Oct 29, 2013

Waspada, 6 Hal Sepele Ini Bisa Sebabkan Kanker

Rahma Lillahi Sativa – detikHealth, Kamis, 27/06/2013

Jakarta, Lekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari membuat banyak orang tak menyadari barang-barang di sekitarnya bisa jadi penyebab kanker. Deterjen atau bahkan roti tawar dan kripik pun bisa jadi pemicu kanker.

Untuk itu, agar kesehatan terjaga dan risiko kanker tetap menjauh dari Anda, simak enam hal sepele yang ada di sekitar kita namun dapat menyebabkan kanker, seperti dilansir ABC News, Kamis (27/6/2013) berikut ini.

1. Sabun cuci alias deterjen
Penyebab: 1,4-dioxane. Level ancaman: 3

Meski deterjen dapat menghilangkan noda-noda membandel di baju, tapi biasanya deterjen juga akan meninggalkan racun kimiawi di tempat yang sama. Hal ini dibuktikan pada tahun 2011 oleh Environmental Working Group, AS.

Kelompok pecinta lingkungan ini menemukan adanya kandungan 1,4-dioxane di dalam sabun cuci baju tersebut. Senyawa kimia ini sebenarnya tidak terbukti menyebabkan kanker pada manusia, tapi dapat memicu tumor di hati dan sistem pernafasan tikus.

"Lebih buruk lagi, Anda takkan menemukan 1,4-dioxane pada label deterjennya karena ini adalah limbah, bukannya komposisi deterjen itu sendiri," ungkap Sonya Lunder, M.P.H., dari Environmental Working Group.

Antisipasi: Gunakan pembersih pakaian yang lebih ramah lingkungan atau setidaknya biasakan membaca label deterjen yang akan Anda gunakan. Polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, PEG, polyoxyethylene, atau komposisi yang menggunakan kata-kata berakhiran "oxynol" dan "eth" biasanya mengandung dioxane.

2. Pakaian bebas kerutan
Penyebab: Formaldehyde. Level ancaman: 2

Selain membuat pakaian tak berkerut, formaldehyde juga biasa digunakan untuk mengawetkan mayat. Tapi yang bermasalah bukanlah mayat, tapi manusia yang masih hidup. "Ada bukti bahwa formaldehyde dapat menyebabkan kanker di hidung dan sistem pernafasan manusia, apapun bentuknya.

Bahkan jika Anda menggunakan beberapa barang yang mengandung formaldehyde sekaligus maka risikonya akan semakin tinggi. Dan tak ada kadar paparan yang aman bagi senyawa ini," kata Lunder.

Antisipasi: Kurangi kontak antara kulit dengan pakaian yaitu dengan kembali mengenakan kemeja biasa. Tapi jika Anda masih sering memakai pakaian berbahan bebas kerut, setidaknya pastikan pakaian tersebut dicuci terlebih dulu sebelum dipakai untuk pertama kalinya. Menurut California Environmental Protection Agency, cara ini dapat mengurangi emisi formaldehyde hingga 60 persen.

3. Kentang goreng, keripik dan roti tawar
Penyebab: Acrylamide. Level ancaman: 3

Acrylamide, salah satu jenis senyawa kimia yang digunakan untuk mengolah air limbah ini banyak terkandung di dalam kentang goreng, keripik, roti tawar hingga donat.

"Ketika makanan berkarbohidrat tinggi semacam ini diolah dalam suhu tinggi, asam amino asparagine-nya bereaksi dengan gula di dalam makanan dan membentuk acrylamide," terang Timothy Fennell, Ph.D., direktur divisi toksikologi RTI International.

Begitu pula dengan reaksi kimiawi tubuh terhadap acrylamide dapat menyebabkan mutasi DNA yang berujung pada peningkatan risiko kanker seseorang.

Antisipasi: Ubah strategi masak Anda di dapur. "Pilihlah makanan yang dapat diolah dalam waktu singkat dengan suhu rendah. Tapi jika Anda terpaksa menggoreng, usahakan jangan terlalu gosong. Sebelum digoreng, cobalah merendam kentang di dalam air selama dua jam. Menurut para pakar dari UK, cara ini dapat menurunkan penumpukan acrylamide di dalam kentang hingga lebih dari separuh.

4. Gelas atau kotak makan dari styrofoam
Penyebab: Styrene. Level ancaman: 1

Salah satu fakta yang menyebabkan kotak makan atau gelas dari styrofoam harus dikurangi penggunaannya adalah styrofoam tak dapat diuraikan. Terutama karena bahan styrofoam adalah styrene yang memicu munculnya senyawa kimia yang dapat merusak DNA.

Antisipasi: Hindari berbagai jenis produk yang terbuat dari styrene, termasuk gelas kopi. "Yang terpenting jangan sampai Anda memanaskan makanan di dalam styrofoam atau kotak makan yang terbuat dari polystyrene containers, terutama makanan berlemak, yang dapat memicu keluarnya styrene," tandas David Andrews, Ph.D., dari Environmental Working Group.

Tapi bagaimana caranya mengatakan jika kotak makan dari plastik mengandung polystyrene atau tidak? Carilah angka '6' di bagian bawah kotak tersebut. Jika iya, ada kemungkinan besar kotak makan tersebut mengandung polystyrene.

5. Nasi merah
Penyebab: Arsenik. Level ancaman: 5

Awalnya arsenik hanya ditemukan pada berbagai senjata untuk perang seperti pistol dan senapan laras panjang. Tapi belakangan senyawa kimia ini juga banyak didapati di dalam bahan makanan seperti nasi merah dengan merk-merk tertentu. Bahkan kadarnya lebih banyak daripada yang ditemukan di dalam nasi putih.

"Padahal arsenik dapat mengganggu sistem perbaikan DNA tubuh seseorang, jadi ketika sel-selnya rusak, DNA-nya tak dapat diperbaiki dan membuatnya rentan mengalami mutasi yang menyebabkan kanker," kata Michael Hansen, Ph.D., peneliti senior dari Consumers Union, AS.

Antisipasi: Cuci dulu beras merah Anda sebelum dimasak (dan air yang digunakan juga harus bersih). Ketika makan di luar rumah pun batasi konsumsi nasi atau makanan berbahan nasi menjadi dua porsi dalam seminggu saja.

6. Rokok elektrik
Penyebab: Nitrosamines. Level ancaman: 3

Meski dianggap bukan rokok yang sebenarnya, ternyata rokok elektrik pun dapat berisiko menimbulkan kanker. FDA menemukan bahwa nitrosamines terkandung dalam sejumlah produk rokok elektrik tertentu.

Jadi meski Anda bukanlah perokok, Anda masih bisa mendapatkan risiko kanker dengan menghisap rokok elektrik. Pasalnya nitrosamine-nya dapat terbentuk ketika asam perut bereaksi dengan nitrat dan nitrit di dalam beberapa produk makanan yang dikonsumsi seperti hot dog atau daging olahan lainnya.

Antisipasi: Jika ingin berhenti merokok, lakukan secara spontan saja. Menurut sebuah studi dari University of Wisconsin, perokok yang mengurangi konsumsi rokoknya sebelum berencana untuk stop merokok justru lebih cenderung kambuhan ketimbang yang berhenti merokok begitu saja.

Selain itu, kurangi asupan daging olahan Anda atau ubah cara Anda mengolahnya. Direbus atau diolah dengan microwave jauh lebih baik daripada digoreng.


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8 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Deodorant

We sweat for a reason. And yet, we spend $18 billion a year trying to stop or at least mask the smell of our sweat. Yep, that's $18 billion a year spent on deodorant and antiperspirants. But even though you use it every day, we doubt you know all of these surprising facts about your swipe sticks.

Being anti-body odor is NOT a modern phenomenon.
According to the New York Times, ancient Egyptians "invented the art of scented bathing" and took to applying perfume to their pits.

The first trademarked deodorant -- in 1888! -- was called Mum, and the first antiperspirant, Everdry, followed 15 years later, the Times reported.

Deodorant kills bacteria.
Sweat isn't inherently stinky. In fact, it's nearly odorless. The stench comes from bacteria that break down one of two types of sweat on your skin. Deodorant contains some antibacterial power to stop the stink before it starts, while antiperspirants deal with sweat directly.

Antiperspirants don't actually stop the sweating process.
The aluminum compounds in antiperspirants effectively stop up the eccrine sweat glands.
But the FDA only requires that a brand cut back on sweat by 20 percent to boast "all day protection" on its label, the Wall Street Journal reported. An antiperspirant claiming "extra strength" only has to cut down on wetness by 30 percent.

You really can become "immune" to your antiperspirant.
It seems that our bodies do adapt to the sweat-thwarting ways of antiperspirants, but no one really knows why, HuffPost Style reported. The body may adapt and find a way to unplug the glands, or simply produce more sweat in the body's other glands.

"It's a good idea to switch up your deodorant brand every six months to prevent resistance," Dr. Han Lee, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Southern California, told Men's Health.

Your deodorant doesn't care if you're male or female.
Fun fact: While women have more sweat glands than men, men's sweat glands produce more sweat.

But deodorant for men or for women is most likely little more than a marketing ploy. In at least one brand, the same active ingredient is present in the same amounts in the sticks for men and women, Discovery Health reported. It's only packaging and fragrance that differs.

We're still falling for it, though: As of 2006, unisex deodorants make up just 10 percent of the sweat-fighting market, USA Today reported.

Not everyone needs deodorant -- and it's possible to tell if you do by your earwax.
Deodorant advertisers have done a pretty good job of convincing us that we're disgustingly smelly animals who need to be refined by their products.

But, most people don't smell as bad as they think they do, Esquire reported, and some, who come from a particularly lucky gene pool, don't even smell at all.

Short of forgoing all deodorant long enough to discover your true scent -- which this brave soul did for 10 days -- you can get an idea about your own personal smell factor by examining your earwax. (Hey, no one said this wouldn't be gross!) White, flaky ear gunk most likely means you could toss the deodorant stick. Dark and sticky wax... not so fast! Dry earwax producers are missing a chemical in their pits that the odor-causing bacteria feed on, according to LiveScience.

No one -- not even deodorant makers -- truly understands where those yellow stains come from.
The dominant theory is that the aluminum-based ingredients in antiperspirants somehow react with sweat or
skin or shirts or laundry detergent or all of the above to make that foul stain. Hanes is even "researching the 'yellowing phenomenon,'" according to the Wall Street Journal. The only way to truly prevent them is to say no to aluminum-based antiperspirants.

You can make your own.
A number of plant oils and extracts contain their very own antibacterial powers, so in theory you can make your own stench-fighting deodorant relatively easily. However, people seem to find all-natural, store-bought products to have varying degrees of efficacy -- not to mention you won't find an all-natural antiperspirant, just odor blockers.


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16 Signs You May Have HIV

Think you have HIV? The only way to tell is to get an HIV test, but here are some possible symptoms.
By Amanda Gardner

Within a month or two of HIV entering the body, 40% to 90% of people experience flulike symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). But sometimes HIV symptoms don't appear for years—sometimes even a decade—after infection.

"In the early stages of HIV infection, the most common symptoms are none," says Michael Horberg, MD, director of HIV/AIDS for Kaiser Permanente, in Oakland, Calif. One in five people in the United States with HIV doesn't know they have it, which is why it's so important to get tested, especially if you have unprotected sex with more than one partner or use intravenous drugs.

Here are some signs that you may be HIV-positive.

One of the first signs of ARS can be a mild fever, up to about 102 degrees F. The fever, if it occurs at all, is often accompanied by other usually mild symptoms, such as fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and a sore throat.

"At this point the virus is moving into the blood stream and starting to replicate in large numbers," says Carlos Malvestutto, MD, instructor of infectious diseases and immunology in the department of medicine at NYU School of Medicine in New York City. "As that happens, there is an inflammatory reaction by the immune system."

The inflammatory response generated by your besieged immune system also can cause you to feel tired and lethargic. Fatigue can be both an early and later sign of HIV.

Ron, 54, a public relations executive in the Midwest, started to worry about his health when he suddenly got winded just walking. "Everything I did, I got out of breath," he says. "Before that I had been walking three miles a day." Ron had tested HIV positive 25 years before feeling so tired; fatigue during acute, or newly contracted, HIV might not be so obvious.

Achy muscles, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes
ARS is often mistaken for the flu, mononucleosis, or another viral infection, even syphilis or hepatitis.

That's not surprising: Many of the symptoms are the same, including pain in the joints and muscles and swollen lymph glands. Lymph nodes are part of your body's immune system and tend to get inflamed when there's an infection. Many of them are located in your armpit, groin, and neck.

Sore throat and headache
As with other symptoms, sore throat and headache can often be recognized as ARS only in context, Dr. Horberg says.

If you've engaged recently in high-risk behavior, an HIV test is a good idea. Get tested for your own sake and for others: HIV is most infectious in the earliest stage. Keep in mind that the body hasn't produced antibodies to HIV yet so an antibody test may not pick it up. (It can take a few weeks to a few monthsfor HIV antibodies to show in a blood test). Investigate other test options such as one that detects viral RNA, typically within nine days of infection.

Skin rash
Skin rashes can occur early or late in the course of HIV/AIDS.

For Ron, this was another sign that he might not have run-of-the-mill allergies or a cold. "They were like boils, with some itchy pink areas on my arms," Ron says. The rashes can also appear on the trunk of the body. "If [the rashes] aren't easily explained or easily treated, you should think about having an HIV test," Dr. Horberg says.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Anywhere from 30% to 60% of people have short-term nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea in the early stages of HIV, Dr. Malvestutto says.

These symptoms can also appear as a result of antiretroviral therapy and later in the infection, usually as the result of an opportunistic infection. "Diarrhea that is unremitting and not responding at all to usual therapy might be an indication," Dr. Horberg says. Or symptoms may be caused by an organism not usually seen in people with healthy immune systems, he adds.

Weight loss
Once called "AIDS wasting," weight loss is a sign of more advanced illness and could be due in part to severe diarrhea.

"If you're already losing weight, that means the immune system is usually fairly depleted," Dr. Malvestutto says. "This is the patient who has lost a lot of weight even if they continue to eat as much as possible. This is late presentation. We still see a lot of these." It has become less common, however, thanks to antiretroviral therapy.

A person is considered to have wasting syndrome if they lose 10% or more of their body weight and have had diarrhea or weakness and fever for more than 30 days, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Dry cough
A dry cough was the first sign Ron had that something was wrong. He at first dismissed it as bad allergies.

But it went on for a year and a half—and kept getting worse. Benadryl, antibiotics, and inhalers didn't fix the problem. Neither did allergists. This symptom—an "insidious cough that could be going on for weeks that doesn't seem to resolve," Dr. Malvestutto says—is typical in very ill HIV patients.

The cough and the weight loss may also presage a serious infection caused by a germ that wouldn't bother you if your immune system was working properly.

"There are many different opportunistic infections and each one can present differently," Dr. Malvestutto says. In Ron's case, it was Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), aka "AIDS pneumonia," which eventually landed him in the hospital. Other opportunistic infections include toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that affects the brain; a type of herpes virus called cytomegalovirus; and yeast infections such as thrush.

Night sweats
About half of people get night sweats during the early stages of HIV infection, Dr. Malvestutto says. These can be even more common later in infection and aren't related to exercise or the temperature of the room. Similar to the hot flashes that menopausal women suffer, they're also hard to dismiss, given that they soak your bedclothes and sheets.

Nail changes
Another sign of late HIV infection are nail changes, such as clubbing (thickening and curving of the nails), splitting of the nails, or discoloration (black or brown lines going either vertically or horizontally).

Often this is due to a fungal infection, such as candida. "Patients with depleted immune systems will be more susceptible to fungal infections," Dr. Malvestutto says.

Yeast infections
Another fungal infection that's common in later stages is thrush, a mouth infection caused by Candida, a type of yeast. "It's a very common fungus and the one that causes yeast infections in women," Dr. Malvestutto says. "They tend to appear in the mouth or esophagus, making it difficult to swallow."

Ron woke up one day to find white patches on his tongue. He had thrush. For him, "It was not bothersome other than I didn't like having it." The infection was hard to get rid of, but finally cleared up after Ron started taking drugs to combat HIV.

Confusion or difficulty concentrating
Cognitive problems could be a sign of HIV-related dementia, which usually occurs late in the course of the disease. In addition to confusion and difficulty concentrating, AIDS-related dementia might also involve memory problems and behavioral issues such as anger or irritability. It may even include motor changes: becoming clumsy, lack of coordination, and problems with tasks requiring fine motor skills such as writing by hand.

Cold sores or genital herpes
Cold sores (oral herpes) and genital herpes can be a sign of both ARS and late-stage HIV infection.

And having herpes can also be a risk factor for contracting HIV. This is because genital herpes can cause ulcers that make it easier for HIV to enter the body during sex. And people who have HIV tend to have more severe herpes outbreaks more often because HIV weakens the immune system.

Tingling and weakness
Late HIV can also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. This is called peripheral neuropathy, which also occurs in people with uncontrolled diabetes.

"This is when the nerves are actually damaged," Dr. Malvestutto says. These symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers and antiseizure medicines such as Neurontin (gabapentin).

Menstrual irregularities
Advanced HIV disease appears to increase the risk of having menstrual irregularities, such as fewer and lighter periods. These changes, however, probably have more to do with the weight loss and poor health of women with late-stage infection rather than the infection itself. Infection with HIV also has been associated with earlier age of menopause (47 to 48 years for infected women compared to 49 to 51 years for uninfected women).

Source: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20539037,00.html

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Oct 24, 2013

Want To Lose Weight? Try Eating A Big Breakfast

August 5, 2013
Brett Smith for redOrbit.com – Your Universe Online

Many health experts recommend a balanced breakfast to start each day and new research from Tel Aviv University in Israel has shown that a ‘big breakfast’ diet can even lead to more efficient weight loss when compared to a big dinner diet.

According to their report in the journal Obesity, the Israel-based team found that when overweight and obese women were given a weight-loss diet with the same amount of daily caloric intake, those who ate more for breakfast than dinner tended to lose more weight than those who did the opposite and feasted at night.

To investigate the health effects of meal timing, the research team enlisted 93 obese women who were randomly placed into one of two groups. Both groups were told to consume a moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-fat, 1,400-calorie-a-day diet for 12 weeks. The first group was told to eat 700 calories at breakfast, 500 at lunch, and 200 at supper. The other group had a 200 calorie breakfast, 500 calorie lunch, and 700 calorie dinner. Both groups’ 700-calorie meals included the same foods.

At the end of the twelve weeks, the “big breakfast” volunteers had lost an almost of 18 pounds each, on average. They also lost three inches off their waist line. The â€Å“big dinner†group averaged a 7.3-pound weight loss and 1.4 inches of lost waistline.

The breakfast group was also found to have noticeably lower levels of insulin, glucose, and triglycerides throughout the day, which could eventually lead to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol, added the researchers.

They also noted that the big breakfast group also had lower levels of the hunger-regulating hormone ghrelin, suggesting that these women were more satiated throughout the day than their counterparts in the other group. The breakfast group also did not experience blood glucose spikes that often occur after a meal. Some experts consider these jumps in blood sugar levels more harmful than sustained high blood glucose levels with respect to cardiovascular disease.

According to the researchers, the results indicate that proper meal timing should be considered when attempting to manage obesity, in addition to a regular exercise regimen and proper nutrition. The study authors also suggested that people minimize late-night snacking or mindless eating in front of the television screen.

One of the study’s authors – Daniela Jakubowicz, a diabetes expert at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, Israel – has been espousing the virtues of a large breakfast for years and even has a diet book based on the principle.

In a review of Jakubowicz’s 2009 book “The Big Breakfast Diet: Eat Big Before 9 a.m. and Lose Big for Life,” Los Angeles Times’ critic Anne Colby noted that most women would lose weight on the diabetes researcher’s recommended 1,100 calories-a-day diet. Colby added that a major drawback of the plan is that it slightly runs counter to social norms.

“The main drawback to the big-breakfast diet would seem to be the fact that people eat not just to satisfy hunger or cravings, but as a social activity,” Colby wrote in 2010. “And dinner is when they typically gather to break bread. Sure you can order up a vegetable platter or salad while others are noshing on pesto pasta and pizza, but it takes commitment.”


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Oct 23, 2013

Kosmetik Pengaruhi Perkembangan Payudara Anak

Tak hanya memicu pubertas dini, bahan kimia kosmetik juga memicu risiko kanker.

VIVAnews - Kandungan bahan kimia yang ditemukan di berbagai produk kecantikan mengakibatkan terjadinya pubertas lebih awal pada anak perempuan. Bahan kimia juga meningkatkan risiko kesehatan remaja putri di kemudian hari.

"Ada usia tertentu anak sangat rentan terhadap paparan kimia yang akan mempengaruhi kelenjar susu dan menyebabkan risiko kanker payudara di usia dewasa," ujar Maria Wolff, Profesor kedokteran pencegahan dan onkologi di Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Studi meneliti tiga jenis bahan kimia yang umum digunakan yaitu fenol, ftalat dan phytoestrogen. Bahan-bahan itu banyak ditemukan dalam produk sampo, pelembab tubuh, cat kuku, parfum, kosmetik wajah atau suplemen gizi.

Ketiga bahan itu ditemukan di dalam sampel urin 1.151 anak umur 6-8 tahun di New York, Cincinnati dan California Utara yang dijadikan objek penelitian di laboratorium. Bahan kimia itu mengganggu kerja hormon dan sistem endokrin.

Ftalat dan phytoestrogen dalam dosis tinggi memicu perkembangan payudara lebih dini. Ftalat yang banyak digunakan dalam produk perawatan kecantikan juga menimbulkan percepatan perkembangan organ genital anak perempuan.

Selain penggunaan kosmetik dan produk perawatan tubuh, gaya hidup dan asupan makanan mempengaruhi kualitas kesehatan anak di kemudian hari. "Perlu studi lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara bahan kimia, makanan dan gaya hidup," ujarnya.

Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan, masa pubertas terlalu awal akan menyebabkan kerugian sosial dan kesehatan di masa depan termasuk risiko diabetes dan kanker.

Sumber: http://log.viva.co.id/news/read/143583-kosmetik_pengaruhi_perkembangan_payudara_anak

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Minnesota Legislature Votes to Ban Formaldehyde in Children’s Soaps, Lotions

Minnesota’s legislature took a giant step toward protecting children by banning formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical, from children’s personal care products like lotions, shampoos, and bubble baths. The ban against the use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives would apply to products intended for children under eight. The legislation now moves to the desk of Governor Mark Dayton.

“Minnesota’s proposed ban on formaldehyde in children’s products is fantastic news for parents in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but families in the other 49 states also deserve safe products free of cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde,” said Cindy Luppi with the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and Clean Water Action. “We need Congress to pass the Safe Cosmetics Act that would protect children across America from personal care products made with toxic chemicals linked to serious health disorders and diseases.”

Consumer demand for safer products, especially for children, is changing the marketplace.

In 2011, Johnson & Johnson committed to reformulating its baby products to remove formaldehyde. Last year, the company set an industry standard by announcing it would remove known carcinogens and other toxic chemicals from both its baby and adult products by 2015.

“There’s no reason for formaldehyde-releasing chemicals to be in products that children inhale and absorb through their skin. Safer alternatives are available and being used by some manufacturers. This bill takes an important step in protecting young children who could suffer health effects from exposure to toxic formaldehyde,” said Kathleen Schuler, Co-Director of Healthy Legacy, the Minnesota environmental health coalition supporting the legislation.

Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives are used in many personal care products, particularly shampoos and lotions, and have been linked to both skin sensitivity and cancer. The European Union restricts the use of formaldehyde in personal care products, and requires that products with formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing ingredients carry the label “contains formaldehyde.”

Congress has yet to act to remove dangerous chemicals from personal care products. Legislation introduced earlier this year, the Safe Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Act of 2013, will phase out chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm; implement a strong safety standard designed to protect children, pregnant women and workers; require full disclosure of ingredients; and give FDA the authority to recall dangerous products.

Source: http://safecosmetics.org/article.php?id=1129

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Don’t want to put on weight as you get older? Try sweet chili peppers and cold spells

Scientists say exposure to moderately cold temperatures and a chemical found in chilies have been shown to boost levels of ‘brown fats’ linked to staving off weight gain.

Scientists have discovered that prolonged exposure to cold temperatures and eating chili peppers can help to prevent people putting on weight as they get older.

In a ground-breaking study from Japan, it has been shown that both cold and a chemical found in the peppers have similar effects in building up levels of BAT (brown adipose tissue), which helps regulate the way the body expends energy.

BAT is a kind of tissue that exists in all babies, found around the neck and chest, but which gradually breaks down as adults get older. This rate varies between people, and previous studies have proven there is a link between BAT levels dropping off and age-related weight-gain setting in.

This is the first time anyone has been able to prove BAT levels can be made to recover once lost. Scientists exposed test subjects to moderately low temperatures – 19°C – for two hours every day over six weeks.

When compared to a control group that went about their lives as normal, those subjected to cold showed increased levels of BAT – and also lost around 5 per cent of their body fat.

While this might seem a fairly obvious outcome as the test subjects’ bodies work harder to keep warm, what was really surprising was the similar effect on BAT of consuming “capsinoids”, found predominantly in sweet chili peppers.

Capsinoids have been shown to activate temperature sensors in the gut – similar to the way hot-tasting chilies impact sensors in the mouth.

Those studied who ate large quantities of peppers were also seen to experience increases in BAT tissue – though they didn’t, yet, lose body fat. Researchers speculated that a longer study would likely show genuine weight loss to go with the recovery of BAT.

Lead researcher and report author Takeshi Yoneshiro, from the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan, said: “Our results showed that human BAT could be recruited even in individuals who had lost BAT, thereby contributing to body fat reduction. This is the first report of successful recruitment of BAT leading to reduced body fat in humans.”

He added that capsinoids appear to induce so-called “brown fat” in the same way as cold by “capturing” the same cellular system that the body’s nervous system uses to increase heat production.

The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/dont-want-to-put-on-weight-as-you-get-older-try-sweet-chili-peppers-and-cold-spells-8894848.html

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Oct 16, 2013

6 Things Your Pee is Trying to Tell You

By SHAPE magazine | Healthy Living – Mon, Sep 23, 2013 11:26 AM EDT

You know that you've had your share of water/beer/coffee by the frequency in which you need to use the bathroom, but what else can pee tell you about your health and habits? A lot, it turns out. We asked R. Mark Ellerkmann, M.D., director for the Center of Urogynecology at the Weinberg Center for Women's Health and Medicine in Baltimore, MD, for some of the specific health and lifestyle issues your urine's odor, color, and frequency can indicate.

1. You're Pregnant.
The reason you have to pee on a stick after your first missed period is that shortly after conception (when a fertilized egg implants into the lining of the uterus), the fetus begins to secrete the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, which is what is detected by home pregnancy tests, Dr. Ellerkmann says. Some women also notice a strong, pungent odor early on, even before they're aware they're pregnant.

Once you've got a baby on board, running to the bathroom constantly is just one of the pesky parts of pregnancy, for a variety of reasons: your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate waste products from both you and the fetus, and as you (and the baby) get bigger, pressure on your bladder from your expanding uterus can send you to the ladies' morning, noon, and, annoyingly, in the middle of the night.

2. You have an injury or a medical condition.
 Medically speaking, if there are red blood cells in your urine-known as "hematuria"-this could indicate a variety of conditions, according to Dr. Ellkermann, from kidney stones to an impact injury (in rare cases this can be caused by strenuous exercise like running long distances). A sweet odor can be indicative of diabetes, since your body isn't properly processing glucose. If you're over 35 and have erratic or heavy periods and an increase in urine frequency, you may have fibroids, benign uterine tumors that can press on your bladder (depending on their size, which can range from an olive to a grapefruit). Needless to say, if you see blood, smell any usual odor, or have any other concerns, see your doctor.

3. You're a big fan of blackberries.
 Crazy for carrots? Bananas for beets? Certain fruits and vegetables that have dark pigments (like the anthocyanin that gives beets and blackberries their deep red color) can tint urine either pink, in the case of red or purple produce, or orange if you're eating foods rich in carotene like carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins. If you're on a produce kick or just a really big fan of borscht, a change in urine color is nothing to be alarmed about, just take note if it stays the same after you've given the farmer's market a rest (vitamins can have a similar effect, particularly Vitamin C, as well as certain medications). And of course there is the notorious asparagus pee odor, caused by a harmless compound the veggie contains.

4. You have a UTI.
 Yes, that awful burning feeling is a pretty good indication you've got a dreaded urinary tract infection, but frequency (more than seven times a day, according to Dr. Ellkerman) is also a sign it's time to call your doc. Other symptoms of a UTI can include fever, chills, pelvic/lower-back pain, and, occasionally, the presence of red blood cells can tinge urine pink, while white blood cells that are rushing to fight your infection can turn urine cloudy or cause an unpleasant odor. If you experience any of these symptoms, you likely need antibiotics to clear up the infection; your doctor can detect the presence of a UTI with a urine sample. If you're tempted to swill some Ocean Spray instead, don't bother-unless you really like it. Cranberry juice won't help after the fact, but may prevent a UTI by making it difficult for bacteria to adhere to the bladder wall.

5. Your kitchen is stocked with either wine, chocolate, coffee, or hot sauce.
And they should be, as all of those things are either necessary, delicious, or both. Unfortunately if you have stress incontinence, they can also make it worse. While this isn't terribly common in woman under 40 (though it can occur if you've had a baby or gynecological surgery), coffee, alcohol, sugar, and spicy foods can irritate bladder walls and aggravate the condition.

6. You're dehydrated.
You've may have heard that urine color-specifically dark yellow-can indicate dehydration, and this is indeed the case. When you're properly hydrated, pee should be clear or just vaguely straw colored (the color in urine is caused by a pigment called urichrome, which gets lighter and darker depending on how concentrated urine becomes), and you should be going regularly, about once an hour depending on a variety of factors. A strong urinary odor, also due to concentration, is a sign of dehydration as well. And yes, you do need the recommended eight cups of fluid per day, but you don't have to guzzle water to get it. Fruits and veggies contain water; if you're loading up on those, it contributes to your daily eight-cup goal. But hydration is also about self-regulation. If you're exercising, you need more fluid, (though only if you're training for a marathon or doing some other sort of very intense and long-duration activity do you need a sports drink), so be aware of your body's needs; fatigue and irritability can indicate dehydration as well.

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Oct 11, 2013

9 Minyak Berkhasiat untuk Rambut

Penulis : Unoviana Kartika | Senin, 29 Juli 2013

KOMPAS.com - Rambut yang indah bercahaya dapat diperoleh dari pengaplikasian minyak secara rutin pada rambut. Memijat rambut dengan minyak bukan hanya membantu untuk rileks, tetapi juga mencegah permasalahan rambut utama seperti rontok atau ketombe, serta menguatkan dan menutrisi rambut.

Berikut daftar minyak rambut yang membantu rambut untuk tumbuh lebih baik dan mencegah kerontokan.

1. Minyak zaitun
Mengaplikasikan minyak zaitun merupakan cara terbaik untuk melembabkan rambut, karena minyak ini memiliki kandungan anti-inflamasi yang membantu kulit kepala lebih sehat dan mencegah ketombe serta rambut rontok. Selain itu, minyak zaitun juga kaya kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh dan vitamin E yang membantu pertumbuhan rambut.

2. Minyak kelapa
Memijat rambut dengan minyak kelapa dapat membantu melembutkan batang rambut dan kulit kepala sehingga membuat rambut tampak berkilau. Minyak kelapa juga dapat membantu memperbaiki kerusakan rambut.

3. Minyak biji jarak
Membalurkan minyak biji jarak pada rambut seminggu kali dapat membantu untuk mencegah rambut kerontokan rambut. Nutrisi yang ada dalam minyak ini dapat melembabkan rambut dan memperbaiki pertumbuhan rambut. Serta minyak ini juga menghilangkan rambut bercabang dan permasalahan kulit kepala.

4. Minyak almond
Minyak almond berfungsi baik dalam menjaga kelembaban alami rambut. Minyak ini juga memberikan nutrisi pada rambut, mencegah kerontokan, dan memberikan kilau alami pada rambut.

5. Minyak alpukat
Minyak alpukat kaya akan nutrisi dari mulai asam amino hingga berbagai jenis vitamin. Sehingga pengaplikasikan minyak ini dapat memberikan nutrisi pada rambut yang memperbaiki pertumbuhannya.

6. Minyak lavender
Minyak lavender mengandung senyawa yang bersifat menenangkan dan melembutkan. Di samping itu, minyak ini juga bersifat antibakteri yang membantu mencegah infeksi dan kutu.

7. Minyak rosemary
Jenis minyak yang bermanfaat lainnya yaitu minyak rosemary yang membantu memperbaiki banyak masalah rambut, seperti kerontokan, ketombe, dan mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut.

8. Minyak sage
Minyak sage sangat bermanfaat untuk menumbuhkan rambut, karena kandungan senyawa penyubur rambutnya.

9. Minyak cemara
Menggunakan minyak cemara mampu memperbaiki aliran darah di kulit kepala sehingga mencegah kerontokan rambut.


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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: bynaturael.blogspot.com

Oct 10, 2013

Ragam Bahan Herbal untuk Rambut Berkilau

Rizky Sekar Afrisia, Tasya Paramitha, Senin, 30 September 2013

VIVAlife - Panas matahari, polusi, serta debu dapat mengurangi kemilau rambut. Menanggulangi itu, berbagai produk perawatan kerap digunakan. Sayang, kandungan kimia punya efek samping. Ia dapat membahayakan kesehatan rambut dan tubuh.

Lebih baik menggunakan bahan-bahan alami buatan sendiri. Mudah, murah. Banyak bahan herbal yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Tak hanya membuat rambut berkilau, bahan-bahan herbal ini juga mempercepat tumbuh kembang rambut.
Mengutip laman Boldsky, berikut bahan herbal yang bisa digunakan.

Bahan ini banyak digunakan di Eropa. Tak hanya membuat rambut berkilau, rosemary juga bisa menghilangkan ketombe dan mengontrol kerontokan rambut. Rosemary dapat dijadikan menu makanan atau dibalurkan langsung pada rambut.

Caranya, rebus rempah rosemary selama sepuluh menit, kemudian dinginkan. Saring airnya, lantas bilas rambut dengan air tersebut.

Bahan ini tak hanya wangi, tetapi juga dipercaya menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Dengan membasuh rambut menggunakan air rebusan chamomile, gatal kulit kepala akan hilang.

Pakis Horsetail
Bahan ini dapat diseduh dengan teh atau dicampur dengan sampo. Pakis horsetail dipercaya mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut.

Rendam daun jelagat dalam minyak zaitun, kemudian simpan di tempat dingin dan gelap selama dua minggu. Ramuan ini dapat dibalurkan pada permukaan kulit kepala guna memperkuat rambut dan mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut.

Minyak dari akar bahan herbal ini bermanfaat memperbaiki kondisi rambut. Selain itu, burdock juga dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut dan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah pada folikel rambut.


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Natural Shampoo
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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: bynaturael.blogspot.com