they really didn't know that much about nutrition and diet. "These topics fall between the cracks at medical school. Yes, we understood biochemistry and food metabolism, and knew a lot about the consequences of being overweight," he said. "But which diets work, why we eat too much and why losing weight is so hard don't sit within any medical specialty."

The diets were easy to follow because the rules were so specific. Although there was no limit on how much the twins could eat , Xand says both plans were, ultimately, "miserable." Initially, he thought he had the better deal, devouring piles of meat, eggs, and fat — but eliminating sugars had some nasty side effects. His breath stank and he felt constipated. Moreover, he was sluggish, tired, and his brain was in a fog. When he and Chris raced each other uphill on bikes, he realized that his endurance was shot. Chris flew up the hill while Xand's heart rate surged. "He just keeps getting further away and I cannot make my legs go any faster," Xand huffed to the camera crew.

Xand was the weight loss winner, dropping a total of 9 pounds, but he says his high-protein, low-carb diet caused his body to go into ketosis — a state in which the body burns fat but doesn't effectively provide the brain with the glucose (sugar) it needs for energy.

Nutrition expert Angela Lemond explained to Yahoo Shine, that high protein diets produce chemicals called ketones, which promote weight loss but can lead to kidney failure. "We recommend staying above 100 grams of carbohydrates per day to avoid going into ketosis," she said and added, "We know people cannot sustain this way of eating and therefore, they re-gain the weight."

Meanwhile, Chris wasn't faring much better. He had lost a little weight, but without the added fat, even supposedly decadent foods, such as pasta, tasted like cardboard. Lemond explained that fat increases the feeling of satisfaction, and indeed, Chris experienced a constant gnawing hunger.

At the end of the month, neither brother felt like his diet was superior. Speaking with scientists working in cutting edge nutrition, they decided that the real problem was the combination of sugar and fat found in many processed foods. "We should not vilify a single nutrient…" Chris told the Sunday Express. "It is too easy to demonize fat or sugar but that enables you to let yourself off the hook in other ways. The enemy is right in front of us in the shape of processed foods."

The brothers concluded that searching for "one toxic ingredient" was fruitless and we should rather be watching calories, portion size, and eating whole foods whenever possible. Its an un-sexy approach that won't spark any diet crazes or launch a bestseller, but could actually work.


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Jan 24, 2014

Fish oil supplements may shield against Alzheimer's, study finds

By Loren GrushPublished January 23, 2014FoxNews.com

Consuming fish oil may have a protective effect on the brain’s cells – potentially shielding people from Alzheimer’s disease.

New research from the University of South Dakota has revealed that individuals with higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids – found in fish and fish oil – may have larger brain volumes in old age.  This could have significant implications for the elderly population, since a shrinking brain volume is often associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Omega-3s consist of three types of fats – ALA, found in plant oils, and EPA and DHA, found in marine oils.  According to the study’s author, health experts have long suspected omega-3s may slow brain cell death, as the human brain is rich in DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids.

“It’s there for one reason or another,” lead author Dr. Bill Harris, professor of medicine at Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota, told FoxNews.com. “And then other studies have led people to think that…fish is brain food.  People have seen that populations that eat more fish have less dementia …so it seemed like a natural thing to look at.”

To better study the association between omega-3s and brain volume, Harris and fellow researcher James Pottala, of the University of South Dakota, analyzed red blood cell samples taken from 1,111 post-menopausal women as part of the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study.  Eight years after the blood samples were taken, the women – who were then an average of 78 years old –  underwent MRI scans in order to measure their brain volumes.

The researchers specifically measured the levels of omega-3 fatty acids EPA+DHA in the red blood cell samples, which had been frozen and preserved for many years.

“The red blood cell is a good representative of the other tissues in the body,” Harris noted. “Its levels of omega-3s are more reflective of the whole body.”

Harris and Pottala found that the women with higher levels of omega-3s had larger total brain volumes eight years later.  Furthermore, the MRIs also indicated that higher levels of omega-3s were associated with increased volume in a specific brain region – the hippocampus.

“The hippocampus is known to be related to the progression of dementia,” Harris said. “As it shrinks, dementia becomes more of a problem.  So we did find that people with higher omega-3s had higher volumes in the hippocampus – located right in the middle of the head, right at the top of the brain stem.”

While health experts still don’t fully understand how omega-3s interact inside the body, Harris said it’s possible that EPA and DHA act as anti-inflammatory agents.

“A lot is known and a lot remains to be known,” Harris said. “We think probably what they do is they help [with] generalized reduction in inflammation. That has benefits all over the body – with the brain, blood vessels, joints, everywhere…They also may change cell membrane structure and kind of give them a tune up.”

Harris said that people can eat more fish or take fish oil supplements in order to reap the potential health benefits of omega-3s.  But he added that the best benefits will come only from EPA and DHA – not ALA, which is found in flaxseeds, black walnuts and canola oil.

“[With ALA], in order for it to become effective, it has to be converted in the body after you eat it to these fish oil omega-3s,” Harris said. “That conversion process is very inefficient in most people, so you don’t really raise your omega-3 index by eating plant-based omega-3s.”

While Harris and other health experts are fairly certain omega-3s hold brain-preserving benefits, he noted that his study only shows an association between the fatty acids and larger brain volume – not a causal relationship. Despite a highly controversial study linking omega-3s to increased prostate cancer risk, the fatty acids have mostly been shown to produce no adverse health effects -- which is why Harris gives them a strong recommendation.

“They’re completely safe to eat; they’re in fish and supplements,” Harris said.  “So even having a possibility of being a benefit for slowing the rate of dementia gives them a good edge.”

The research was published in the online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.


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Jan 23, 2014

8 Tip bagi Si Kulit Sensitif

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Memiliki kulit sensitif berarti menuntut Anda untuk menjadi lebih protektif. Melakukan sedikit saja kesalahan pada kulit tentu akan fatal akibatnya. Untuk itu, pemilik kulit sensitif harus benar-benar menyadari dan waspada terhadap berbagai hal yang mengancam kulit guna menghindari iritasi yang mungkin terjadi. Berikut ini delapan tip untuk menjaga kulit sensitif, seperti dilansir laman Women’s Health Magazine, Jumat, 13 September 2013.

1. Lakukan uji produk sebelum memakainya
Pastikan selalu untuk melakukan tes kecil sebelum memulai menggunakan produk baru. Oleskan sedikit saja produk ke bagian kulit Anda, misalnya di belakang telinga, dan tunggu minimal 24 jam. Jika ada tanda iritasi, kemerahan, gatal, atau perasaan tidak nyaman lainnya, sebaiknya jangan gunakan produk itu

2. Jangan gunakan produk hypoallergenic
Apakah produk hypoallergenic pasti aman untuk kulit sensitif? Belum tentu, karena tidak ada standar untuk menaruh label hypoallergenic. Dengan demikian, produk yang mengklaim hypoallergenic tidak selalu cocok untuk kulit sensitif.

3. Rutin oleskan pelembab
Kulit sensitif membutuhkan jadwal perawatan kulit yang tepat. Patuh dan rutin mengoleskan pelembab pada pagi dan malam hari akan melindungi kulit dari kehilangan air. Pelembab juga akan menjadi pelindung dari bahaya lingkungan, seperti polusi dan angin.

4. Selalu baca label
Pengetahuan adalah kekuatan. Persenjatai diri Anda dengan membaca label produk. Carilah produk bebas dari wewangian dan pengawet. Dua bahan ini merupakan penyebab umum iritasi. Semakin pendek daftar bahan, semakin baik produk itu bagi kulit sensitif.

5. Bersihkan secara teratur
Jauhkan pori-pori dari kotoran yang menyumbat paling tidak 2 kali sehari, baik mandi maupun cuci muka. Pilih pembersih yang diformulasikan khusus untuk kulit sensitif, tapi jangan pilih produk yang terlalu lembut. Ini akan menyulitkan Anda untuk menghapus bekas riasan.

6. Gunakan sedikit produk saja
Tidak perlu banyak produk untuk menjaga kulit sensitif. Untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan kulit sehari-hari, cukup sediakan pembersih, pelembab, dan tabir surya.

7. Hati-hati memilih kosmetik
Jika memang harus menggunakan kosmetik, pilihlan kosmetik yang ramah untuk kulit sensitif. Pilihlah bubuk mineral, yang sebagian besar bebas pengawet dan pewarna buatan, untuk menghindari iritasi. Kemudian hindari maskara tahan air agar tidak membutuhkan pembersih yang keras untuk menghapusnya. Berikutnya, hindari eyeliner dalam bentuk liquid. Pilihlah eyeliner pensil yng tidak mengandung lateks yang akhirnya menyebabkan timbulnya reaksi di kulit. Dan, buanglah kosmetik yang sudah terlalu lama untuk menghindari kontaminasi dari waktu ke waktu. Terakhir, Anda harus membersihkan kuas kosmetik secara rutin.

8. Pilih tabir surya yang tepat
Kulit iritasi juga ekstra sensitif terhadap sinar matahari. Kenakan tabir surya sepanjang tahun dengan SPF 30 atau lebih tinggi untuk melindungi jaringan halus dari sinar matahari yang menyengat. Carilah tabir surya dengan bahan yang ramah, seperti seng oksida dan titanium dioksida. Perlu diingat, hindari tabir surya yang mengandung oxybenzone, octylcrylene, dan octinoxate. Ketiga bahan kimia ini bisa menimbulkan reaksi bagi kulit sensitif Anda.

Source: http://www.tempo.co/read/news/2013/09/17/110513920/8-Tip-bagi-Si-Kulit-Sensitif

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Chocolate and red wine can help stave off diabetes: High levels of antioxidants can regulate blood glucose levels

By JENNY HOPE |PUBLISHED: 00:45 GMT, 20 January 2014 |

It sounds like the ingredient list for an indulgent dessert. But red wine, chocolate and strawberries are more than a guilty pleasure. They could all help guard against diabetes. A study found for the first time the high content of flavonoids found in berry fruits may regulate blood glucose levels, and stave off type 2 diabetes.

Flavonoids are antioxidant compounds found in plants, as well as tea, red wine and chocolate, which can protect against a wide range of diseases, including heart disease, hypertension, some cancers and dementia.

The study found the main protective effect came from higher intakes of anthocyanins, which are present in strawberries, blackcurrants, blackberries and blueberries. Researchers from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and King's College London reveal that high intakes are linked with lower insulin resistance and better blood glucose regulation.

They also lowered inflammation which, when chronic, can lead to disease, says the study published today in the Journal of Nutrition. Prof Aedin Cassidy from UEA's Norwich Medical School, who led the research, said 'We focused on flavones, which are found in herbs and vegetables such as parsley, thyme, and celery, and anthocyanins, found in berries, red grapes, wine and other red or blue-coloured fruits and vegetables.

'This is one of the first large-scale human studies to look at how these powerful bioactive compounds might reduce the risk of diabetes. Laboratory studies have shown these types of foods might modulate blood glucose regulation - affecting the risk of type 2 diabetes.

'But until now little has been know about how habitual intakes might affect insulin resistance, blood glucose regulation and inflammation in humans.'  Researchers studied almost 2,000 healthy women volunteers from TwinsUK who had completed a food questionnaire designed to estimate total dietary flavonoid intake as well as intakes from six flavonoid subclasses.

Blood samples were analysed for glucose regulation and inflammation, while insulin resistance, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes, was also assessed. Prof Cassidy said 'We found that those who consumed plenty of anthocyanins and flavones had lower insulin resistance.

'High insulin resistance is associated with type 2 diabetes, so what we are seeing is that people who eat foods rich in these two compounds - such as berries, herbs, red grapes, wine- are less likely to develop the disease.

'We also found that those who ate the most anthocyanins were least likely to suffer chronic inflammation - which is associated with many of today's most pressing health concerns including diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

'And those who consumed the most flavone compounds had improved levels of a protein (adiponectin) which helps regulate a number of metabolic processes including glucose levels. 'What we don't yet know is exactly how much of these compounds are necessary to potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes' she added.

Prof Tim Spector, research collaborator and director of the TwinsUK study from King's College London, said 'This is an exciting finding that shows that some components of foods that we consider unhealthy like chocolate or wine may contain some beneficial substances.

'If we can start to identify and separate these substances we can potentially improve healthy eating.
'There are many reasons including genetics why people prefer certain foods so we should be cautious until we test them properly in randomised trials and in people developing early diabetes.' Dr Alasdair Rankin, director of research for Diabetes UK charity, said the findings should be treated with caution.

He said 'There have been contradictory findings from other studies and, also, even if high flavonoid consumption and lower Type 2 diabetes risk do tend to happen together, it does not necessarily mean that one is causing the other.

'So while interesting, this study is not the smoking gun that would finally persuade us that flavonoids really do help prevent Type 2 diabetes. 'From the point of view of what people should do to reduce their risk of type 2 Diabetes, we already recommend a healthy lifestyle that involves doing regular physical activity as well as eating a healthy diet to help maintain a healthy weight.

'This includes eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, some of which, such as berries, apples and pears, are rich in flavonoids. 'But for red wine and chocolate, which also contain them, our advice is to limit your consumption of these and this advice would be very unlikely to change even if further research did demonstrate that flavonoids reduce type 2 diabetes risk.

'This is because any health benefit from the flavonoids would be dramatically outweighed by the calories in the chocolate and the alcohol in the wine.'

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2542415/Chocolate-red-wine-help-stave-diabetes-High-levels-antioxidants-regulate-blood-glucose-levels.html#ixzz2r0kROaMv 

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Pomegranate Beauty Benefits: 4 Amazing Uses For The Seedy Fruit

The Huffington Post  |  By Dana Oliver
Pomegranates may not be the first thing you reach for when filling up your canvas tote at the farmer's market, but consider this: The fruit can help you attain younger-looking skin, and it's also loaded with antioxidants, vitamins K and C, potassium, copper, zinc and iron. The fruit -- which is nearing the end of its season (commercial harvest typically runs from October to January) -- can help to prevent premature skin aging and keep our complexions smooth and radiant.

Check out these four beauty benefits of pomegranates:

1. It helps to hydrate dry skin. When compared to green tea, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur tells us that pomegranate juice is actually better at replenishing dry, dull skin. It is also a great plant-derived source of vitamin C, which studies have shown can decrease skin roughness when applied topically. For a topical treatment, dermatologist and author Dr. Debra Jaliman suggests that we apply pomegranate seed oil, as studies have shown it to promote regeneration of epidermis.

2. It combats inflammation from acne breakouts. A pimple forms when bacteria infects the oil glands of the skin. When this occurs, the body sends white blood cells called neutrophils to the site of the pimple; when these neutrophils digest the bacteria, they die mix with the bacteria and other debris in the pimple. This whole process also triggers inflammation, which is what is responsible for zits' red, swollen appearance. "The antioxidants in pomegranates will help to reduce that inflammation," says Dr. Marmur.

3. It protects our bodies against the sun and environment. Overexposure to harmful UV rays and pollution causes oxidative damage to our skin cells, and can increase one's risk of developing wrinkles, age spots, sunburn and even cancer. According to Dr. Marmur, the antioxidants (namely polyphenols) found in pomegranates help to protect our cells from such oxidative stress. Pomegranate-derived products have also been found to play a vital role in repairing DNA damage.

4. It stimulates collagen production. Our skin naturally begins to sag and lose firmness as we grow older. Pomegranates are full of ellagic acid, an antioxidant that has shown promising results in reducing collagen breakdown. Dr. Marmur says, "If you think of having a pillow and all the fluffy stuff goes flat, that happens to the skin when you lose collagen and elastin. Pomegranates help to plump up skin and boost your blood supply to get rid of that tired look." By stimulating collagen-producing cells called fibroblasts, Dr. Jaliman says that pomegranates can help to minimize skin wrinkle activity. 

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