Mar 28, 2014

10 Hal Mengejutkan yang Membuat Anda Cepat Tua

Yahoo! SHE – Jum, 14 Sep 2012 11:58 WIB
Oleh: RealBuzz

1. Menonton TV
Kita semua tahu bahwa duduk berjam-jam di depan TV tidaklah baik untuk pinggang. Tetapi Anda mungkin tidak tahu bahwa hal itu juga memperpendek hidup Anda. Peneliti dari University of Queensland menemukan, setiap jam yang Anda habiskan di depan TV mengurangi umur Anda 22 menit.  Penelitian lebih lanjut juga menemukan bahwa menonton TV juga menambah risiko terkena penyakit Alzheimer.

2. Minum dari botol dengan sedotan
Anda mungkin tahu, apa yang Anda minum memengaruhi penampilan Anda, tapi Anda mungkin terkejut bahwa minuman memengaruhi umur Anda. Kenyataannya minum dengan sedotan dan langsung dari botol menyebabkan mulut mengerut — dan oleh karena itu akan menimbulkan kerutan yang sama di sekitar mulut (sama seperti merokok). Cobalah minum langsung dari gelas sebisa mungkin untuk menghindari kerutan.

3. Terlalu sedikit (atau banyak) berolahraga
Manfaat olahraga tidak terukur untuk membuat Anda tetap merasa dan terlihat muda. Kekurangan olahraga tidak hanya memendekkan umur, tapi juga menambah risiko kegemukan dan sakit jantung. Olahraga juga mencegah penyakit Alzheimer, membuat perasaan baik sehingga merasa sigap dan tetap bertenaga. Lebih lanjut, olahraga juga meningkatkan peredaran darah ke kulit dan membuat Anda tetap bercahaya dan tampak muda. Sebaliknya, terlalu banyak olahraga membuat persendian kaku dan menambah risiko radang sendi.

4. Pemanas ruangan
Kita menghabiskan uang untuk membeli produk anti-penuaan, tapi justru sering membuat kulit cepat tua tanpa disadari. Pemanas dan pendingin ruangan sentral yang banyak kita gunakan bisa membuat kulit kering dengan cepat — menyebabkan penuaan dini dan kerutan. Cobalah kecilkan pemanas, gunakan pakaian pelapis agar lebih hangat. Menyimpan segelas air dalam ruangan juga bisa membantu menambah kelembapan udara, dan memakai krim wajah untuk mencegah kekeringan.

5. Gula
Memakan gula terlalu banyak tentu adalah berita buruk untuk lingkar pinggang kita; namun ternyata gula ada di tingkatan yang sama dengan rokok dan matahari jika menyangkut hal yang membuat kerutan pada kulit. Ketika tingkat gula darah tinggi, proses bernama glikasi merusak kolagen dalam kulit. Sekali rusak kolagen yang lentur berubah menjadi keras, yang berujung pada kerutan kulit.

6. Mendengarkan iPod
Kehilangan pendengaran adalah gejala umum penuaan, tapi sebagian dari kita kehilangan pendengaran karena mendengarkan musik yang telalu keras melalui headphone. Meski mendengar musik dengan volume sedang tidak menimbulkan kerusakan yang parah, sebuah studi menunjukkan bahwa mendengarkan musik dapat memengaruhi pendengaran untuk sementara waktu, sementara sebagian peneliti lain mengatakan mendengar musik yang terlalu keras dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pendengaran permanen.

7. Pekerjaan Anda
Meski mempunyai pekerjaan adalah keharusan bagi sebagian dari kita, ini juga salah satu penyebab penuaan dini. Pertama, pekerjaan adalah sumber stres bagi banyak orang, yang dapat menyebabkan serangan jantung dan pemercepat penuaan sel. Kedua, menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu di tempat kerja membuat Anda punya sedikit waktu untuk latihan, makan makanan sehat dan tidur. Untuk mengurangi risiko, hindari waktu kerja yang terlalu panjang dan manfaatkan waktu malam dan akhir pekan Anda untuk bersantai.

8. Sabun
Meski Anda berpikir sabun adalah teman terbaik kulit, ini tidak benar. Alasannya adalah kulit mempunyai lapisan asam yang merupakan pelindung alami. Ketika Anda membersihkan kulit dengan sabun — yang umumnya mengandung alkali — akan membuang lapisan pelindung yang mengandung minyak tersebut dan mengeringkan kulit, yang pada akhirnya membuat kulit keriput. Tidak disarankan juga untuk berhenti mandi, tapi cobalah sabun dengan PH-netral dan sabun tanpa bahan kimia, dan perlu diingat, jangan berlebihan membersihkan kulit.

9. Sarung bantal
Anda mungkin berpikir akan memanjakan kecantikan saat tidur di malam hari, hal ini bisa jadi tidak benar. Jika Anda sering tidur dengan salah satu sisi wajah yang sama, ini bisa menyebakan penambahan garis wajah dan kerutan. Untuk tetap tampak muda, cobalah tidur telentang, atau mengganti sarung bantal dengan sutra atau satin untuk mengurangi tekanan pada wajah dan menjaga kelembapan kulit wajah.

10. Diet rendah lemak
Banyak dari kita beralih ke diet rendah lemak untuk mengurangi berat badan. Tetapi mengurangi makan seperti lemak sehat Omega-3 bisa berefek negatif dan membuat Anda cepat tua. Omega-3 terdapat dalam minyak ikan, kacang kenari, dan biji-bijian, tidak hanya penting untuk menjaga kulit tetap lentur dan bebas kerutan, tapi juga penting untuk kesehatan otak dan membuat jantung dalam kondisi sehat dan juga memperpanjang umur.

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8 reasons you’re still hungry—even after you just ate

Do you sometimes feel ravenous, even though you just polished off a tasty lunch, a full dinner, or a midnight snack? Some food ingredients can trick our bodies into not recognizing when we’re full, causing “rebound hunger” that can add inches to our waistlines. But these simple tweaks can help quiet your cravings for good.

You drink too much soda
Sodas, iced teas, and other sweetened beverages are our biggest source of high-fructose corn syrup—accounting for about two-thirds of our annual intake. New research from Yale University showed that when 20 healthy adults underwent MRI sessions looking at their brains while drinking liquids, high-fructose beverages reduced blood flow and activity in brain regions that regulate appetite, and ratings of satiety and fullness were lower when compared to drinks that just contained glucose.

And a previous study from the University of California at San Francisco indicates that fructose can trick our brains into craving more food, even when we’re full. It works by impeding the body’s ability to use leptin, the “satiation hormone” that tells us when we’ve had enough to eat, researchers say.

Your dinner came out of a can
Many canned foods are high in the chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, which the Food and Drug Administration stated was a chemical “of some concern.” Exposure to BPA can cause abnormal surges in leptin that, according to Harvard University researchers, leads to food cravings and obesity.

Your breakfast wasn't big enough
After following 6,764 healthy people for almost 4 years, University of Cambridge researchers found that those who ate just 300 calories for breakfast gained almost twice as much weight as those who ate 500 calories or more for breakfast. The reason: Eating a big breakfast makes for smaller rises in blood sugar and insulin throughout the day, meaning fewer sudden food cravings.

Another breakfast tip—add protein. One recent study shows that eating a breakfast that had 30-39 grams of higher protein items like sausage and eggs curbed hunger throughout the morning, compared with a low-protein breakfast that had items like pancakes and syrup.

You skipped the salad
Most Americans don’t eat enough leafy greens, which are rich in the essential B-vitamin folate and help protect against depression, fatigue, and weight gain. In one study, dieters with the highest levels of folate in their bodies lost 8.5 times as much weight as those with the lowest levels. Leafy greens are also high in vitamin K, another insulin-regulating nutrient that helps quash cravings. Best sources: Romaine lettuce, spinach, collard greens, radicchio.

You don't stop for tea time
According to a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who drank one cup of black tea after eating high-carb foods decreased their blood-sugar levels by 10 percent for 2 and a half hours after the meal, which means they stayed full longer and had fewer food cravings. Researchers credit the polyphenolic compounds in black tea for suppressing rebound hunger.

You're not staying fluid
Dehydration often mimics the feeling of hunger. If you’ve just eaten and still feel hungry, drink a glass of water before eating more, and see if your desires don’t diminish.

You may even lose weight if you make sure you have a glass of water handy during each meal while dieting. One Virginia Tech study found that older people who had two cups of water before a meal ate between 75 and 90 fewer calories. And over the course of 12 weeks, those dieters who drank water before meals lost about 5 pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake.

You're bored
Researchers in Australia found that visual distractions can help curb cravings. To test yourself, envision a huge, sizzling steak. If you’re truly hungry, the steak will seem appealing. But if that doesn’t seem tempting, chances are you’re in need of a distraction, not another meal.

Your cereal leaves you cold
If you regularly have hunger pangs soon after a bowl of cereal for breakfast—or as a late night snack—then make a swap to oatmeal. A recent study from Louisiana State University found that when 46 adults had either a 363 calorie bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios cereal or oatmeal, feelings of fullness and hunger were lower when participants ate oatmeal compared to the ready-to-eat cereal. The increase in satiety could be attributed to the viscosity of the oatmeal, researchers wrote, and also the fact that it has more soluble oat fiber than most cereals.

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Mar 25, 2014

8 Makanan dengan Kadar Gula Mengejutkan

Oleh Caitlin McCormack | Yahoo Indonesia – Rab, 19 Mar 2014

World Health Organization (WHO) merilis sebuah laporan yang mencengangkan kemarin. Isi laporan tersebut meminta seluruh populasi dunia mengurangi konsumsi gula olahan dari 10% asupan kalori harian menjadi 5% saja. Itu sama dengan 25 gram (atau enam sendok teh) gula per hari untuk orang dewasa rata-rata.

Walaupun banyak orang berpikir mereka tidak terlalu banyak mengonsumsi makanan manis, kandungan gula sering tersembunyi di dalam makanan biasa yang kita makan dan bahkan diklaim sebagai makanan sehat.

“Sebagian besar gula yang dikonsumsi saat ini ‘tersembunyi’ dalam makanan olahan yang tidak dianggap sebagai makanan manis,” tulis mereka.

Konsumsi gula berlebihan bisa menyebabkan berbagai masalah kesehatan termasuk diabetes dan kegemukan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa makanan yang diam-diam mengandung banyak gula.

1. Saus tomat yang dibeli dari toko mengandung gula tambahan. Faktanya, menurut World Health Organization (WHO), satu sendok makan saus tomat saja bisa mengandung sampai satu sendok teh gula.

2. Yogurt tawar tanpa pemanis memang bisa jadi pilihan sehat, tapi hati-hati dengan yogurt berasa karena mengandung gula tersembunyi dengan kadar tinggi. Yogurt rasa vanila mengandung 17 gram gula dalam setiap kemasannya, dan dua bahan lain yogurt merupakan produk turunan gula.

3. Anda mungkin merasa lebih sehat dengan meminum vitamin water alias air bervitamin, namun beberapa merek vitamin water justru mengandung gula yang kadarnya sama seperti satu kaleng soda! Satu merek vitamin water ternama bisa mengandung 32,5 gram gula dalam satu botol ukuran sedang.

4. Kecuali jika selai kacang yang Anda konsumsi benar-benar terbuat dari kacang tanpa tambahan apapun, selai kacang yang dijual di supermarket pada umumnya mengandung 3 gram gula per dua sendok makan. Ini belum ditambah garam, minyak dan makanan olahan lainnya yang dibuat untuk mengawetkan produknya.

5. Saus barbekyu siap pakai seringnya mengandung banyak gula tambahan untuk membantu menutupi cuka yang digunakan di banyak resep makanan yang memerlukan saus barbekyu. Proses karamelisasi gula menghasilkan sentuhan manis dan garing untuk daging panggang. Biasanya saus ini mengandung 14 gram gula per 2 sendok makan.

6. Oatmeal alias bubur gandum adalah pilihan  menu sarapan yang bagus. Namun, banyak oatmeal instan dengan varian rasa mengandung lebih banyak gula dari yang direkomendasikan. Satu brand oatmeal instan ternama rasa kayu manis mengandung 13 gram gula per kemasan. Untuk amannya, gunakan oatmeal polos tanpa rasa, dan tambahkan sendiri pemanisnya supaya tak berlebihan.

7. Saus spaghetti instan menggunakan banyak tomat. Demi menutupi rasa masam pada tomat, pabrik menggunakan gula untuk menciptakan rasa yang enak pada saus spaghetti siap pakai. Varian yang dijual di toko bisa mengandung 11 gram gula per setengan cup sajian.

8. Anda mungkin mengira Anda mengonsumsi makanan ringan sehat dengan memilih granola bar (kue gandum dicampur buah-buahan kering), namun kebanyakan granola bar mengandung banyak gula tambahan. Granola bar yang diberi tambahan chocolate chips atau dibalut cokelat biasanya lebih banyak mengandung gula daripada satu batang permen!


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Top 6 Health Benefits of Magnesium

By April Klazema March 20, 2014

You probably already know a lot about the other vitamins and minerals that are crucial to your overall optimal health, such as iron, calcium, and vitamin C, but other minerals – such as magnesium – are often neglected when it comes to choosing the foods and supplements that you put into your diet in order to stay healthy.

However, magnesium has a number of incredible health benefits that can make you stronger, that can ease your fatigue, and that can even improve your mood.

Here are six incredible health benefits of magnesium that you can gain by eating the right kind of foods.

1. High Blood Pressure Regulation
Whether you have a family history of heart disease and high blood pressure, or you simply want to ensure that you maintain a healthy blood pressure, adding magnesium into your diet is a simple but effective way to ensure you don’t suffer the ill effects of hypertension.

2. Migraine Headaches
Do you suffer from chronic migraine headaches? Many individuals will try every treatment under the sun, without realizing that one of the most effective treatments for migraines may actually be something as simple as magnesium. In fact, some researchers have suggested that every sufferer of migraines should attempt to use magnesium as a cure.

3. Depression and Other Mood Problems
While deficient levels of magnesium have not been shown to be a cause of depression, many individuals have reported that using magnesium has been able to better help them transition out of depression and to elevate their mood. Other issues such as anxiety have also been shown to be effectively treated by magnesium.

While your best option when feeling depression is to seek help form someone specialized in dealing with these issues, you may consider boosting your magnesium levels if you are feeling overly anxious or down in the dumps.

4. Cancer Reduction
Studies have shown a 13 percent reduction in colorectal cancer among those individuals who have increased amounts of magnesium in their body.

Whether an individual has an increased risk of cancer due to family history or not, it can be a good idea to increase one’s magnesium intake to help prevent cancer.

5. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
A deficiency in magnesium levels can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn can lead to numerous problems, including an increased risk for diabetes and heart disease[5]. Ensuring that you are getting enough magnesium can help prevent these issues and keep your blood sugar at the appropriate levels.

6. Bone Health
Bone health is incredibly important for every individual, but especially for women as they grow older. Magnesium, over half of which is stored in the bones within the body, works with both Vitamin D and calcium to promote healthy, stronger bones.

Having enough magnesium in your body can help prevent major issues such as osteoporosis, so be sure to keep this in mind – especially if you are at particular risk for these conditions.

As if these six factors weren’t enough, magnesium may be associated with a number of other health benefits as well. In other words, you might want to look at ways you can incorporate magnesium rich foods in your diet, and to use an appropriate supplement if necessary.


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Mar 19, 2014

6 weird body noises explained

By Lila BattisPublished October 13, 2013Men's Health

Involuntary sounds could be your body's way of warning you that something's wrong. Here's how to interpret (and when to ignore) those creaks, pops, and whistles

Habitual Snoring at Night
The noise is soft tissue of the mouth and throat vibrating as you breathe. Nasal sprays and strips help, but losing weight is better, says Dr. Stacey Ishman, an otolaryngology professor at Johns Hopkins University.

SEE A DOCTOR IF you catch yourself gasping at night, wake up in a sweat, or feel sleepy during the day. You could have sleep apnea, which hinders airflow and raises your risk of diabetes and stroke. You may need a CPAP machine to open your airway at night. If you're fit and don't have apnea, options include pillar implants (an in-office procedure) or surgery to reshape your airway.

Popping and Cracking Knees and Ankles
These sounds are usually the result of one of three things: tendons snapping over joints, fluid shifts that pop gas bubbles, or joints moving slightly off track, says Dr. C. David Geier, director of sports medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina.

SEE A DOCTOR IF you experience pain, swelling, or locking, or if your symptoms limit your activity in sports or exercise, says Geier. Knee pain could stem from a torn meniscus, and ankle pain could be arthritis or damaged tendons. Clicking is less common in younger guys, but if you've always had it, expect it to happen more frequently as you age.

Growling, Gurgling, or Rumbling Stomach
That's your gut wringing itself out. Between meals, your gastrointestinal tract goes through a series of intense, often noisy contractions every couple of hours to sweep out leftover debris, says Dr. William Chey, coeditor-in-chief of the American Journal of Gastroenterology. But growls don't signal snack time, says Chey: Unless you're hungry, hold off until dinner.

SEE A DOCTOR IF your turbulent gut is accompanied by pain and swelling, especially if you hear sloshing when you press on your belly. In rare cases, your bowels can contract too much or too little, or you could have an obstruction, which may require surgery.

Clicking and Popping Jawbone
If the noise is loud and sharp, your temporomandibular joint—the hinge and/or cartilage of your upper and lower jaw—may be out of alignment. But this is not necessarily a problem, says Dr. James Van Ess, an assistant professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Mayo Clinic.

SEE A DOCTOR IF your jaw locks or won't open or close all the way. And if you're a nighttime jaw clencher, look into a mouth guard or splint to limit further jaw stress, which could lead to joint deterioration and pain. Generally, if you're having problems, baby your jaw: Avoid gum and chewy foods like bagels, taffy, and (sorry) steak.

Soft Whistle Coming Through Your Nose
The cause is air moving through a too-narrow space in your nose, says Ishman. You're probably just stuffed up. Blowing your nose should help, but if it doesn't, just wait until the sniffles subside, or try nasal saline rinses or a nasal steroid spray.

SEE A DOCTOR IF the whistling starts immediately after an injury. A right hook to the face or a vigorous bout of nose picking can cause a perforated septum—a hole in the wall between nasal passages—possibly requiring surgery, says Ishman. The surgeon will use cartilage from another area, like your ear, to build a tiny patch.

Buzzing, Humming, or Ringing of the Ears
Soft ringing or buzzing that begins and ends quickly is known as tinnitus. But it's really in your head; your brain misinterprets spurious electrical signals as noise, says Dr. Samuel Selesnick, vice chairman of otolaryngology at Weill Cornell Medical College. The trigger may be inner-ear damage, so use earplugs around loud noises.

SEE A DOCTOR IF your tinnitus is continuous and only in one ear. This could signal an infection or inner-ear disorder. Still, the majority of cases have no cause, so there is often no cure, Selesnick says. Your doctor may recommend counseling or strategies to help you live with the noise.

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Mar 11, 2014

Mengungkap 7 Mitos Kanker Payudara Yang Menyesatkan - Sebagian kaum wanita mungkin sudah tak asing lagi dengan penyakit ini. Penyakit yang awalnya terbentuk oleh tumor kecil atau kalsium deposit, kemudian menyebar melalui saluran-saluran ke getah bening atau melalui aliran darah ke organ lain.

Tumor tersebut dapat tumbuh dan menyerang jaringan di sekitar payudara, misalnya kulit atau dinding dada Anda.

Umumnya kanker ini menyerang jaringan payudara, terutama pada saluran susu (ductal carcinoma) atau di kelenjar (lobular carcinoma). Kanker tersebut juga dapat menyebar pada bagian paru-paru, hati, dan tulang.

Tak hanya kaum wanita yang berisiko terjangkit kanker payudara, kaum pria juga berisiko mengalami penyakit tersebut.

Kerap kali pemahaman yang kurang mengenai penyakit ini, memicu banyaknya mitos yang menyesatkan beredar di kalangan masyarakat. Sehingga menyebabkan banyak orang salah beranggapan tentang kanker payudara.

Dibawah ini merupakan 7 mitos menyesatkan mengenai kanker payudara yang telah beredar di kalangan masyarakat umum seperti dijelaskan oleh dr. Adhiatma Gunawan.

Mitos: Hanya wanita yang berlatar belakang keluarga pengidap kanker, yang dapat terkena kanker payudara

Faktanya, Sekitar 70% wanita penderita kanker payudara, justru tidak memiliki latar belakang tersebut. Namun, jika ada keluarga terdekat (misalnya ibu atau saudari) Anda yang mengidap kanker payudara, artinya risiko Anda terkena kanker payudara, meningkat.

Mitos: Penggunaan bra berkawat dapat memicu risiko terkena kanker payudara

Faktanya, Teori bahwa penggunaan bra berkawat dapat memampatkan saluran limfatik, menjadikan racun menumpuk sehingga menyebabkan kanker, telah dibantah. Karena, penggunaan bra atau jenis pakaian dalam lainnya tidak memicu terjadinya kanker.

Mitos: Wanita yang memiliki payudara kecil, risiko terjangkit kanker payudara lebih kecil

Faktanya, Ukuran payudara tak mempengaruhi kanker payudara, hanya saja, ukuran payudara yang besar akan menyulitkan untuk pendeteksian kanker tersebut.

Mitos: Kanker selalu berawal dengan adanya benjolan

Faktanya, Selain benjolan, gejala awal kanker payudara adalah pembengkakan, iritasi, puting menjadi kemerahan atau bersisik. Kanker payudara juga dapat menyebar hingga ke bagian ketiak.

Mitos: Sering mengkonsumsi kafein dapat menyebabkan kanker

Faktanya, Tidak ada hubungan antara mengkonsumsi kafein dan kanker .

Mitos: Wanita yang kelebihan berat badan, memiliki tingkat risiko yang sama dengan wanita yang memiliki berat badan normal

Faktanya, Penderita obesitas memiliki risiko lebih tinggi terkena kanker payudara, terutama setelah memasuki masa menopause.

Mitos: Pemeriksaan rutin dengan mammograms dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker payudara akibat radiasinya

Faktanya, Memang benar, bahwa mammograms menggunakan radiasi, tapi, jumlahnya sangat sedikit jika dibandingkan dengan manfaat dari tes tersebut. Mammograms dapat mendeteksi adanya benjolan jauh lebih dulu sebelum Anda merasakan adanya masalah di payudara Anda.

Lakukanlah screening mammogram setiap satu atau dua tahun sekali, terutama setelah memasuki usia empat puluh tahun untuk pendeteksian dini apakah Anda terjangkit kanker payudara atau tidak.


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The best and worst foods for beautiful skin

By Jacqueline Silvestri |

We’ve been taught to believe that bad skin occurs due to raging hormones during the teenage years, but many adults struggle with skin problems as well. Eczema, rosacea, dry skin and recurrent rashes are common skin conditions that stay with us throughout our lives and unless we uncover the real cause, lotions and potions will only keep them away temporarily.

Inflammation and hormonal fluctuations due to diet can cause some of these unwanted skin reactions. While it may be challenging to commit to long-term dietary changes, finding the right diet can help you achieve clearer, brighter skin that will last a lifetime.

A study published in Cutaneous Medicine for the Practitioner revealed that the consumption of nuts, fried foods and potato chips increases the risk of acne. The study also showed evidence of a strong association between acne, a diet rich in foods with a high glycemic load (white breads, pasta, cakes etc.) and the increase in the proportion of refined sugars in the Western diet.

Foods high in sugar and added hormones, such dairy, have been shown to clog pores. Choosing plain, organic dairy can make a difference. White table salt is another culprit that causes tissue to swell and makes your skin look puffy and unhealthy. Even worse, iodized salt has been shown to aggravate acne. Always read labels on pre-packaged foods to check their sodium content.

Many people have seen their skin troubles disappear by cleaning up their diets and avoiding their triggers. There is no one diet to help clear up everyone’s skin and finding your specific trigger can take some time. Not all food sensitivities show up in blood or skin tests, so the best way to figure out which foods are bothering you is to banish them from your diet for a period of time, usually three to six weeks, and see if you notice a difference in your skin.

Along with eliminating trigger foods it is also important to get the right vitamins in your diet.  A study published by the National Institutes of Health suggests that acne-sufferers tend to have lower levels of zinc and vitamins A and E compared to those with clear skin. Carrots, butternut squash, dark leafy greens and sweet potatoes are great sources of vitamin A. And almonds, olives, sunflower seeds and dried apricots can provide vitamin E, while grass-fed beef, spinach and pumpkin seeds all contain zinc.

Underlying inflammation is thought to contribute to skin issues such as rosacea, eczema and stubborn rashes. Switching from a diet high in processed foods to an anti-inflammatory diet can make a dramatic difference in the appearance of skin. An easy way to reduce inflammation is through a diet rich in essential fatty acids. The best places to find these healthy fats are in cold-water fish such as wild salmon and herring, organic coconut oil, walnuts, Brazil nuts, flax seeds, chia seeds and sea vegetables.

Antioxidant rich foods are also important to a skin-clearing diet. Free radicals, such as those formed by sun exposure, are thought to damage the outer layer of the skin but an antioxidant rich diet can help protect against the damage and help guard against premature aging. Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums have some of the highest levels of antioxidants so make these a part of your daily diet. Choosing organic will also help reduce your consumption of pesticides.

Since hormones also play an important role in the health of our skin, stress-reducing activities should be combined with a skin-clearing diet in order to reap the best benefits. Activities such as yoga, meditation, visualization, deep breathing and even regular exercise can help reduce everyday stress, which in turn reduce the hormones that worsen conditions such as eczema, rosacea and acne.


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Mar 7, 2014

11 Tips To Remove Toxins From Your Life & Revamp Your Health


Our world has changed dramatically over the last 100 years. With amazing advancements in technology, sanitation and life saving surgical procedures, the progress has surely been a blessing. In some respects though, this accelerated development of our society has also been a curse; the epidemic rise of chronic and autoimmune diseases are causing millions to suffer needlessly and bankrupting an already fragile and overspent world economy. One of the many factors at the root of this rise of chronic and autoimmune diseases are toxins, which have risen astronomically during this time period. Toxins, which were never known to humanity until relatively recently, are pervasive in our environment and in our bodies.

My previous article on the subject showed how these toxins are harming your thyroid and your hormones, but in reality toxins are linked to just about every chronic and autoimmune disease. For example, diseases like diabetes and heart disease may be caused at least in part by toxins. So how do we stay healthy despite the ubiquity of these substances?

First, let's focus on reducing toxins in your everyday life:

1. Eat organic.
One easy way to minimize toxins is to eat food that hasn't been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. If you can't get an organic option, make sure to thoroughly wash your conventional produce.

2. Clean green.
Conventional dish soaps, laundry detergents, fabric softeners and household cleaners contain harmful chemicals for your health. Look for products labeled nontoxic, and ones that plant-based ingredients. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), one of the most respected nonprofit groups doing work on this topic, has a great guide to nontoxic cleaners.

3. Get fresh air.
Instead of using toxic air fresheners and candles, essential oils are a great alternative, and have healing benefits as well! Perfumes and cologne may smell nice, but many contain toxic ingredients. Using essential oils instead is a great, healthy way to smell your best!

4. Bring nature indoors.
One way to clean the air you breathe is by having fresh household plants inside your house and work space.

5. Be naturally beautiful.
Remember, your skin is your biggest organ. If you can't eat what's on your skin, don't use it. Your skin absorbs all the toxins that are in conventional soaps, shampoos and makeup products. Instead of conventional store-bought lotions, try using almond, jojoba or coconut oils!

6. Wear natural sunscreens.
Knowing that your skin is highly absorptive, can you imagine the absorption rate when you're sweating in the sun and reapplying often? The EWG found that 84% of sunscreen products are harmful to consumers. You read that right: More than four out of five sunscreen products actually harm the people who use them. Due to the scare tactics against even moderate sun exposure, many have gone to the other extreme, and lather up with chemicals that they would certainly never eat for dinner. Many are also vitamin D deficient because of this. The EWG has a great list of safe, nontoxic sunscreens.

7. Drink clean water.
One study found more than 300 pollutants in U.S. tap water. Add a quality water filter in your house to remove at least the majority of common toxins that are found in the water supply.

8. Reduce microwave use.
Microwaves can significantly reduce nutritional content of food. One study found that broccoli cooked in the microwave lost up to 97% of its beneficial antioxidants. By comparison, steamed broccoli lost only 11% or fewer of its antioxidants. Another study demonstrated that garlic lost many of its beneficial qualities after being microwaved.

9. Dump Teflon cookware.
The chemical compound used to make Teflon can be very difficult for the body to eliminate. Instead of using Teflon cookware, try cast iron or nontoxic ceramic.

10. Cook with healthy oils.
The oils you use for cooking all have a specific tolerance for heat, called a smoking point. Using cooking oils that oxidize and become toxic at relatively low temperatures isn't a good idea for your health. Coconut oil and ghee are great options for cooking.

11. Sweat more.
Sweating it a great way to start cleaning toxins out of your body. Using an infrared sauna or doing hot yoga are great ways to get your sweat on.

There are tons of detox products out there on the market, and many aren't worth your time and money, but it's worth exploring your options.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Hair Care
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

Mar 5, 2014

10 Makanan ini mampu bersihkan lever secara alami

Febrianti Diah Kusumaningrum | Rabu, 19 Februari 2014 11:43 - Selain dari makanan yang Anda konsumsi, tubuh juga dapat terkena paparan racun dari udara dan berbagai macam bahan kimia yang Anda pakai. Hal ini akan membuat lever Anda bekerja dengan keras untuk menyaringnya. Oleh karena itu Anda pun patut menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan lever dengan baik. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengonsumsi makanan sehat dan alami.

Berikut adalah makanan sehat yang mampu membersihkan lever dengan sempurna seperti dikutip dari

Apel mengandung jumlah pektin yang tinggi yang mampu membersihkan lever dan menghilangkan racun dari dalam sistem pencernaan tubuh Anda.

Kandungan enzim penting yang ada di dalam kubis baik untuk mendetoks lever Anda dan membersihkan saluran pencernaan.

Bawang putih
Bawang putih mengandung jumlah allicin dan selenium yang tinggi. Senyawa ini akan membantu Anda untuk membersihkan lever secara alami.

Vitamin C dan zat antioksidan lainnya yang ada di dalam anggur berguna untuk membersihkan lever dari racun dan lemak. Oleh karena itu mengonsumsi segelas jus anggur setiap hari baik untuk kesehatan lever Anda.

Teh hijau
Teh hijau mengandung zat antioksidan yang disebut dengan katekin. Zat ini mampu membersihkan lever dan juga bermanfaat untuk penurunan berat badan Anda.

Sayuran hijau
Sayuran berdaun hijau kaya akan klorofil yang mampu menyerap racun di dalam tubuh sehingga lever pun menjadi lebih bersih. Sayuran hijau juga mampu menetralisir pestisida, logam berat, dan bahan kimia lainnya yang mampu mengganggu kesehatan lever.

Minyak zaitun
Minyak zaitun dan minyak organik lainnya efektif untuk menyerap racun berbahaya di dalam tubuh sebelum racun ini mampu mempengaruhi kesehatan tubuh Anda. Dengan demikian, kesehatan hati Anda pun dapat terjaga.

Jeruk nipis
Sama seperti anggur, jeruk nipis juga mengandung vitamin C yang tinggi yang bermanfaat untuk proses pembersihan lever. Air jeruk nipis juga bermanfaat untuk merangsang lever Anda agar berfungsi dengan lebih lancar dan efektif.

Kunyit membantu lever Anda dalam menghilangkan unsur-unsur racun berbahaya di dalamnya.

Kacang kenari
Kacang kenari mengandung arginin yaitu asam amino yang mampu menyerap racun berbahaya. Kandungan asam lemak omega 3 di dalamnya juga mampu membuat lever Anda berfungsi dengan lebih efisien.

Kesehatan lever mampu mempengaruhi kesehatan tubuh Anda secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu tingkatkan kesehatan lever Anda dengan makanan sehat di atas.

Bynaturael Products:
Natural hair care
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

What are parabens and do I need to worry about them?

By Eleni N. GagePublished |February 26, 2014

Parabens have been widely used in products to prevent bacteria growth since the 1950s.

“About 85 percent of cosmetics have them,” said Arthur Rich, a cosmetic chemist in Chestnut Ridge, New York. “They’re inexpensive and effective.”

New York City dermatologist Dr. Fran E. Cook-Bolden explained, “Parabens have a long history of safe use, and that’s why they’re commonplace. New preservatives have less of a proven track record.”

In fact, typically, more than one form of the ingredient is used in a product. The most common are butylparaben, methylparaben, and propylparaben. Over the last few years, however, in response to customer concerns, many brands have started to manufacture (and label) paraben-free products, including lotions, lipsticks, shampoos, scrubs, and more.

So What’s the Problem?
In the 1990s, parabens were deemed xenoestrogens―agents that mimic estrogen in the body. “Estrogen disruption” has been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues. And in 2004 British cancer researcher Philippa Darbre found parabens present in malignant breast tumors. As a result, experts in many countries are recommending limits on paraben levels in cosmetic products. What’s more, watchdog organizations worry that if parabens can be stored in the body, over time they could have a cumulative effect and pose a health risk.

But here’s the flip side: Critics of the British study point out that noncancerous tissue from healthy breasts wasn’t examined to see if parabens were also present there, and that the presence of parabens in tumors doesn’t prove that they caused the cancer. Other studies have shown parabens to have a very weak estrogenic effect.

All this leads to concern about the unknown. Cook-Bolden tells her patients that “so far there’s no scientific evidence to support any link with any form of cancer.” Currently, the amount of parabens in any product is typically quite small. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization consider the chemicals safe at low levels.

The Bottom Line?
There’s reason to be mindful, but no reason to have an all-consuming concern about these chemicals. If it helps you rest easy, use a paraben-free body lotion (which coats a large area of skin). Today there are a number of formulas available from paraben-free brands. Labels that list the preservatives as one of the last four ingredients also indicate that the chemicals are present in very small amounts, said Andrea Kane, editor of

If you want to play it extremely safe, use a few oil-based organic products that don’t contain water (which calls for a preservative). They often come in dark containers with a pump so that light and air don’t degrade them quickly.

“With truly natural products, just stay within their use-by date,” Kane said. “It’s like milk―the date is there for a reason.”

Bynaturael Products:
Natural Hair Care
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

The Best Parts Of Fruits And Veggies You're Not Eating

The Huffington Post  | by  Sarah Klein

Most adults would benefit from one and a half to two cups of fruit and two to three cups of vegetables each day. But it might be easier to reach our recommend servings if we didn't throw away so many beneficial pieces and parts of our favorite fruits and veggies. (Not to mention we might just want to stop wasting 25 to 33 percent of our food globally). Yep, we're talking seeds, skins, stems and more you thought you were supposed to toss.

Turns out, thanks to some big-time health benefits, those incidentals don't need to be banished to the compost heap. Start enjoying these eight extras today.

Apple Peel
An antioxidant called quercetin awaits in the skin of your apple, providing benefits to the lungs and the brain. Apple peel also packs more fiber and vitamins than the flesh of the fruit.

Swiss Chard Stems
A 2006 study found that within those brightly-hued stalks have substantial amounts of glutamine, an amino acid that plays an essential role in the body's healing and repairing processes. Try chopping and cooking those stems right along with the leaves.

Orange Peel
According to a 2004 study, a chemical in the peel of oranges and other citrus fruits may have a cholesterol-lowering effect stronger than that of some prescription drugs. The compounds, polymethoxylated flavones, may also account for citrus fruits' protective powers against heart disease and inflammation, according to the study.

Not to worry: You don't have to bite into the thing whole. Grate or zest the rind to flavor your favorite dishes.

Beet Greens
Although now we harvest these plants for their roots -- the beets -- they were grown first for their leaves, according to The Complete Leafy Greens Cookbook. Cook 'em for major fiber, calcium, iron and more, plus heaping helpings of vitamins A and K. Expect a taste that's half beet, half kale, all yum.

Watermelon Rind
The watery flesh of this summertime favorite contains an amino acid called L-citrulline, thought to improve athletic performance and ease muscle soreness. But citrulline, which also helps remove nitrogen from the blood, was discovered to be in the rind of the watermelon too, in a 2003 study from the USDA's Agricultural Research Service.

Turnip Greens
Like turnips, these not-to-be-discarded leaves are a sweet and spicy mix. Like beet greens, they're sky high in vitamins A and K, as well as a very good source of fiber, iron, potassium and more.

Potato Skin
The flesh of your spud has a lot to offer too, but, ounce for ounce, the skin provides more fiber. It also contains a host of B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium, among other nutrients, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. That doesn't mean ordering the potato skins at the bar; stick to baked spuds with the skin on, please.

Pumpkin Seeds
Next time you're carving a pumpkin, set aside the gory guts as you scoop 'em out. About half a cup contains more than your daily recommended intake of magnesium, low levels of which may lead to heart problems, osteoporosis and headaches. Pepitas are also rich in iron and protein, as well as certain plant-based compounds called phytosterols, which have been shown to reduce "bad" cholesterol.

Bynaturael Products:
Natural Hair Care
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: