Oct 31, 2014

Kecuali Buahnya Ampuh Tumpas Kanker, Biji Blackberry Kaya Asam Omega

Odilia Winneke – detikFood

Bentuknya mungil dengan rasa asam dan biji-biji mungil keras di dalam buahnya. Buah berwarna hitam ini dinobatkan sebagai superfood karena sejumlah nutrisi penting yang dimilikinya.

Bentuk buah blackberry selintas mirip dengan black raspberry. Buah mungil ini dikenal karena kandungan nutrisinya yang sarat. Seperti serat, Vitamin C, vitamin K dan mangan.

Kecuali itu juga mengandung serat larut dan tidak larut. Setiap 100 gram blackberry hanya mengandung 43 kalori, mengandung 5.3 g serat dan mengandung sejumlah vitamin A, E dan K.

Yang istimewa buah ini mengandung sejumlah antioksidan. Seperti anthocyanins, flavonoids, poylphenols, dan penumpas kanker  ellagic acid.

Penelitian ilmiah menyebutkan kandungan antioksidan tersebut sangat ampuh untuk melawan pertumbuahn sel kanker. Juga anti penuaan dini, peradangan dan penyakit syaraf.

Menurut studi yang dupublikasikan The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, kandungan antioksidan blackberry tertinggi dibandingkan dengan buah lainnya. Meskipun tidak sepopuler delima yang kandungan antioksidannya lebih kecil.

Uniknya biji buah yang asam segar ini punya kandungan nutrisi tinggi. Mengandung asama lemak omega 3 dan omega 6. Karenanya saat makan buah ini, jangan dibuang bijinya. Konsumsi bersama bijinya yang kaya nutrisi.

Blackberry bisa dimakan segar, dibuat selai, smoothies atau jus bersama dengan jenis berry lainnya. Buah ini juga umum dipakai untuk topping pie atau campuran muffin dan cake.


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Drink This, Sleep 90 More Minutes A Night

By Nina Elias

Give your box of chamomile a rest. New research presented at the Experimental Biology 2014 meeting finds drinking tart cherry juice twice a day can help you sleep nearly 90 more minutes a night.

Researchers from Louisiana State University had seven older adults with insomnia drink eight ounces of Montmorency tart cherry juice twice a day for two weeks, followed by two weeks of no juice, and then two more weeks of drinking a placebo beverage. Compared to the placebo, drinking the cherry juice resulted in an average of 84 more minutes of sleep time each night.

Cherry juice is a natural source of the sleep-wake cycle hormone melatonin and amino acid tryptophan, says study coauthor Frank L. Greenway, director of the outpatient research clinic at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at LSU. “Proanthocyanidins, or the ruby red pigments in tart cherry juice, contain an enzyme that reduces inflammation and decreases the breakdown of tryptophan, letting it go to work longer in your body,” he says. Montmorency cherries are particularly high in those compounds. (The study was funded by the Cherry Marketing Institute, but the group had no role in the study design or outcome.)

Greenway estimates that up to one-third of American adults over age 65 have insomnia, which is defined as having trouble sleeping more than three nights per week. He believes cherry juice is a safer way to improve sleep quality than going the pharmaceutical route, given the lack of side effects. “Sleeping pills in the elderly are associated with a 4-fold increase in the prevalence of falls which, at that age, can result in fractures that require surgery,” he explains.

Not a cherry juice fan? Try kiwi. Eating two kiwi fruits an hour before bed was shown to increase sleep time by 13% and decrease mid-sleep waking periods by 29% after just four weeks, finds a recent Chinese study. Or incorporate seaweed into your dinner; the ocean vegetable is high in omega-3 DHA, which helped children get an extra full hour of sleep, according to a recent University of Oxford study.


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Oct 29, 2014

Tak Cuma Bikin Langsing, Latihan Angkat Beban Juga Sehatkan Otak

Ajeng Annastasia Kinanti – detikHealth

Jakarta, Ada kabar baik bagi Anda yang terbiasa rutin melakukan latihan angkat beban di gym untuk membentuk otot dan menurunkan berat badan. Studi terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa aktivitas ini rupanya juga memberikan dampak positif bagi kesehatan otak.

Studi yang dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Georgia Institute of Technology menemukan bahwa para dewasa muda yang terbiasa melakukan latihan otot, berkesempatan tinggi juga untuk memiliki kemampuan mengingat yang lebih baik.

Salah seorang peneliti yang terlibat, Lisa Weinberg, mengungkapkan bahwa tak perlu melakukan latihan beban dalam jangka waktu lama untuk mendapatkan manfaat ini. "Seseorang hanya perlu melakukan sekitar dua sesi latihan angkat beban per hari, atau sekitar 20 menit saja," tulisnya, seperti dikutip dari jurnal Acta Psychologica pada Jumat (3/10/2014).

Weinberg dan rekan-rekannya meminta sekelompok responden untuk melihat dan mengingat sekitar 90 foto di layar komputer. Foto-foto ini dibagi menjadi tiga kategori: kategori pertama adalah foto anak-anak sedang berenang (unsur positif); foto bagian tubuh yang sedang sakit (unsur negatif); dan foto jam (unsur netral).

Kemudian setengah dari kelompok responden diminta untuk melakukan latihan angkat beban sekitar 50 repetisi, sementara sisanya diminta untuk duduk saja. Masing-masing diberi waktu 20 menit untuk melakukan aktivitas ini.

Sekitar dua hari kemudian, responden diminta kembali ke lab dan melihat kembali 180 foto dari Weinberg. Sekitar 90 foto di antaranya adalah foto yang sudah diperlihatkan sebelumnya. Berdasarkan catatan Weinberg, kelompok responden yang melakukan latihan angkat beban berhasil mengingat sekitar 60 persen foto, sementara mereka yang tidak melakukan apa-apa hanya mengingat 50 persen foto saja.

"Selain itu, mereka yang latihan juga lebih banyak mengingat foto-foto dengan unsur positif dan negatif. Temuan ini sesuai dengan hasil studi sebelumnya di mana hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan emosi lebih mudah diingat oleh seseorang," imbuh Weinberg.

Berdasarkan studi sebelumnya, beberapa aktivitas lain juga memiliki hubungan positif dengan kesehatan otak. Di antaranya aktivitas seperti berjalan, berlari dan bersepeda. Latihan fisik semacam ini disebutkan dapat meningkatkan ukuran hippocampus (pusat otak untuk memori, pembelajaran dan emosi).

Menurut Harvard Medical School, olahraga juga dapat mengurangi resistensi insulin, peradangan, mendorong pertumbuhan pembuluh darah baru dan membantu pembuatan sel-sel otak baru.


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Myths about olive oil

Many people know surprisingly little about olive oil, a commodity that so often makes the news — at times the subject of public esteem (as when a study is released about new health benefits), and at other times, scandal (as when more fraud is uncovered).

Part of the lack of general knowledge is a result of all the crazy marketing out there: Peruse the olive oils in the cooking oil aisle of a typical grocery store and you'll be greeted by all kinds of terminology. Some of it is confusing — like "pure" and "extra-virgin" — which is better? Other terms are just pointless — "cold-pressed" for example, doesn’t really mean much; basically, all extra-virgin olive oil is cold-pressed. And part of it is still a relative lack of popularity — according to Tom Mueller, author of Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil, "The Greeks eat more [olive] oil than any other nationality, 21 liters per capita every year as compared with 13 liters in Italy and Spain, 1 liter in Britain, and a little less than a liter in the United States."

The point of all this marketing, of course, is to make olive oil less of a commodity in people's minds, and more of a product with different levels of quality, which is a step in the right direction, but as just pointed out, it's not always done well.

It's inevitable that something produced since antiquity and that is so legendary is going to accumulate some myths over time. Just how long has the olive oil trade been around? A very, very long time. There's a hill in Rome on the south side of the Tiber River that's half a mile in circumference, called Mount Testaccio, made out of the broken shards of 25 million amphorae, containers used by the Romans between the first and third centuries to transport olive oil. It's enough to hold 1.75 billion liters of oil, a testament to the importance of olive oil then. Its lucrative allure drove the unscrupulous to engage in all kinds of "interesting" business practices, some of which, like the adulteration of olive oil with cheaper oils, haunt us again today. "Crime has been part of the oil trade for at least 5,000 years," writes Mueller. "The earliest known documents to mention olive oil, cuneiform tablets written at Ebla in the 24th century BC, refer to teams of inspectors who checked olive growers and millers for fraudulent practices."

While there's no way to really know for sure what's in the bottle without opening it and tasting it, we can help uncover some of the mystery and confusion surrounding olive oil.

Myth #1: If an extra-virgin olive oil "freezes" in the refrigerator, then it's the real thing.
With all the recent controversy over fraud in the olive oil market (and food fraud in general), it's natural to wonder if the extra money you're paying for olive oil is worth it, especially when it's difficult to be sure that what is in the bottle is the real thing. In an episode of Dr. Oz which aired Feb. 11, 2013, viewers were told that if an extra-virgin olive oil solidified in the refrigerator, then it was probably the real thing — not necessarily true, according to Eryn Balch, executive vice president of the North American Olive Oil Association.

Many oils, not just extra-virgin olive oil, turn solid when chilled, and whether or not a particular extra-virgin olive oil solidifies depends on its fatty acid profile — the mix of saturated and types of unsaturated fats unique to the type of olive or olives used to make the olive oil, their harvest date, and other factors.

Myth #2: When cooking with olive oil, always use extra-virgin olive oil.
How many recipes have you seen specify "extra-virgin olive oil" in the ingredient list? The abbreviation has even become an endearing (or eye-roll-inducing) mantra for home cooks, thanks to Rachael Ray —we're not going to say it because we're not allowed to say it (the word is on a wall of banned words called "The Island" in our office), and you already know how it goes anyway. (Take a shot, now.)

If it's a salad dressing recipe or even a baking recipe, that's fine — but if it asks you to sauté, grill, roast, or (gasp) fry, it's really bad advice — the smoke point of extra-virgin olive oil is about 375 to 405 degrees, and if you go past it, as you surely will when using one of these high-temperature cooking techniques, you'll produce all sorts of nasty chemicals that will end up in your food. Some common examples include peroxides, aldehydes, ketones, and hydroperoxides, all of which are toxic. But you don't just end up producing bad substances; you end up destroying the good ones, too. At 356 degrees, antioxidants start to say goodbye — tocopherols are the first to go.

Instead, when cooking at high temperatures, use a refined olive oil, which has a much higher smoke point. At stores, it is often marketed as "extra-light," "light tasting," or even just "olive oil." Save that beautiful extra-virgin olive oil for finishing a dish, not for cooking it.

Myth #3: You can't fry food with olive oil.
This, too, is a myth. Olive oil is a popular choice in Spain, Italy, Greece, and many other south European countries for frying. But the key is to pick the right type of olive oil. As mentioned in the previous slide, it's not such a good idea to fry with extra-virgin olive oil. But refined olive oil has a much higher smoke point than extra-virgin. At roughly 468 degrees, its smoke point is higher than or nearly as high as some other oils popular for frying, including peanut oil (450 degrees) and canola oil (470 degrees). Pure olive oil, a mixture of refined olive oil and extra-virgin olive oil, is also a good choice for light frying.

Myth #4: "Light" or "extra-light" olive oil is lower in calories than other olive oils.
A misleading marketing term. "Light" or "extra-light" is more accurately in reference to the taste of the oil, which after going through various processes including deodorization, is flavorless and odorless, rather than the caloric or fat content of the oil. "Light" and "extra-light" oils, like just about any other cooking oil, contain 120 calories and 14 grams of fat per tablespoon.


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Oct 27, 2014

Regular Exercise and Resistance Training Are Good for the Brain

Ongoing physical activity has been linked to a longer life and all kinds of benefits for the body, including less heart disease, fewer falls and broken bones, greater lung function and a trimmer physique. Now, two new studies provide further evidence that regular exercise may be good for staying mentally sharp into old age. Resistance training, in which the body works against weight, may have particular benefits for the brain. The studies were published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the medical journals from the American Medical Association.

In one study, researchers from Vancouver, Canada, divided 155 women ages 65 to 75 into three groups. Each followed different exercise regimens over the course of a year. In one group, 54 of the women did resistance training exercises once a week; in another, 52 women did twice weekly resistance training. Resistance training exercises emphasize strengthening the muscles and include the use of weights or lifting one’s own body weight, as in doing push-ups or pull-ups. The remaining 49 women served as controls, participating in twice-a-week classes that focused on balance and muscle tone training rather than resistance.

After a year, women in both of the resistance training groups scored higher on mental acuity tests that measured mental focus and attention than those in the balance and muscle tone group. They also scored higher on conflict resolution tests, and they were stronger.

“This has important clinical implications because cognitive impairment is a major health problem that currently lacks a clearly effective pharmaceutical therapy,” the authors wrote. In addition, they noted, “resistance training is not widely adopted by seniors.” The amount of exercise that the researchers assigned was moderate and within the range of exercise programs commonly recommended for seniors.

In the second study, researchers in Germany found that regular exercise was associated with reduced memory and thinking problems in older adults. Men and women, ages 55 and up, who engaged in moderate or high physical activity over a two-year period scored higher on cognitive exams than their sedentary peers.

The researchers assessed the exercise habits of, and performed memory tests on, nearly 4,000 older men and women in southern Bavaria, beginning in 2001. At the start of the study, 418 participants, or 10.7, percent showed signs of memory and thinking problems. After two years, 207, or 5.9 percent, of the initially healthy study participants developed memory problems.

Among those who rarely exercise, the incidence of new cognitive problems was 13.9 percent. In contrast, the incidence was considerably lower among those who exercise moderately (6.7 percent) or at high intensity (5.1 percent).

The study didn’t distinguish between specific types of exercise, like aerobic activities versus balance or strength training. Nor did it look at particular hobbies like walking or ballroom dancing, which earlier studies have shown may help keep the brain sharp. But the results add further weight to the idea that regular exercise can help keep the mind alert and lower the risk of cognitive problems, and maybe even Alzheimer’s disease, in old age.

A study last year, for example, from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago found that older adults who maintain their muscle strength are at lower risk of memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease than their same-aged peers. Those who were stronger were also less likely to have mild cognitive impairment, a form of memory loss that, while not as severe as Alzheimer’s, sometimes precedes the disease.

It may be especially important to exercise and adopt other healthy lifestyle measures early in life, given mounting evidence that Alzheimer's risk can be cut by exercise during midlife. Alzheimer’s is a complex disease that likely depends on many factors, including the genes you inherit. Lifestyle factors are likely just one part of the preventive puzzle. While a twice-a-week visit to the gym won’t guarantee a physically and mentally robust old age, it may help you to look, feel, and act younger.

By www.ALZinfo.org [1], The Alzheimer's Information Site. Reviewed by William J. Netzer [2], Ph.D., Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation at The Rockefeller University.

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Rosemary, tanaman cantik yang kaya akan manfaat kesehatan

Reporter : Febrianti Diah Kusumaningrum

Rosemary memang tidak terlalu populer di Indonesia. Namun keberadaan tanaman yang berasal dari daerah Mediterania ini mulai masuk ke Indonesia lewat makanan barat yang saat ini banyak bermunculan.

Sudah sejak lama rosemary dikenal memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan selain mampu memberikan aroma dan rasa yang lezat pada makanan. Berikut adalah beberapa manfaat kesehatan dari segarnya rosemary yang wajib untuk Anda ketahui:

·         Rosemary bermanfaat untuk meredakan nyeri otot, meningkatkan sistem peredaran darah, serta memperkuat memori karena rosemary adalah sumber zat besi, kalsium, dan vitamin B6 yang baik.
·         Rosemary merupakan sumber zat anti-oksidan dan anti-inflamasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan menetralkan radikal bebas yang menyerang DNA.
·         Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rosemary dapat menunda kanker. Sebab rosemary mengandung dua senyawa kimia utama yaitu carnosic dan rosmarinic yang mampu menghambat produksi sel kanker seperti kanker prostat, kanker paru-paru, dan kanker payudara. Rosemary juga dapat mengurangi resistensi terhadap obat kemoterapi.
·         Rosemary mampu meningkatkan memori dan kinerja kognitif Anda. Sebab senyawa di dalam rosemary mampu mencegah pemecahan asetilkolin, zat kimia yang merangsang sel-sel otak untuk peningkatan memori dan penalaran.
·         Rosemary mengandung zat anti-bakteri yang dapat membersihkan darah dan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri patogen tanpa merusak bakteri menguntungkan dalam tubuh.
·         Minyak rosemary mampu meringankan rasa sakit dari gangguan pencernaan dan kram akibat menstruasi.
·         Selain itu, minyak rosemary juga bermanfaat untuk mengobati masalah kulit seperti eksim dan masalah sendi seperti arthritis.

Itulah beberapa manfaat menyehatkan dari rosemary. Anda pun bisa memasukkan ke dalam daftar tips sehat nan herbal yang bisa Anda coba.


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Oct 9, 2014

Selain Makanan, Ini Lima Pemicu Asam Urat Cepat Muncul

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Asam urat menyulitkan aktivitas kita. Selain karena makanan, ada lima faktor penyebab asam urat. Apa saja itu?

1. Usia
Gout lebih banyak ditemukan pada orang berusia 45 tahun ke atas, meski tak sedikit juga orang yang baru menginjak usia 30 tahun sudah menderita asam urat.
"Semakin tua seseorang, risiko menderita asam urat akan semakin besar," kata Theodore Fields, MD, profesor dan ahli sendi. Pasalnya, usia yang menua berarti fungsi ginjal berkurang. Hal ini berakibat pada kadar asam urat yang bertambah. Obat-obat yang dipakai seiring bertambahnya usia juga dapat meningkatkan risiko terkena asam urat.

2. Kondisi kesehatan
Orang yang mengidap penyakit lain cenderung terkena asam urat, misalnya kegemukan atau diabetes. Penderita obesitas punya risiko empat kali lebih besar menderita asam urat dibanding yang berberat badan normal.
Resistensi insulin dan diabetes juga memicu terbentuknya asam urat karena kondisi tersebut mengganggu fungsi ginjal. Penderita tumor ganas pun juga dapat mempunyai kadar asam urat yang tinggi.

3. Jenis kelamin
Penderita penyakit ini kebanyakan memang laki-laki. Ketika gout menyerang di usia muda, penyakit ini bisa berkelanjutan hingga seumur hidup. Laki-laki memang memiliki asam urat yang lebih tinggi ketimbang wanita, kata Dr Fields. Hormon estrogen pada wanita cenderung melindunginya dari asam urat sejak anak-anak. Namun, setelah menopause, risiko terkena asam urat menjadi sama dengan kaum pria. Ini adalah faktor penyebab asam urat yang penting.

4. Obat-obatan
Beberapa jenis obat-obatan juga dapat meningkatkan risiko terserang gout. Misalnya, obat diuretik, aspirin, atau obat untuk keperluan transplantasi. Memang beberapa jenis obat tersebut penting dan tidak bisa dihentikan. Solusinya adalah mengonsumsi obat tambahan yang bisa menurunkan kadar asam urat. Konsultasikan hal ini kepada dokter.

5. Konsumsi alkohol
Minuman beralkohol juga bisa membuat Anda merasakan sengatan nyeri asam urat. Walau wine tidak membuat asam urat, tapi tidak demikian halnya dengan bir. Jika Anda sudah terdiagnosis memiliki kadar asam urat yang tinggi, mulailah menghentikan kebiasaan minum.

Lima faktor penyebab asam urat ini sangat umum didapati dan bisa dicegah.


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Tomatoes 'important in prostate cancer prevention'

By Helen Briggs
Health editor, BBC News website
 Eating tomatoes may lower the risk of prostate cancer, research suggests.

Men who consume more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week reduce their risk by about 20%, according to a UK study. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide, with 35,000 new cases and around 10,000 deaths in the UK every year. Cancer experts recommend eating a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt.

The Bristol team analysed the diets and lifestyles of around 20,000 British men aged between 50 and 69.

They found men who consumed more than 10 portions of tomatoes each week - such as fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and baked beans - saw an 18% reduction in prostate cancer risk. Eating the recommended five servings of fruit or vegetables or more a day was also found to decrease risk by 24%, compared with men who ate two-and-a-half servings or less.

"Our findings suggest that tomatoes may be important in prostate cancer prevention," said Vanessa Er, from the School of Social and Community Medicine at Bristol University. "However, further studies need to be conducted to confirm our findings, especially through human [clinical] trials.

"Men should still eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, maintain a healthy weight and stay active."

Dietary index
The cancer-fighting properties of tomatoes are thought to be due to lycopene, an antioxidant which can protect against DNA and cell damage.

The researchers also looked at two other dietary components linked with prostate cancer risk - selenium, found in flour-based foods such as bread and pasta, and calcium, found in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Men who had optimal intake of these three dietary components had a lower risk of prostate cancer, they said.

Commenting on the study, Dr Iain Frame of Prostate Cancer UK said there was not yet enough evidence to make concrete recommendations on which specific foods men should eat to reduce their risk of prostate cancer. "What we do know is that men shouldn't rely too heavily on one type of food, such as tomatoes," he said.

"A healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, together with regular exercise is by far the best option."

Tom Stansfeld of Cancer Research UK added: "While eating foods rich in lycopene - such as tomatoes - or selenium may be associated with a reduction in the risk of prostate cancer, this has not been proven, and this study can't confirm whether there is a link between diet and prostate cancer risk.

"Diet and cancer prevention is a complex issue with few black and white answers; we encourage everyone to eat a balanced diet which is high in fruit and vegetables and low in red and processed meat, fat and salt."

The research, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, was carried out in collaboration with the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.


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