Nov 28, 2013

Tips for fighting cancer with exercise

Reduce your waistline and breast-cancer risk
More than two dozen studies have shown that women who exercise have a 30 percent to 40 percent lower risk of breast cancer than their sedentary peers. The female hormone estrogen seems to play a key role. Women with high estrogen levels in their blood have increased risk for breast cancer. Since exercise lowers blood estrogen, it helps lower a woman’s breast-cancer risk. Exercise also reduces other cancer-growth factors such as insulin.

Even older women need to be concerned about estrogen, because after menopause the hormone is produced by fat cells. Women who exercise have less fat and therefore produce less estrogen. With more than 150,000 new breast-cancer cases reported in the United States each year, preventing cancer through exercise is one of the best ways a woman can take charge of her health.

Win the battle against colon cancer
Exercise plays a dramatic role in preventing cancer of the colon and rectum. Nearly 150,000 Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer each year, and nearly 50,000 die from the disease. Encouragingly, more than three dozen studies show exercisers reduce their risk of colon cancer by 20 percent or more compared to sedentary people, and the benefits are seen in both men and women, although the effect is greater in men. Changes in digestive acids and other substances also occur with exercise, and these changes are believed to provide some protection from colon cancer. Decreases in body fat, insulin and other growth factors also may contribute to exercisers’ lower colon-cancer risk. Current research is also uncovering new ways in which physical activity cuts cancer risk—from reducing chronic inflammation to improving DNA repair.

How much exercise is too much?
According to national activity guidelines, a good goal is to exercise at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week. To get the most benefit, though, aim for about an hour a day. Moderate-intensity activities such as brisk walking may be sufficient, although there is more benefit with increased intensity.

Get up off the couch!
It’s easier than you think! A half hour of physical activity daily such as walking, slow swimming, leisurely bike riding or golfing without a cart will get you started. Here are some other ways to be more active:

·         Use stairs rather than an elevator.
·         Walk or bike to your destination, and walk around the block after dinner.
·         Exercise at lunch with your family or friends.
·         Go dancing.
·         Wear a pedometer every day and watch your daily steps increase.
·         Join a sports team.
·         Walk to visit co-workers rather than send an e-mail.
·         Use a stationary bike or do sit-ups, leg lifts and push-ups while watching TV.
·         Park a little farther from your office, the store or the library for a nice walk.
·         When the weather is too poor to be outside, grab a partner and “walk the mall.”
·         Vary your type of exercise so you won’t get bored or think it’s a chore.

Often people view exercise narrowly as a way to lose weight or to look better. These incentives can be effective, but exercise is really about a person taking charge of his or her health, preventing chronic diseases like cancer, and living longer.

Women it's never too late to start

Even moderate activity can be critically important in helping menopausal women reduce their risk of cancer, heart disease and other chronic ailments. Exercise reduces fat deep in the abdomen (“intra-abdominal” fat), a hidden risk factor because it can raise insulin levels, which promote the growth of cancer cells as well as cholesterol levels. Most American women gain 1 to 2 pounds on average every year, and that adds up to dangerous levels over a lifetime.

The beauty of exercise as a method to reduce total and intra-abdominal fat—and therefore chronic disease —is that it can be done by most women at low cost and with low risk of side effects. It’s never too late to enjoy the health benefits of exercise!

Want more information?

For more information on this and other cancer-related topics, call the National Cancer Institute’s
Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) or visit


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5 Reasons You Should Start Eating Onions

Onion is a member of the Allium family and is rich in sulfur containing compounds that are responsible for its pungent odor and for many of onion’s health promoting effects.

Cardiovascular Benefits
There is evidence that sulfur compounds found in onion work in an anti clotting capacity and help prevent the unwanted clumping together of blood platelet cells. There is also evidence showing that onion’s sulfur compounds can lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and improve cell membrane function in red blood cells as well. The benefits of onion in the overall dietary context extend to prevention of heart attack. The outstanding flavonoid content of onions supports these research findings.

Bone and connective tissue benefits
Human studies have shown that onion can help increase your bone density and may have special benefit on women of menopausal age who are experiencing loss of bone density. Plus, there is evidence that women who have passed the age of menopause may be able to lower their risk of hip fracture through daily eating of onions.  In this research on bone density in older women, very rare eating of onion like once a month or less did not provide much benefit. Daily consumption of onion boosts benefits for bone density. So do not skimp on onions when you are incorporating them into your diet plan. The high sulfur content of onions may provide direct benefits to your connective tissue as many of your connective tissue components require sulfur for their formation.

Anti inflammatory benefits
This allium vegetable has nevertheless been shown to provide important anti inflammatory response. A unique sulfur molecule found in the bulb portion of the onion has been shown to inhibit the activity of macrophages- specific white blood cells that play a major role in your immune system and one of their defense activities is the triggering of large scale inflammatory responses. Onion’s antioxidants provide you with anti inflammatory sources. These antioxidants help prevent fatty acids oxidation in your body. When you have lower levels of oxidized fatty acids, your body produces fewer inflammatory messaging molecules and your level of inflammation is kept in check.

Cancer protection
Onion has been shown to lower the risk of several cancers, even when you consume it in only moderate amounts. Colorectal, laryngeal and ovarian cancers are the types for which risk is reduced along with moderate amounts of dietary onion. Do not err on the side of small onion servings or infrequent onion intake if you want to obtain the full cancer related benefits of this veggie. Try to include at least one whole onion in the recipe. In terms of individual portion sizes when you sit down to eat, try to consume the equivalent of half onion.

Other health benefits
Onions have shown potential for improvement of blood sugar balance, help prevent bacterial infection. Along with sulfur compounds, the flavonoid quercetin found in onion helps provide these antibacterial benefits. Some studies suggest that length of storage for onion that has been chopped but not cooked and duration of heat exposure in this case involving exposure to steam for ten minutes can affect some of onion’s health benefits. For these reasons, special care is needed in the storage, handling and cooking of this vegetable.

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Nov 27, 2013

Sugary drinks linked to womb cancer: Those who consume the most are 78 per cent more likely to contract killer disease

PUBLISHED: 23:21 GMT, 22 November 2013 | UPDATED: 23:33 GMT, 22 November 2013

  • Study reveals link to the cancer - which kills 2,000 British women a year
  • University of Minnesota researchers looked at 25,000 women over 14 years
  • 600 of them developed the cancer, which is the fourth most common among women 
Soft drinks laden with sugar could raise a woman’s risk of developing womb cancer, claim researchers.   They said those who downed the highest amounts were 78 per cent more likely to suffer from the disease as those who did not.

The disease tends to hit women aged 50-plus and is Britain’s fourth most common female cancer, killing nearly 2,000 a year. The 14-year study involving almost 25,000 women in their 50s and 60s looked into endometrial cancer, which affects the lining of the womb.

The participants gave detailed data about what they ate and drank, with around half having fizzy drinks.
Almost 600 developed endometrial cancer, the most common form of the disease when it affects the womb. However, there was no link with diet versions.

The University of Minnesota researchers said that they couldn’t rule out that women who had lots of sugar-laden drinks had lots of unhealthy habits. However, they believe the sugar in the soft drinks to be key as it could make the women put on weight. This is important because fat cells make estrogen, a hormone that is believed to fuel endometrial cancer. Overweight women also tend to make more insulin, another hormone linked to the disease.

Researcher Dr Maki Inoue-Choi said: ‘Research has documented the contribution of sugar-sweetened beverages to the obesity epidemic.
‘Too much sugar can boost a person’s overall calorie intake and may increase the risk of health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.’

The study, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, is the latest in a long line to raise concerns about the health effects of the soft drinks enjoyed by millions of Britons every day.
Previous studies have linked them to a host of health problems, including heart attacks, diabetes, weight gain, brittle bones, pancreatic and prostate cancer, muscle weakness and paralysis.

The soft drinks industry says that its products account for a tiny amount of overall calorie intake.   


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Nov 22, 2013

Sembarangan Pakai Kosmetik Bisa Bikin Ibu Hamil Melahirkan Prematur

Radian Nyi Sukmasari - detikHealth
Kamis, 21/11/2013 08:21 WIB

Jakarta, Meskipun tengah berbadan dua, wanita hamil pasti tetap ingin terlihat cantik dan menarik, salah satunya dengan rajin menggunakan berbagai produk kecantikan, terutama kosmetik. Nah, bagi Anda ibu hamil yang gemar memakai kosmetik, sebaiknya hati-hati sebab penggunaan kosmetik yang sembarangan bisa memicu kelahiran prematur.

Dilaporkan AFP, sebuah studi di AS menyebutkan bahwa wanita hamil yang terpapar bahan kimia phthalates yang biasa ditemukan dalam parfum, hair spray, pewarna kuku, deodoran, dan body lotion berisiko lebih tinggi melahirkan prematur.

Dikutip dari Asia One, Kamis (21/11/2013), selain pada produk kosmetik, pthalates juga banyak ditemukan dalam plastik atau kemasan makanan. Menurut laporan Journal Of The American Medical Association, temuan ini penting karena prematur merupakan penyebab utama kematian bayi di dunia.

"Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara paparan phthalates selama kehamilan dan kelahiran prematur. Data ini memberi dukungan yang kuat untuk mengambil tindakan guna mencegah atau mengurangi paparan phtalates selama kehamilan," kata pemimpin studi Kelly Ferguson dari University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Penelitian ini dilakukan di Brigham and Women's Hospital di Boston. Peneliti melibatkan 130 wanita yang melahirkan sebelum waktunya dan 352 wanita sebagai kontrol partisipan. Peneliti melihat bahwa semakin tinggi paparan phthalates, makin besar kemungkinan perempuan akan melahirkan terlalu dini.

"Bukti ini cukup kuat untuk mendorong wanita hamil menghindari phthalates untuk meminimalisir kelahiran prematur," kata Dr Sarah Robertson, direktur The Robinson Institute di University of Adelaide, Australia.

"Caranya mudah, bacalah label produk dengan hati-hati, gunakan kosmetik bebas pewangi dan pilihlah makanan segar ketimbang makanan dalam kemasan," pungkas Sarah.

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The secret to being skinny? Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day

PUBLISHED: 11:37 GMT, 19 November 2013 | UPDATED: 11:39 GMT, 19 November 2013

·         People who have regular sleep patters have lower levels of body fat
·         Getting less than 6.5 hours, or more than 8.5 hours, sleep a night is associated with having higher levels of body fat in women
·         Poor sleep quality affects the body's levels of hormones related to hunger

If you want to lose weight, but are not a fan of the gym, the results of a new study could offer a welcome alternative. People who wake up and go to bed at the same time every day are slimmer than those with irregular sleep patterns, the study found. Researchers studied more than 300 women, aged 17 to 26, over the course of several weeks and found that those with the best - or most consistent - sleeping habits had less body fat.

The volunteers were assessed for body composition, and were then were given an activity tracker to record their movements during the day, and their sleep patterns at night. The study, published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, found that getting less than 6.5 hours, or more than 8.5 hours, sleep a night is linked to higher levels of body fat. Women with more than 90 minutes of variation in sleep and wake time during the week had higher body fat levels than those with less than 60 minutes of variation.

Exercise science professor Bruce Bailey said poor sleep quality can result in higher body fat by affecting the hormones related to appetite. Professor Bailey said: ‘We have these internal clocks and throwing them off and not allowing them to get into a pattern does have an impact on our physiology.’ He says there are ways to improve sleep quality, such as regular exercise, keeping your bedroom quiet and dark, and using beds only for sleeping.

‘Sleep is often a casualty of trying to do more and be better and it is often sacrificed, especially by college students, who kind of wear it as a badge of honour,’ Professor Bailey said. Previous research from Temple University, in Philadelphia, revealed that when people get a good night's sleep they have lower fasting levels of the hunger-regulating hormone leptin.

They found that when children slept more, they consumed 134 fewer calories a day and lost weight.
These findings were supported by research from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota which also revealed that sleep deprived people eat more calories. The researchers studied 17 healthy young people and found that when they were sleep deprived they ate more. They believe this is because when the volunteers were tired, they had higher levels of the hormones leptin and ghrelin, both of which are associated with appetite.


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What do nutrition labels really mean?

MAKING healthy choices isn't always black and white, writes Grant Jones
It's usually all there in black and white, but both the nutrition information and ingredients panels are not always top of mind when we choose a food product.
Food labels tell us which nutrients, in what amounts, are in a product, warn us if it contains food allergens, inform us if the food is fresh or out of date and, when necessary, explain how to store, prepare or cook the food we buy.

The current nutrition information panel is required for many foods and must include energy, protein, fat, saturated fat, carbohydrate, sugars and sodium content.
"It's not make or break on one single nutrient; you really should look at all of them," says dietitian Dr Alan Barclay, spokesman for the Dietitians Association of Australia.
Some foods are exempt from displaying nutrition information panels, such as fresh fruit, meat and vegetables, but most packaged goods should display a panel set by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The label should also state where the food was produced and which company has marketed it.

Ingredients are always listed from greatest to smallest by how much they weigh - including any added water. For example, in a strawberry yoghurt, the ingredients could be listed as whole milk, concentrated skim milk, sugar, strawberries (9 per cent), gelatine, culture, thickener (1442). You can safely assume whole milk, concentrated skim milk and sugar make up the greatest part of the product.
The 1442 listed is a food additive from the European-based Codex Alimentarius, which uses numbers instead of complex chemicals, compounds or ingredients.
Where there are small amounts of multi-component ingredients (under 5 per cent), labels may list the composite ingredient only, for example, tomato sauce, rather than listing all the ingredients in the sauce. But any additive, such as a preservative, must be listed.

Sometimes within an ingredients list, you'll see a percentage in brackets, such as apples (26 per cent).
This lists the proportion of the ingredient included in the product - in this case, how much of your apple pie is apple. This is required when the ingredient has been highlighted in words or in a picture on the labels or an ad.

Some food labels include information on percentages of daily intake (seen as % DI) and nutrition claims.
Use these panels to compare key nutrients such as salt (sodium), sugar, carbo-hydrate and fat, of the food you buy. To compare similar products, check they have the same serving size first. If not, compare the average per 100g column to ensure you are comparing like with like.
If 20g of fat is listed in the per 100g column, this means the product is 20 per cent fat and therefore a high fat food.
"Every food group is different," said Dr Barclay.
"There are good and bad things added to the various food categories. So, for example, in bread it is usually salt which is the issue.
"Where as with yoghurt it can either be the fat content or added sugar content."
It's also a good idea to keep an eye on how many serves there are in the pack. If you only eat half the serve, then you will consume half the values shown. Similarly, if you eat two serves, you'll need to double it.

Dr Barclay says nutrition claims on labels "only focus on the positive aspects". "If you are looking to lose weight, choosing a lower kilojoule variety is something people should certainly be thinking about primarily," he says.
"There's a good rule of thumb that if there are more than six ingredients or those ingredients are names you can't pronounce, chances are it's a highly processed food and one you are better off without," he says.
Many of these claims are managed through a voluntary code, which meets criteria set by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.
For example, low fat foods are those with 3g of fat or less per 100g, while reduced fat foods contain 25 per cent per cent less fat than the regular product and at least 3g or less fat per 100g.
Low salt foods contain 120mg of sodium or less per 100g.
"There is not one size fits all," Dr Barclay says. "The over-arching issue for most of us is that we carry too much weight, and therefore I would argue that kilojoules is the most useful information for most of us."

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Nov 19, 2013

5 Kesalahan sepele ini bikin rambut rusak

Reporter : Masithoh Azzahro Lutfiasari | Jumat, 15 November 2013 - Berkilau, lembut dan mudah diatur. Siapa yang tidak menginginkan rambut seperti itu? Semua wanita tentu menginginkannya. Namun secara tidak Anda sadari, Anda mungkin melakukan kesalahan dalam merawat rambut yang malah akan menjadikan rambut Anda rusak. Berikut adalah kesalahan-kesalahan dalam merawat rambut, sebagaimana dilansir Grazia Daily.

1. Mencuci rambut setiap hari
Anda pasti tidak menyangka bahwa mencuci rambut setiap hari malah akan memicu produksi minyak berlebih pada kulit kepala? Ya, ternyata mencuci rambut setiap hari akan 'mengusir' minyak alami dari kulit kepala yang berfungsi untuk melindungi akar rambut. Dengan hilangnya minyak alami ini, maka kulit kepala akan menjadi kering dan secara otomatis kembali memproduksi minyak dalam jumlah yang malah lebih banyak untuk melumasi akar rambut.

2. Mengeringkan rambut dengan handuk terlalu 'keras'
Saat mengeringkan rambut, ada baiknya Anda tidak menggosok-gosokan handuk ke rambut dengan gerakan yang terlalu kencang karena dapat memicu kerapuhan batang rambut. Cukup tekan-tekan saja handuk ke rambut dengan pijatan pelan hingga air cukup terserap dan tidak menetes lagi.

3. Diet yang tidak seimbang
Mungkin benar bahwa diet yang ketat dapat menurunkan berat badan Anda dengan cepat. Namun, diet ketat yang kebanyakan membuat tubuh kekurangan asupan nutrisi, ternyata dapat membuat rambut Anda 'ngambek' dan terlihat kusam.

4. Membiarkan rambut kusut menjelang tidur
Menyisir rambut setiap sebelum tidur sangatlah penting. Ini dapat menstimulasi kulit kepala Anda sehingga peredaran darah menjadi lancar dan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan oleh rambut dapat diedarkan dengan maksimal.

5. Terlalu lama mengikat rambut
Jika pekerjaan Anda mengharuskan Anda untuk mengikat rambut seharian, maka segera 'bebaskan' rambut Anda begitu sampai di rumah. Tarikan yang kuat dalam waktu yang lama dan terus-menerus pada rambut dapat membuat akarnya melemah sehingga gampang rontok.

Inilah 5 kesalahan yang sering orang lakukan pada rambut yang dapat membuatnya rusak.

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6 Unexpected Ways Writing Can Transform Your Health

The Huffington Post  |  By Amanda L. Chan    

When is the last time you wrote something? Really wrote something, putting pen to paper, and not just typing away an email or report on a computer or smartphone. If it's been awhile, you might want to consider getting back into the practice -- writing (whether it be expressive writing, like you would do in a diary, or keeping a gratitude journal) has been linked with a number of benefits for both body and mind. Read through the list for some ways to write your way to a better you.

Writing by hand can help you learn better.
Step away from the computer -- the very act of using a pen or pencil to put things on paper can help you better retain the information you are writing, according to research. That's because in the physical act of writing, signals are being sent from your hands to your brain to build motor memory.

Expressing emotions through words may speed healing.
Writing down your thoughts and feelings after a traumatic event can actually make physical wounds heal faster, according to a study from New Zealand researchers. In this study, participants were assigned to write in a journal either about their deepest, most innermost thoughts and feelings, or about anything except their feelings or beliefs. Then, after two weeks, they had skin biopsies taken -- which left a wound on their arms. Researchers followed up with the participants until those wounds were healed, and found that those assigned to expressively write in the journals had faster healing times than those told to avoid writing about their feelings, TIME reported.

It could help change the way cancer patients think about their disease.
Attitude is everything, and that phrase couldn't be truer for people going through a life-changing experience like a cancer diagnosis. A 2008 study in the journal The Oncologist showed that expressive writing could help cancer patients not only think about their disease in a different way, but also improve their quality of life. "Moreover, despite the pilot nature of the present study, initial findings suggest that a single, 20-minute writing exercise led to changes in how some patients thought about their illness," the researchers wrote in the study.

Consider it a fundamental part of your gratitude practice.
When's the last time you counted out everything you have to be thankful for in life? Keeping a gratitude journal could help you feel happier, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of California, Davis and the University of Miami. The New York Times reported that people in the study who kept a gratitude journal that they wrote in once a week for two months were more optimistic about life (and, interestingly, exercised more), compared with people who did not keep such a journal.

And writing down what you're thankful for could help you sleep better, too.
Spending just 15 minutes a night writing down what you're thankful for could do wonders for your sleep, according to an Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being study. Researchers found that study participants who wrote down a list of things they were grateful for before bed experienced longer -- and better -- sleep, Psychology Today reported.

It makes your mind -- and body -- better.
According to a 2005 article in the journal Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, the benefits of expressive writing aren't just experienced short-term -- they can also pay off in the long run. Expressive writing has been linked with improved mood, well-being, stress levels and depressive symptoms, as well as more physical benefits of lower blood pressure, improved lung and liver functioning and decreased time spent in the hospital. Some research has also suggested that expressive writing could help people with post-traumatic stress disorder, though TIME notes that some of the research on writing's effects on psychological health are a little more conflicting.


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Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

When eaten on a regular basis, foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the body, helping to prevent the long-term health consequences associated with it — but only if you also eliminate the foods that cause inflammation. When inflammation is under control, not only will you have more energy and feel better overall, but you’ll also find that weight loss and reduction of belly fat both become easier!

Try adding anti-inflammatory foods into your meal plan on a daily basis. The more often you eat these foods, the less inflammation that will be present in your body. The following foods and nutrients can fight inflammation:

1. Fruits and vegetables
All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily. Some types of fresh produce, however, are even more potent than others.

Some terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables to include in your meal plan include apples, berries, broccoli, mushrooms, papaya, pineapple, and spinach.

2. Green tea
This mild beverage is great for helping shrink your waistline as well as for decreasing inflammation. The flavonoids in this tea have natural anti-inflammatory properties. And the compound EGCG in green tea has been shown to help reduce body fat.

3. Monounsaturated fats
These heart-healthy fats help raise your healthy HDL cholesterol levels and reduce overall inflammation. Great sources include olive oil, almonds, and avocado.

4. Omega-3 fatty acids
Research has shown that a diet with a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids and a low percentage of omega-6 fatty acids has been linked with decreased inflammation. Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.

5. Spices
Certain spices, including garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and chili peppers, have potent inflammation-reducing capabilities, so try adding them to meals as often as possible.

6. Water
Staying hydrated is essential to flushing inflammation-causing toxins out of your body. Aim for 64 ounces of water per day. Remember: Add an additional 8 ounces of water for every 30 minutes of exercise as well.

7. Whole grains
Rich in fiber, whole grains help control the insulin response in your body. The high B vitamin content of whole grains also helps reduce the inflammatory hormone homocystine in the body.,pageNum-8.html#slideshow

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Nov 12, 2013

7 Diet Habits You Should Drop Now

The Huffington Post  |  By Anna Almendrala, Posted: 10/31/2013 8:41 am

We get it: With so much contradictory advice floating around about the best diets for weight loss, it's no wonder many of us end up confused about what we should eat for optimal well-being and a healthy weight.

Read on for seven things you might think are helping you shed pounds, but could actually be sabotaging your weight loss and hurting your health. If you can drop these harmful habits, you might just become a healthy eater for life.

7. Skipping breakfast.
About 10 percent of the U.S. population, or 31 million Americans, skip breakfast, according to a 2011 survey. But according to a recent study from Tel Aviv university, breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day -- especially for people who want to lose weight. The researchers put 93 obese women into two different groups and instructed them to eat a nutritionally similar diet of 1,400 calories a day. The only difference was that one group made breakfast their biggest meal (at 700 calories) and the second group made dinner their biggest meal (700 calories).

After 12 weeks, the group that had made breakfast their biggest meal lost an average of 18 pounds and three inches from their waist, while the big dinner group only lost seven pounds and 1.4 inches from their waists. Additionally, while both groups lost weight, those in the big dinner group actually had an increase in triglyceride levels, which is linked to heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, reports Medical News Today.

6. Going on a juice cleanse.
Proponents of the juice cleanse claim that going on an all-liquid diet of pressed vegetables, fruits and a small amount of nut milk for days or even weeks will clear your body of toxins, help you drop weight and make your skin glow.

Don't believe the hype, warns the Mayo Clinic. Despite the appearance of hip juice bars in your city and the popularity of juice cleanses among some celebrities, long-term juice cleanses are one of the worst things you can do to your body if you want to shed pounds for good.

The reason? While long-term cleanses will make you lose weight, it's mostly water weight that will boomerang back once you resume your normal eating habits. And it could trigger other health problems, as well, including an out-of-whack metabolism and irritability.

If you genuinely like the feel and taste of liquified vegetables and fruits, then juice away for a meal here or a snack there. But don't juice exclusively for long periods of time, and remember that juicing strips many foods of their fiber and nutrient-rich skins while concentrating the sugar in fruit, warns Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D. of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

5. Filling up on diet soda drinks.
It makes sense. Fizzy drinks make you feel full, which could help quell the need to snack. But if you're turning to diet soda drinks for your fix, then you could actually be sabotaging your weight loss.

Drinking diet soda and other artificially sweetened beverages could be linked to weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure, according to a 2013 analysis of recent studies on artificial sweeteners by Purdue University.

The reason? Your body might be confused by artificial sweeteners, according to lead analyst Susan E. Swithers, Ph.D., a Purdue professor of psychological sciences and a behavioral neuroscientist. Swithers' research suggests that your body's natural ability to manage calories based on tasting sweet things is being seriously toyed with, thanks to the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas. Instead of diet drinks, try plain sparkling water for that fizzy full feeling.

4. Completely cutting out entire food groups.
Gluten. Carbs. Sugar. Meat. There is no magic bullet to weight loss, but for some people, elimination diets seem like a quick and easy way to feel in control of their bodies. Unfortunately, for those at risk for disordered eating, some elimination diets can actually just be a mask for eating disorders like anorexia and orthorexia, according to Yahoo! Shine.

The Mayo Clinic defines orthorexia nervosa as an obsession with "eating foods that make them feel pure and healthy," by avoiding things like artificial additives, pesticides, genetic modification, and unhealthy amounts of fat, sugar and salt.

But wait a second! Aren't all those ingredients good things to avoid? Yes -- but some people with the orthorexia could become so obsessed that they eventually "isolate themselves and often become intolerant of other people's views about food and health." Even worse, they could be missing out on key nutrients, especially if they fling themselves into gluten-free or vegan diets by focusing on the foods they can't eat, instead of doing research on the nutritious foods they can eat.

Of course, people who have diagnosed celiac disease must avoid gluten because it damages the small intestine and prevents the body from absorbing nutrients. When people with celiac disease eat gluten, they can suffer from chronic diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and weight loss, according to the National Institutes of Health. But be warned: just because a food is labeled "gluten free," doesn't mean it's healthy for you (check out for some gluten-free foods loaded with fat and sugar).

3. Opting for low-fat versions.
Intuitively, it makes sense: If you want to get rid of body fat, stop eating fat. But research shows that the fat you eat isn't really linked to weight gain and disease, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Instead, it's the total amount of calories eaten, as well as "bad" fats like trans and saturated fats found in meat and processed foods, that seem to be linked to health problems. HSPH notes that people who go on low-fat diets often end up cutting out the good fats too, like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in olive oil and fatty fish.

Not only is fat good for you in moderation, but labels like "low-fat" and "nonfat" actually trick people into eating more, according to a study conducted by the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. Researchers found that people who saw snack foods with a "low fat" label ate up to 50 percent more than those who ate from bags without the label. Eaters also underestimated the calorie content of "low–fat" M&Ms and granola by 48 percent and 50 percent, respectively -- especially overweight people. Instead of assuming that low-fat or nonfat foods are automatically better for you, read the nutritional labels first. You might just find that low-fat or nonfat versions actually have more sugar or calories than the normal-fat foods.

2. Going hungry.
For people who want to lose weight fast, dropping too many calories could actually be an exercise in futility. A meta-analysis of 31 long-term diets that averaged 1,200 calories a day found that while people lost weight, the vast majority regained it all back within four or five years, reports A better strategy would be to estimate the total amount of calories you use in a day, and then shave a small amount off that number.

"If you want to lose weight and keep it off forever, you need a modest calorie restriction that you simply continue and never stop," nutritionist Christopher Gardner told For example, if you figure out you need about 2,500 calories a day (using this formula), simply cutting out 250 calories a day could result in more successful, permanent weight loss over the course of a year than if you had plummeted down to 1,200 calories a day and could only stand to deprive yourself for, say, four months.

1. Thinking about it as a "diet" in the first place.
This is the medical truth some weight loss professionals are scared to admit: The vast majority of people who lose weight won't be able to keep it off for good.

But for people who prioritize lifestyle changes over diet, there is hope when it comes to longterm weight loss, according to obesity expert Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D. of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Pagoto recently published an editorial calling for an end to the diet wars in the Journal of the American Medical Association, pointing out that no diet is better or worse at helping people shed pounds.

"The 'diet' used within a lifestyle intervention can be low-fat, low-carb, etc. It doesn't matter," Pagoto told LiveScience. "Adherence is key, and the way to destroy adherence is forcing foods on someone they do not like, do not know how to prepare, or can't afford."

The faster you understand this, the better your chances are of making small, realistic and sustainable changes that you can carry on for the rest your life, as opposed to adopting dramatic, short-term diets that can ultimately result in an unhealthy cycle of losing and gaining weight.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

10 gross ingredients you didn't know were in your food

If you're still reeling from the horsemeat scandal, hold on to your hats – there may well be arsenic in your beer and rat hair in your chocolate

Since the horsemeat scandal, more of us than ever before are holding a microscope up to what we eat. But no matter how many labels you read, you could still be consuming things you'd rather put on your "do not eat" list. From human hair in our bread to fish bladder in our beer, there are a lot of additives and food processing techniques that employ ingredients and chemicals few would classify as "appetising". It's a reminder, frankly, that non-processed foods are your best bet.

Traces of arsenic in food are nothing new. The potent human carcinogen arsenic has been known to turn up in everything from rice to cereal to juice, and most recently German researchers found traces of it in beer, noting some levels found were more than twice than what is allowed in drinking water. Traces of arsenic can actually be found in both beers and wine that are clearer in colour. That's because they will have been filtered to get rid of plant matter and leftover yeast; most people don't want to drink a cloudy pinot grigio after all. To filter, beer and winemakers use diatomaceous earth, a natural product that contains iron and metals; hence the arsenic. Want less arsenic in your drink? Opt for drinks that are unfiltered.

Human hair
Amino acids are your body's building blocks, and while they can be good for your health, not all amino acids are created equal. L-Cysteine – an amino acid used to prolong shelf-life in products such as commercial bread – can be found in duck and chicken feathers and cow horns, but most that's used in food comes from human hair. It has been reported that most of the hair used to make L-Cysteine comes from China, where it's gathered from barbershops and hair salons. You can avoid L-Cysteine by buying fresh bread from a local baker, as it is not an additive in flour. Steer clear of fast food places such as McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and Burger King too, who all use L-Cysteine as an additive.

You're not drinking straight antifreeze when you down a soft drink, but if your drink of choice has propylene glycol in it you're consuming a compound that's used for everything from antifreeze to cosmetics to pharmaceuticals to electronic cigarettes. Its properties are many, so it's no surprise that chemical companies such as DOW get excited about its potential in the corporate food world. It's also a minor ingredient in Corexit, the oil dispersant that was used after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Fortunately, if you live in the European Union, propylene glycol is not cleared as a general-purpose food grade product or direct food additive.

Beaver anal glands
If you're eating vanilla, strawberry or raspberry ice-cream, you may just be eating beaver's anal and urine secretions. Castoreum, which comes from the castor sacs of male and female beavers, is an FDA-approved food additive popular in ice-creams, and allowed to be called "natural flavouring", meaning you probably don't know that you are eating it.
Fish bladder

A round of beers may sound like the perfect way to celebrate with vegetarian and vegan friends alike, but watch what beer you're drinking. Isinglass is a gelatin-like substance produced from the swim bladder of a fish. It's added to cask beers and Guinness, to help remove any "haziness" from the final product - removing any residue yeast or solid particles in the beer – which means you could end up with a trace of fish bladder in your pint glass.

Coal tar
Many processed foods are known for including a long list of dyes, and many of those dyes are derived from coal tar. Yellow #5, also known as tartrazine, was linked to childhood hyperactivity in 2007 and since then any product in the EU that contains it must also come with a warning label. In the US, however, there is no such regulation. Concern over the food colouring recently prompted bloggers to petition Kraft to remove the dyes from their popular macaroni cheese product.

Silicone breast implant filler
Chicken McNuggets from McDonald's aren't known for being the healthiest thing on the planet, but they're not really known for being "chicken" either. The nuggets are actually only about 50% actual chicken; the rest comprises synthetic ingredients, including dimethylpolysiloxane, a chemical used in silicone that can be found in Silly Putty as well as breast implant filler.

Boiled beetle shells
Natural Red #4 may sound harmless, but the food colouring – also known as carmine – is made by boiling female cochineal insect shells in ammonia or a sodium carbonate solution. It takes about 70,000 of the bugs to produce one pound of dye. Coffee giant Starbucks got slammed in 2012 for using the additive in their frappuccinos and eventually binned it, but it's a commonly employed ingredient in many foods. The European Food Standards Authority recently included it as an additive to research more. But while some may feel queasy at the thought of consuming bugs, the synthetic alternatives to this natural dye, such as Red #2 and Red #40, are made from petroleum products. Pick your poison.

Rodent hair
Producing food products in an industrial facility is nothing like cooking at home, and certainly a big warehouse space is sure to be home to a few rodents here and there. Maybe that's why the US FDA allows for certain amounts of rodent hair in various products, something they call an "unavoidable defects": one rodent hair for every 100g chocolate, 22 rodent hairs for every 100g cinnamon and five rodent hairs for every 18oz jar of peanut butter. Yum.

Banned in the US and Canada as a food additive but allowed in the EU, borax is also known for making its way into fire-retardant, anti-fungal compounds and enamel. E285, as it's known in the food world, is used to control acidity in products as well as assist in preservation. You'll find it in some caviars – including those imported to the US – as well as various Asian noodle and rice dishes as it adds a firm, rubbery texture to foods.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: