Jun 12, 2014

Healthy diet? Why plants outgrow all other trends

Sue Dibb |theguardian.com, Monday 9 June 2014 12.53 BST

Eating less meat is consistently better for our health and the planet, and plant-based foods still supply the protein we need

There’s a growing movement already influencing many eating habits. Whether you call yourself a flexitarian or a part-time carnivore or just simply want to eat better, the message to eat more plants and less meat cuts through the cacophony of often apparently conflicting healthy eating advice.

It’s a message neatly put by food writer Michael Pollan in his phrase: "eat food, mainly plants, not too much". The win-win here is that diets centred on a diverse range of foods from plants with animal products eaten sparingly, is not only healthy, it also has a lower environmental impact. Meat is typically the most greenhouse gas intensive part of our diet.

The power of plants
Plant power comes from a huge diversity of roots and tubers, grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. In fact, there are more than 30,000 edible plants globally, yet we have chosen to limit ourselves to a small handful. Fifty crops now deliver 90% of the world’s calories. But as a study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) earlier this year found, we pay a high price with our health. As global food diversity declines, and the consumption of meat and processed foods increases, the result is a dramatic increase in diet-related disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Numerous studies link vegetarian eating and low-meat diets with reduced risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and cancer. The more veg you eat the better, according to the latest research, which says "five a day" is no longer enough. It has been calculated by researchers at Oxford University that eating meat no more than three times a week and replacing it with plant foods would prevent 45,000 early deaths a year in the UK and save the NHS £1.2bn a year.

What about protein and iron?
Cutting back on meat doesn’t mean you’ll go short of protein or iron. In most western countries, including the UK, we get more than enough protein in our diets. And while meat, eggs and dairy foods are what most people associate with protein, plant-based foods are also good sources, from beans, lentils and chickpeas, soya foods, tofu, seeds, nuts and nut butter (eg peanut butter) to grains including wheat in cereals, pasta, bread, rice and maize.

I put this bunny because it looks so cute
Soya, quinoa and hemp are particularly good sources of protein as they contain a complete mix of essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein that our bodies can’t make). But eating a variety of foods will ensure you don’t go short.

Although red meat is the richest and most easily absorbed source of iron, many plant foods are also good sources including dried fruit, beans and lentils, green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, nuts, wholemeal bread and fortified cereals. Including a good source of vitamin C (found for example in vegetables, citrus fruits) with meals helps the body absorb iron from plant sources.

Get your pulses going
Pulses deserve a special mention. They come in a magnificent variety but are often the forgotten foods, apart from the ubiquitous baked beans, and are great sources of protein, iron, vitamins and fibre. Adding pulses to meat dishes can also make the meat go further and help reduce the fat content of meals.

And if you think beans are boring, take inspiration from Jenny Chandler’s mouthwatering recipes in her book, Pulse. As she writes:

I hope to entice people into the kitchen with really mouth-watering recipes such as zippy dals, fresh lentil salads, cannellini and parmesan frittelle, chorizo with red pepper and butterbeans and even black bean brownies. Some recipes are vegetarian, others are not, but meat is seldom the main player.

Making the shift
We are all creatures of habit, particularly when it comes to what we eat. Research by Behaviour Change, the people behind Dabble with Your Dinner, to get us eating more veg in everyday meals, found that households tend to prepare just a handful of dishes week in, week out.

Taking the Part-Time Carnivore pledge, signing up for Meat-free Monday or initiatives such as Friends of the Earth’s Meat-free May can help break the meat as a default habit. The message from those who’ve tried it, whether for a day or a month, is that it’s not as difficult to take a break from meat as you might think. Getting a weekly seasonal veg box can also help break the habit of fruit and veg supermarket shopping, while experimenting with different tastes. US food writer, Mark Bittman’s The VB6 Cookbook also demonstrates how to cut back in the day without giving up meat completely.

If being good to your health and the planet isn’t reward enough, then maybe saving money will help. Meat is typically the most expensive item in our shopping trolleys. The Livewell healthy, low-carbon diet developed by WWF and Aberdeen University in 2010 cost £28.40 per week, compared to the then UK average spend of £32.12. In a US study food bank recipients who followed simple, plant-based recipes saved money, ate more healthily and were less dependent on food handouts. Around half also lost weight. With results like that, what’s not to like?

Sue Dibb is the coordinator for Eating Better.


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Jun 10, 2014

Tak Hanya Buah, 6 Sayuran Ini Juga Kaya Vitamin C

Hestianingsih – wolipop

Sumber vitaminC umumnya banyak terdapat pada buah-buahan. Tapi ada pula beberapa jenis sayuran yang juga kaya kandungan vitamin C-nya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan vitamin C per harinya, Anda bisa mendapatkan dari kombinasi konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan cara dimakan segar atau dijus. Ini rekomendasi sayur yang bisa membantu memenuhi asupan vitamin C, yang dihimpun Wolipop dari berbagai sumber:

1. Paprika
Paprika, terutama jenis paprika kuning mengandung vitamin C yang cukup banyak. Dalam satu butir paprika ukuran besar (186 gram) mengandung sedikitnya 341,3 mg vitamin C. Jadi Anda hanya perlu memakan setengah potong paprika untuk mencukupi kebutuhan vitamin C.

2. Sayuran Hijau Pekat
Sayuran berwarna hijau pekat seperti bayam dan kangkung juga kaya akan vitamin C. Dalam 100 gram sayuran yang sudah dipotong-potong atau dicincang, terdapat 120 mg vitamin C.

3. Brokoli
Sayuran dengan tekstur renyah ini mengandung vitamin C yang lebih tinggi dari jeruk dalam 100 gram nya. Brokoli 'mengantungi' antioksidan yang baik untuk menjaga kecantikan kulit ini sebanyak 89,2 mg.

4. Kacang Kapri
Kacang yang sering dijadikan tumisan atau sup bening ini mengandung 60 mg vitamin C dalam 100 gram nya, atau setara dengan dua cangkir.

5. Selada Air
Sayuran yang bisa diolah menjadi salad dan sayur berkuah ini mengandung 43 mg vitamin C dalam setiap 100 gram. Jika kurang suka rasanya yang agak langu, bisa ditambahkan perasan jeruk nipis dan minyak zaitun.

6. Kemangi
Daun dengan aroma khas ini memiliki kandungan vitamin C sebanyak 43 mg. Kemangi biasanya dikonsumsi sebagai lalapan atau bumbu tambahan pada makanan berjenis kari atau sup asam manis.


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Jun 6, 2014

Ini 7 manfaat kesehatan cokelat hitam yang harus diketahui!Natural

Reporter : Febrianti Diah Kusumaningrum | Senin, 3 Maret 2014 10:24

Merdeka.com - Cokelat merupakan makanan yang disukai oleh banyak orang. Berbagai jenis cokelat memiliki rasa yang lezat. Tak hanya lezat, cokelat juga mempunyai banyak manfaat untuk peningkatan kesehatan Anda. Salah satunya adalah cokelat hitam.

Berikut adalah manfaat dari mengonsumsi cokelat hitam seperti dilansir dari care2.com.

Kaya akan nutrisi
Cokelat hitam merupakan jenis cokelat yang masih belum tercampur dengan zat tambahan lainnya. Sebatang cokelat hitam terdiri dari 70-85% kakao yang mengandung 11 gram serat, 67% iron, 58% magnesium, 89% tembaga, 98% mangan, serta kalium, fosfor, seng, dan selenium. Selain itu cokelat hitam juga mengandung lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang baik untuk kesehatan.

Sumber zat antioksidan yang baik
Cokelat hitam kaya akan zat antioksidan seperti polifenol, flavanol, dan catechin yang baik untuk melindungi sel-sel tubuh Anda dari zat radikal bebas.

Meningkatkan aliran darah dan tekanan darah rendah
Kandungan flavanols di dalam cokelat hitam mampu merangsang endothelium untuk memproduksi Nitric Oxide (NO) yang bermanfaat untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan membuat aliran darah di dalam tubuh menjadi lancar.

Melindungi HDL dan LDL dari oksidasi
Dengan terlindunginya LDL dan HDL di dalam tubuh maka hal ini akan membuat aliran darah menjadi lancar. Selain itu cokelat hitam juga mampu mengurangi resistensi insulin yang bermanfaat untuk mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung dan diabetes.

Menurunkan resiko penyakit kardiovaskular
Senyawa yang ada di dalam cokelat hitam sangat melindungi tubuh Anda dari poteksi LDL. Bahkan sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kakao mampu mengurangi resiko penyakit kardiovaskular sebanyak 50.

Melindungi kulit dari penuaan dini
Karena flavonol mampu meningkatkan aliran darah di dalam tubuh, maka efek ini juga baik untuk melindungi kulit dari penuaan dini, terutama yang disebabkan oleh paparan sinar matahari.

Meningkatkan fungsi otak
Kakao mengandung zat stimulan seperti kafein dan theobromine yang baik untuk meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak. Sehingga hal ini berdampak baik pada peningkatan fungsi kognitif, fungsi verbal, dan fungsi otak secara keseluruhan.

Tak hanya lezat, ternyata cokelat hitam juga bermanfaat untuk peningkatan kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan. Sungguh merupakan cara yang menyenangkan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan bukan?


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Top 7 Black Foods With Powerful Health Benefits

By Laura Levi May 28, 2014

Fruits and vegetables come in different colors that reflect the nutrients they contain: greens are rich in chlorophyll and phytonutrients, reds in antioxidants, etc. A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary for a healthy body.

But what about black foods?

They haven’t exactly gotten the same press as greens. What makes foods black is anthocyanin, an antioxidant flavanoid pigment. It has been linked to reducing cancer cell proliferation[1] and improving visual acuity.

Don’t overlook these when making choices about incorporating all of the wonderful nutrients nature has to offer into your diet.

1. Black Tea
Readily available, just one cup a day delivers a dose of antioxidants, hot or cold. One study found that black tea reduces recovery time, muscle soreness, and inflammation after an aggressive workout.

2. Blackberries
Easy to find in most of North America, these yummy berries are good in yogurt, on cereal, or popping them plain. The antioxidant polyphenols protect you from signs of aging and they have lots of fiber.

3. Black Grapes
With even more anthocyanin than blackberries, the color of the skin indicates how much pigment is present. The darker, the more antioxidants. Several studies show the benefits of black grapes in the form of heart health, brain function, and blood sugar regulation.

4. Black Lentils
Not as common as yellow and green, the black variety is loaded with iron—about 8 milligrams per serving. Rich in fiber, they help support your immune system and lower cholesterol.

5. Black Rice
With a robust, nutty flavor, this colored (also called purple or forbidden) rice is a good alternative to white rice. Black rice gets its moniker “forbidden” because:

“…during the Ming Dynasty the rice was called ‘tribute rice’ or ‘longevity rice’, exclusively reserved for the Emperors to ensure their good health and long life.”

With as many antioxidants as blueberries and blackberries, and six times more than white or brown rice, black rice bran has been shown to protect against inflammation.

6. Black Beans
The bioflavanoids (antioxidants that promote better eyesight, cardiac health, capillary strength, skin appearance, and immune system) in the skin raise these to the superfood level. Packed with protein and fiber, they’re good for energy, maintaining blood sugar levels, and digestion. You can add them to salads, soups, casseroles, and mash them for a healthful dip.

7. Black Garlic
Developed in South Korea, black garlic offers nearly twice the amount of antioxidants as its regular counterpart. Unlike white garlic, which contains Allicin, which is only soluble in fat, black garlic contains S-Allycysteine, which is water soluble. And in case you were wondering, the black color in this superfood is the result of the sugars being drawn out of the garlic cloves during the fermentation process.

Source: http://dailyhealthpost.com/top-7-black-foods-with-powerful-health-benefits/#ixzz33AXyvYkQ 

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Jun 5, 2014

Mencegah Gatal Kulit akibat Eksim

Penulis : Lusia Kus Anna | Jumat, 22 Februari 2013 | 09:32 WIB

KOMPAS.com - Eksim adalah gangguan peradangan kulit yang dapat menyerang siapa saja, mulai dari bayi sampai orang dewasa. Dengan perawatan yang tepat, gatal kulit akibat eksim bisa dicegah.

Eksim atau dermatitis kontak sebenarnya adalah kondisi kulit yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor keturunan. Bila seseorang dalam keluarga menderita alergi, eksim adalah tanda pertama yang dapat menunjukkan si kecil juga memiliki bakat alergi.

"Banyak orang mengira eksim disebabkan oleh kuman, padahal sebenarnya ini merupakan kondisi kulit yang sensitif dan dipengaruhi faktor bakat alergi," kata dr.Lilik Norawati, Sp.KK, disela acara konferensi pers Pearls of Cosmetic Dermatology Symposium 2013 yang diadakan oleh Dove Medical dan Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin Indonesia di Jakarta, Kamis (21/2/13).

Gejala eksim pada bayi antara lain adalah kulit kering, kemerahan, gatal, menebal, dan bersisik. Beberapa gejala tersebut juga dapat mengindikasikan masalah lain seperti ruam popok.

Perawatan kulit eksim yang utama, menurut Lilik adalah menghindari pencetusnya. Beberapa pencetus yang harus diwaspadai adalah kutu debu, keringat, udara kering, sampai detergen dalam sabun.

Untuk perawatan sehari-hari sebaiknya hindari produk perawatan kulit yang memiliki pewangi.

"Gunakan pula sabun mandi yang lembut dan mengandung pelembab khusus untuk kulit sensitif," kata dokter spesialis kulit dari RSPAD Gatot Subroto Jakarta ini.

Kelembaban adalah fondasi bagi kulit yang sehat, terutama untuk penderita eksim. "Pelembab kulit wajib dipakai setiap hari, terutama setelah mandi. Sebaiknya pilih produk yang memiliki lemak pelindung," ujarnya.

Untuk eksim yang lebih berat peradangannya, dokter akan memberikan obat-obatan yang dikombinasikan dengan produk perawatan kulit.

Source: http://health.kompas.com/read/2013/02/22/09323441/Mencegah.Gatal.Kulit.akibat.Eksim

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9 Habits Of People With A Healthy Relationship To Exercise

Posted: 05/12/2014 8:21 am EDT Updated: 05/12/2014 8:59 am EDT

Much like the precarious line between thinking carefully about food and obsessing over it, exercise is also a highly beneficial component of a healthy lifestyle that can easily become problematic.

Especially among people with a history of eating disorders, a healthy relationship to exercise is “just as pertinent as having a healthy relationship with food,” says Marjorie Nolan Cohn, RD, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics and an American College of Sports Medicine certified Health Fitness Specialist. These days, we hear almost as much about the health risks of excessive exercise as we do lack of physical activity.

"One end of it is avoidance of exercise, versus the other extreme extreme, which is too much exercise," says Jennifer E. Carter, Ph.D., the director of sport psychology and the Ohio State University Sports Medicine Center. "Balanced exercise finds the middle ground."

Some of us need an extra push to get off the couch, or some reigning in once in a while. For others, finding the balance between too much and too little physical activity comes easily. Below are a few things these people do differently.

1. People with a healthy relationship to exercise know the difference between a good burn and true pain.
"You hear so much about the whole 'no pain, no gain' attitude," says Cohn. "I think we really have to redefine what pain is." Yes, you want to feel like you worked hard, you want some fatigue, you might even relish your second-day soreness. But feeling discomfort in joints, or feeling so exhausted you just want to drop at the end of the day is not normal, says Cohn. Pain can be serious, and pushing through could cause worse injury. People with a health relationship to exercise know when to say when.

2. They take rest days.
And when they are in pain or are exhausted, they know it's time to skip a sweat session. "It's the same as that chocolate cake," says Cohn. "It's delicious, you want to have another piece, but you know it's not good for you, and you need to stop eating now." No matter how much you love working out, there is such a thing as too much exercise, and the people with the healthiest relationships to exercise enjoy their off days. Carter recommends taking at least one a week.

3. They don't exercise to eat, they eat to exercise.
Exercising purely to "influence weight or shape", says Carter, can be a slippery slope into obsession and disorder. For a healthy athlete or exerciser, food is fuel, not the enemy. Our bodies require a bare minimum amount of calories simply to survive, and we need to provide extra energy for physical activity. Rather than exercising "to allow themselves to eat," says Carter, people with a healthy relationship to exercise eat to allow themselves to exercise. Eating whatever you want just because you exercised today doesn't cut it either, even if you just want to maintain weight, she says. Of course we'd never say the occasional brownie was completely off limits, but "'occasional' doesn't mean every dinner warrants a dessert!" Carter says.

4. They can go with the flow.
Many experts recommend scheduling exercise into your day like you would any other appointment to help you stick with your fitness plan. But there also needs to be some flexibility in the scheduling. One sign it's become too restrictive is if straying from the usual routine causes extreme upset. Take traveling, says Carter. Someone with a healthy relationship to exercise won't panic if her day-to-day routine is a little off. Someone with an unhealthy relationship to exercise might skip out on important events or exciting moments or wake up drastically early to fit in a workout. "The exercise becomes number one," says Carter.

On those days where a regular workout gets bumped from the schedule, Cohn helps clients keep things in perspective by focusing on other ways in which they are physically active. Even walking just a few more steps a day -- whether it’s by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or commuting by foot -- is still physical, and can help ease anxiety over skipping a sweat session.

5. They know what they like.
"Balanced or healthy exercise is exercise that you like, not exercise that you dislike," says Carter. "If you're doing something that you hate, you're not going to keep doing it." That might mean running marathons for some and practicing Bikram yoga for others, but what's important is that you don't feel like you're torturing yourself -- and that you don't feel obligated to try every single fitness fad.

The same principle applies to exercise intensity, says Carter. Some people love high intensity workouts like CrossFit, and others will simply find moderate intensity movement more tolerable, she says.

6. But they still mix things up.
"Doing the elliptical every day at the same intensity level is just a repetitive motion," says Cohn, not one you're going to see huge results from. People with the healthiest relationships to exercise balance their workout routines with a mixture of activities, whether that's high and low impact, cardio and strength training, or arm days and leg days, she says. And it doesn't require pricey sessions with a personal trainer or a degree in exercise science to add a little more balance to your regular routine, she says. Simply reading the directions on a machine at the gym you've never tried before, for example, can be surprisingly helpful, she says.

7. They do it on their terms.
Along with finding a fitness plan they enjoy, people with a healthy relationship to exercise also work out when and where they like. Yes, there are big benefits to a morning workout, like fewer cravings and greater energy, but it comes down to personal preference, says Carter. "Some people like to exercise in the morning, some people hate mornings," she says. "You don't have to force it."

8. They seek support.
Everyone has their off days, even people with a healthy relationship to exercise. Whether it's a lack of motivation to stick to healthy exercise or a compulsion to overdo it, Carter says one of the most effective safety nets is having a workout buddy. "It's harder to do the compulsive thing when you've got someone with you to encourage something a little more moderate, and it's a great motivator for [others]," she says. Of course, if exercise -- or lack of it -- is truly interfering with someone's health, it may be safer to consult a dietitian, a physician or a mental health professional, "or a mixture of all three," says Carter.

9. They do it for the mental benefits.
"We know so much about the mental health benefits of exercise," says Carter, and yet many unbalanced exercisers only consider breaking a sweat helpful for altering weight or shape. For many, exercise is an effective coping method for stress, anxiety and depression, and healthy exercisers harness these powers for good.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/12/healthy-relationship-exercise-habits_n_5290153.html?utm_hp_ref=healthy-living
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