The Huffington
Post | By Renee Jacques |Posted:
Last week, Burger King announced that it had released a
"healthier" version of its french fries. If skepticism is your
immediate reaction to this statement, you're not alone. We tried these
"healthy fries," and found that they don't deviate too far from the
original ones in taste and nutrition.
But it got us thinking about the concept of a "healthier"
option -- is it always, in fact, better for you? In some instances, we've
found, the low-cal, fat-free, diet foods we find are even less healthful than
the originals. Take, for example, fat-free salad dressing: Manufacturers remove
some fat, but they replace those fats with less healthful ingredients, such as
high-fructose corn syrup. Here are a few more so-called health foods that we
think aren't better than the originals:
Fat-free milk
We know what you're thinking: "Only 90 calories in a one cup
serving and absolutely no fat? This MUST be a winner!" Think again. When
companies take out all the fat in milk, they're also removing good vitamins
like A and D. While some skim milk gets vitamins A and D added back in, it's
not naturally from the milk fat. Additionally, in a TIME article, Dr. Walter
Willett, chair of the department of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard
School of Public Health, said that most reduced-fat foods cause people to eat
more because they are not as filling.
Opting for milk with just a bit of fat helps you get nutrients like
conjugated lineolic acid without packing in too many calories.
Reduced-fat peanut butter
Some people stress over the amount of fat calories in peanut butter.
But nuts contain good sources of heart-healthy fats. The reduced-fat versions
of peanut butter replace the missing fat with extra sweeteners and empty carbs.
Regular peanut butter typically includes just 4 more grams of fat per
serving, which can work as part of a healthy, balanced diet: The total recommended
fat intake for the average person is about 30 percent of total calories each
day. Instead, your best bet is to seek peanut butter that only lists peanuts in
its ingredients (so it doesn't have other added preservatives or ingredients).
Soy meat alternatives
According to Dr. Oz, many meat alternatives made with soy protein may
have less fat and saturated fat than processed meats (of which we are no fan!),
but they are also highly processed. Dr. Oz also explains that most of the
"frankensoy" products, like fake steak strips and chicken nuggets,
"are [...] likely to be loaded with added sugars, fats and refined
To get your soy protein fix, try a natural, whole-food sources like
edamame or tofu, which is just blocks of coagulated soymilk. Both of these
options are full of calcium and omega-3 fats, which can lower your risk of
developing dementia.
Fat-free turkey
Most packaged turkey products (especially fat-free ones) are loaded
with crazy amounts of sodium to keep them fresh. One 2-ounce serving of some
brands contains almost a third of the maximum recommended daily sodium intake.
Pre-packaged turkey also contains the preservative sodium nitrate -- a chemical
known to turn into cancer-causing chemicals in the stomach and trigger
migraines in some people.
Instead, try buying a (free-range) bird and roasting it yourself. Or,
if you're short on time, seek out low-sodium, all-natural versions of those
pre-packaged slices. It helps to find a brand that has less than 350 milligrams
of sodium per 2-ounce serving.
Gluten-free cookies (if you
don't have Celiac or a gluten sensitivity)
Medical concerns aside, just because it's gluten-free, doesn't
necessarily mean it's a healthy alternative. Men's Health reported that just
two of Glow's Gluten-Free Gingersnap cookies have more calories than seven of
Nabisco's Ginger Snaps -- and as much saturated fat as 10 McDonald's chicken
Fat-free microwave popcorn
It's so easy to pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave when you're
lounging at home watching a movie, but it's not just popcorn you're munching
on. When you microwave those kernels, the steam they emit contains about four
dozen chemicals from the fake butter flavorings and the ink and glue in the
bags. One compound in fake butter -- diacetyl -- has been found to cause
respiratory illness in factory workers where it is processed.
If you're trying to avoid butter, why not replace it with a
heart-healthy fat? All you need are some kernels, a pot and olive oil,
according to The Kitchn. No scary chemicals included.
Diet frozen meals
Here's what's in your frozen meal: Butylated hydroxytoluene, a chemical
used to preserve meat that has been linked to increased cancer risk. Also
polysorbate 80, a chemical used to keep the oil and food from separating when
you nuke it. It can also be found in shaving cream and a ton of sugars,
including dextrose, molasses, corn syrup, maltodextrin, and high-fructose corn
syrup. Oh, and don't forget that each of these "healthy" frozen meals
replace the fat with loads and loads of sodium -- almost half of your daily
Don't be fooled by the word "light" in the name. When it
feels like there's no time to cook, consider the many wholesome meals you can
make in 20 minutes or less. Try this suggestion from Cooking Light: Grab some
quinoa, avocado, heirloom tomatoes, cilantro and olive oil for a quick and
tasty meal. Or, try this 15 minute turkey chili recipe.
Light bread
They may seem healthful because they appear low in fat and calories,
but "light" bread is really comprised of white flour with added-in
If you buy normal bread instead of the "low-calorie"
versions, you're only eating about 30 more calories, and you wont be ingesting
artificial substances. Take the time to read the nutritional labels.
Reduced-fat veggie chips
These are probably one of the most deceiving snacks of all time. Chips
made out of veggies -- how could that not be healthy? Think about it -- potato
chips are also technically made out of a vegetable (albeit a starchy one). And
vegetable chips are just as salty as their potato counterparts. Sometimes food
companies just add food coloring to potato starch to make them
"appear" more vegetable-like.
You'll be better off eating 12 to 15 baked tortilla chips, according to
Fitness Magazine, and pairing them with veggie-loaded salsa makes for a
satisfying and healthy snack.
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