Dec 30, 2013

5 Dangers of Excess Abdominal Fat

By Daily Health Post February 27, 2013

By now, most of us are well aware of the health risks that are associated with obesity. But did you know that excess abdominal fat in particular carries its own set of risks? A high waist-to-hip ratio, caused by visceral fat setting up shop inside your abdomen and around your organs, has been associated with these five long-term health issues.

#1 Decreased Lung Function
Last year, a team of Finnish researchers found that a large waist circumference is related to decreased lung volume and function. In comparison with other healthy, non-smoking adults who did not have excess abdominal fat, those who carried more fat performed far more poorly on spirometry (breath measurement) tests.

Over time, this decreased lung function can lead to a narrowing of the airway and ultimately chronic lung diseases like asthma.

#2 Arterial Degeneration
Another 2012 study found a significant correlation between abdominal obesity and high incidence of arthrosclerosis and arterial stiffness. The researchers studied both individuals with abdominal obesity and general obesity, as well as healthy individuals, and discovered that for every 0.1 increase in the waist to height ratio, arterial issues worsened. This tendency was particularly pronounced in people with excess abdominal fat. Arterial degeneration can lead to stroke and various forms of heart disease.

#3 Poor Blood Sugar Regulation
Visceral fat – the type of fat found in people with abdominal obesity – produces a number of hormones that can wreak havoc on your metabolic systems. These hormones can trigger changes to insulin receptors in your body, meaning that insulin starts to become less effective in helping to regulate your blood sugar. This is, of course, one of the major causes of diabetes.

 #4 Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
It turns out that what’s going on in your gut can have a big effect on your brain. A 2010 study found that a high waist-to-hip ratio, as well as the presence of abdominal visceral fat in general, is linked with low brain volume. Low brain volume has in turn been linked with general dementia and may also be a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease.

#5 High Cholesterol
Visceral fat can be turned into free fatty acids by the body, which results in the production of LDL (also known as “bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, the free fatty acids also reduce the body’s level of HDL (also known as “good”) cholesterol. Along with abdominal obesity’s relationship with arterial degeneration, the cholesterol-related effects of excess belly fat are a perfect storm for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Where you tend to store your fat is largely dictated by your genes, but if you have excess abdominal fat, there are ways to minimize your risk. According to the experts, exercise is the best way to get rid of that visceral fat, even more so than calorie restriction (although sticking to a healthy diet is always a good idea). Aim for half an hour to an hour of exercise most days of the week, and with determination, you should be able to shrink your belly and your chances of developing any of these long-term health problems.

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Surprises found in hunt for environmental links to breast cancer

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
By Kerry Sheridan, AFP

WASHINGTON -- A decade-long research effort to uncover the environmental causes of breast cancer by studying both lab animals and a group of healthy U.S. girls has turned up some surprises, scientists say.
At the center of the investigation are 1,200 school girls who do not have breast cancer, but who have already given scientists important new clues about the possible origins of the disease.

Some risk factors are well understood, including early puberty, later age of childbearing, late onset of menopause, estrogen replacement therapy, drinking alcohol and exposure to radiation.

Advances have also been made in identifying risky gene mutations, but these cases make up a small minority. “Most of breast cancer, particularly in younger women, does not come from family histories,” said Leslie Reinlib, a program director at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. “We have still got 80 percent that has got to be environmental,” said Reinlib, who is part of the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program (BCERP) program that has received some US$70 million in funds from the U.S. government since 2003.

Some of its researchers track what is happening in the human population, while others study how carcinogens, pollutants and diet affect the development of the mammary glands and breast tumors in lab mice. The program's primary focus is on puberty because its early onset “is probably one of the best predictors of breast cancer in women,” Reinlib said.

Puberty is a time of rapid growth of the breast tissue. Research on survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bombings in Japan has shown that those exposed in puberty had a higher likelihood of developing breast cancer in adulthood. The 1,200 U.S. girls enrolled in the study at sites in New York City, northern California and the greater Cincinnati, Ohio, area beginning in 2004, when they were between the ages of six and eight.

The aim was to measure the girls' chemical exposures through blood and urine tests, and to learn how environmental exposures affected the onset of puberty and perhaps breast cancer risk later in life. Researchers quickly discovered that their effort to reach girls before puberty had not been entirely successful.

“By age eight, 40 percent were already in puberty,” said Reinlib. “That was a surprising bit of information.” Further research has shown that the girls appear to be entering puberty six to eight months earlier than their peers did in the 1990s.

Obesity an Influencing Factor

A study published last week in the journal Pediatrics on this cohort of girls found that obesity was acting as a primary driver of earlier breast development. Other studies on the girls have focused on chemicals that are known as endocrine disruptors because they are believed to cause either earlier or later breast development.

Initial results showed “for the first time that phthalates, BPA, pesticides are in all the girls they looked at,” said Reinlib. Researchers were taken aback by the pervasiveness of the exposures, but also by the data which appeared to show some plastic chemicals might not be as influential on breast development as some have feared.

“They didn't find much of an association between puberty and phthalates, which are these chemicals that leach out of plastic bottles and Tupperware,” Reinlib said. Another major finding regarded blood chemicals from two nearby groups in Ohio and Kentucky, both drinking water that was apparently contaminated by industrial waste.

Girls in northern Kentucky had blood levels of an industrial chemical — perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA or C-8) found in Teflon non-stick coating for pans — three times as high as those who drank water from the Ohio River near Cincinnati, where water was filtered with state-of-the-art technology.

“Northern Kentucky did not have granular activated carbon filtration” in their water supply said researcher Susan Pinney, a professor at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine. “In 2012 they put it in after they learned of our preliminary results.” Families were also notified of their daughters' blood levels, she said.

The chemicals can linger in the body for years. Researchers were dismayed to learn that the longer the girls spent breastfeeding as infants — typically touted for its health benefits — the higher their PFOA levels compared to girls who were fed formula.

What cannot be studied in the girls is tried on lab mice, who in one experiment are being fed high-fat diets and exposed to a potent carcinogen to see how the two interact. Mammary tumors develop much faster in the high-fat diet group, said scientist Richard Schwartz of the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at Michigan State University.

Fat mice have more blood supply in the mammary glands, higher inflammation levels and display changes in the immune system. Follow-up studies suggest that cancer risk stays high even if mice are fed high-fat diets in puberty and switched to low-fat diets in adulthood, he told AFP.

“The damage is already done,” he said. “Does this mean that humans are at risk the same way? We don't know that with certainty.” But the findings do reinforce the advice that people often hear regarding how to maintain good health — avoid fatty foods, maintain a normal weight and reduce chemical exposures wherever possible, experts say.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women globally and took 508,000 lives in 2011, according to the World Health Organization.

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Dec 27, 2013

Best Foods To Prevent A Stroke (And What To Avoid)

Posted: 23/12/2013 11:10 GMT  |  Updated: 23/12/2013 11:30 GMT

Diet can be an instrumental factor in preventing or hastening the onset of a stroke.

Alice Mackintosh, nutritionist at The Food Doctor said: "Though genetic predisposition plays a part in the development of cardiovascular issues, it has been hypothesized that most cases of stroke can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing risks of further compromising heart health. Factors that can make one more susceptible to strokes include: smoking, stress, low physical activity, a high saturated fat diet, high cholesterol levels, uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure."

What healthy diet changes can you make in 2014, and what should you look at avoiding? We asked three experts for their advice.

Liver-supporting foods
You may ask what this has to do with your heart, but the liver is where cholesterol is actually made. Nutritionist Karen Poole says this includes onion, garlic, cabbage, fennel, broccoli, watercress, celery, radish, rocket, chicory, garlic, artichoke, and spinach into your weekly holiday diet.

"The liver initially makes cholesterol and then breaks it down when it has performed its tasks and a healthy liver will function more efficiently and is therefore, essential for effective overall blood cholesterol regulation. The liver will no doubt take a bashing over the festive season so make sure to give it some TLC."

Cut out pastries and fatty meats
Recently findings have revealed that while all saturated fats are not evil when it comes to heart disease and strokes, trans fats should be avoided as much as possible. This - sad to say - will include all the things we like. Yvonne McMeel, resident nutritionist at Urban Retreat says these are "heavily processed food; meat pies, sausages and fatty cuts of meat, lard, cream, hard cheese, cakes and biscuits."

"Cholesterol balancing omega 3 fats has been shown to significantly reduce the risks of strokes," says Alice. "In particular, omega-3 fatty acids which can be obtained from fatty fish (e.g. salmon, herring and mackerel), walnuts, hempseed and even green leafy veg have stroke protective properties. by inducing vasodilation of blood vessels, they reduce the risk of blood clots whilst also decreasing platelet deposition in the arteries and veins, leading to a reduction of plaque build-up that can lead to a rise in blood pressure."

B12, folic acid and B2
"High levels of homocysteine, a byproduct of regular protein metabolism produced daily by everyone, is becoming widely recognised as an indicator for potential stroke and CVD issues," advises Karen.

"The good news is by increasing your intake of B12 ,B2 and folic acid you can affect your homocysteine levels and reduce the risk of cholesterol oxidisation (cholesterol is most dangerous when it is oxidised ) and subsequent plaque formation. Almonds, avocado, eggs, barley, wholegrains, broccoli, herring, salmon, sardines, beans, yeast, soy beans, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, endive and lentils.

Fresh fruit and vegetables
We already know fresh fruit and veg is good for us, but when it comes to stroke prevention, Yvonne reveals it has a crucial role. "Vegetables are a good source of potassium which is the natural antagonist of sodium; it will help reduce blood pressure."

Both are packed with antioxidants which support the body's healing process. When it doubt, go for fruit and vegetables with the darkest colours. Alice adds: "Super foods such as goji berries, hempseed and acai can also protect against plaque build-up in arteries and should be consumed with regularity."

These play a key role in lowering cholesterol. "Beta glucans, present in oats, can help to lower cholesterol levels," says Karen, "as they bind to dietary fats and carry them out of the body before they can be digested and absorbed."

"Fresh garlic contains several compounds, the most important of which is allicin," says Yvonne. "This has been shown to protect against high blood pressure, infections, indigestion amongst other conditions. Several studies have shown that it can reduce harmful cholesterol by about 12 per cent, and inhibits new growth of plaque in the arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke. Garlic may also inhibit the growth of cancer cells and strengthen the immune system."

Do's And Don'ts Checklist
  • DO take part in physical activity (30mins 5 days per week)
  • DO eat foods rich in folate, such as beans and pulses, green leafy veg and eggs, magnesium and potassium
  • DO build relaxation time into each day to reduce stress as cortisol release induces vasoconstriction (arteries contracting). Just 20 minutes per day could make a difference
  • DO keep to a healthy weight especially around the middle as visceral fat can release substances that disrupt hormone regulation and may raise blood pressure
  • DON'T continue to smoke
  • DON'T drink too much (no more than 2 drinks per day)

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Dec 26, 2013

Bahan-Bahan Ini Berbahaya Kalau Terkena Kulit - Tidak ada produk skincare yang benar-benar aman sekalipun berlabel natural. Kulit wanita itu unik, dan terkadang sensitif terhadap sebagian bahan aktif yang terkandung di dalam produk skincare.

Agar Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati, ketahui beberapa bahan-bahan yang bisa menimbulkan alergi, iritasi, dan mungkin penyakit atau kerusakan kulit.

Benzoyl peroxide
Banyak produk skincare yang mengandung bahan ini, khususnya produk yang menyembuhkan jerawat. Tetapi Anda tetap harus berhati-hati saat menggunakan produk yang satu ini. Susan Jeske, seorang ahli kulit, seperti dikutip dari allwomenstalk mengatakan bahwa Benzoyl peroxide mengandung zat karsinogen yang tak hanya dapat menyebabkan kulit keracunan, atau mengalami kerusakan sel, tetapi juga dapat memicu kanker kulit.

Mengapa Anda tak sebaiknya menggunakan produk berbahan triclosan untuk kulit? Yeap, triclosan ternyata berhubungan erat dengan beberapa kerugian seperti melemahkan sistem immune tubuh, pertumbuhan abnormal, serta cacat pada janin.

Terdengar seperti bahan yang familiar, triclosan memang biasa dipakai dalam produk antibakteri, pasta gigi dan bahkan juga makeup. Triclosan mungkin dapat membasmi bakteri, tetapi di satu sisi, ia juga menimbulkan kerugian bagi Anda.

Mendengar kata zinc, Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa itu adalah mineral baik yang sering ditemukan pada makanan. Mineral ini dikembangkan menjadi zinc oxide yang digunakan untuk bahan skin care dan tabir surya oleh para peneliti. Namun sayangnya Universitas kedokteran Missouri menemukan fakta bahwa partikel nano zinc oxide ini dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit dan menutup pori-pori.

Seringkali ditemukan pada parfum, EPA adalah bahan berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan kegagalan pernafasan, penyakit ginjal serta mempengaruhi sel syaraf.

Tidak sedikit lho skincare yang menggunakan bahan ini di dalam produknya. Misalnya saja produk perawatan rambut, makeup, pasta gigi, dan bahkan dalam sebagian besar baju Anda. Kandungan petroleum ini berbahaya karena dapat menyebabkan pori-pori tertutup, memicu munculnya jerawat hingga kanker kulit.

Bahan berbahaya yang terkandung di dalam acetone adalah tingginya resiko merusak liver, kulit, serta saluran pernafasan. Disarankan untuk Anda yang gemar memulas kuku lebih baik menggunakan produk non acetone.

Bahan ini biasanya digunakan untuk membersihkan dan menjernihkan kolam serta membuat air kolam tetap dingin. Klorin dapat memicu alergi, diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, asma dan banyak penyakit lain yang dapat membahayakan tubuh.

Mencegah reaksi negatif klorin, disarankan agar Anda mandi setiap habis berenang dan memastikan seluruh tubuh Anda bersih.

Karena bahan-bahan tersebut ada di sekitar Anda dan mungkin terkandung pada produk-produk yang Anda gunakan, lebih berhati-hati ya ladies saat menggunakan produk tersebut. Akan lebih baik lagi jika Anda bisa mengganti dengan produk yang punya bahan lebih aman.


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Dec 20, 2013

Clean out your liver

BY Tamra Mercieca

Need to clear your skin, improve digestion or boost your energy? Keeping your liver healthy could be the key.

Our liver's main function is to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which, given the right support, has the ability to keep the body clear of the junk which can cause illness.

The liver is our second-largest organ (only the skin is bigger) and therefore one of the most important. If the body was an automobile, the liver would be its engine. It does hundreds of things to make sure it runs smoothly, playing a vital role in regulating fat and balancing our hormones, digestion and circulation.

But medical herbalist Dominique Finney says the liver's main job is to get rid of foreign substances. "Anything that enters the bloodstream is filtered through the liver to ensure that quality nutrients go to the organs, while any excess is removed."

Acupuncturist Adam Davidson says from a Chinese medicine perspective, the liver controls the flow of qi (energy) through the body. "It also 'rules' the tendons and stores the blood which nourishes the eyes and nails. It also influences our digestion and menstruation."

Blocked liver
Indulging in alcohol or junk food may be fun at the time, but it will make your liver work extra hard. All the alcohol, processed foods and toxic chemical residue we're exposed to get caught in the liver. If we are exposed to too much junk, our liver starts to resemble a dirty, wet sponge that needs to be wrung out.

Finney says when the liver becomes congested it will not filter blood optimally. "It can become blocked, fatty or bloated. It will then contribute to high cholesterol and lowered synthesis of nutrients and new cells, compromising your health."

This is why many alcoholics have liver failure: the organ is never given time to regenerate.

The liver is behind the ribs in the upper right-hand part of the abdomen. We can only survive one or two days if it shuts down. That said, the liver can function even when up to 75 per cent of it is diseased, as it has the amazing ability to create new liver tissue.

More than 2000 Australians die from liver diseases each year. The first signs of a struggling liver include headaches; fatigue; depression; poor concentration; mood swings; allergies; rashes; red, itchy eyes; food sensitivities; sore and stiff sides or even a bitter taste in the mouth.

Should you detox?
Dietitian Emilie Isles doesn't encourage detox plans because the liver is always working to detoxify the body. "You're better off improving eating habits to boost liver function instead of paying for gimmicky plans or following restrictive diets. We need to get back in touch with real food and ensure we understand what nutrients we need."

Isles recommends keeping your diet relatively low in fat, consuming five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit per day and keeping alcohol to a minimum.

Davidson agrees. "I'm not a fan of detoxing, unless it's a severe case, and then only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner."

Finney says: "Detoxing is a natural bodily process that occurs every night when you sleep and each time you are sick. You need nothing to detox properly except yourself, fresh water, a place to rest peacefully and some silence."

Liver helpers
While the key to a healthy liver is maintaining harmony and balance, Davidson says there are some foods and supplements that will help the liver do its work better.

"Ginger, most dark green leafy vegetables, beetroot and mint will all help the free flow of our qi. The most common traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula for liver ailments is called xiao yao san, and can be made by a qualified practitioner or bought in pill form."

Liver cleansers
Carrots: High in beta-carotene, they help regulate blood-sugar levels, while reducing inflammation in the body and are a good energy food.

Milk thistle: Contains an antioxidant that acts as a toxin blocker. Capsules can be taken daily for an extended period to repair the liver.

Black walnuts: Help to eliminate toxins. Finney says it can be taken in powder or capsule form, for 30 days, after which you should give it a rest.

Lemons: Cleanse not only the liver, but also the gallbladder, kidneys, digestive tract and lungs.

Garlic: Helps strengthen and cleanse the blood, while giving the liver and kidneys a spring clean.

Dandelion tea: Dandelion has been used for centuries. It is a blood purifier and antioxidant and is recommended for those with liver complaints.

Beetroot juice: Contains a chemical called betaine that stimulates the liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts.

Get plenty of sleep: Also have infrared saunas, indulge in lymphatic massages and drink lots of filtered water.,11353

Bynaturael Products:
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Dec 17, 2013

Waspada Penyebab Kulit Sensitif!

Apakah kulit Anda sensitif? Salah satu tanda kulit sensitif adalah kulit terasa gatal dan memerah, terutama pada bagian pipi, hidung, dan dagu. Selain itu, sering kali dibarengi dengan timbulnya jerawat, kulit kering, dan rasa perih.

Kulit sensitif, menurut dr. Eddy Karta, SpKK, adalah kondisi di mana kulit memberikan respons berlebih terhadap perubahan suhu atau bahan kosmetik tertentu yang bisa mengganggu kesehatan kulit.

Beberapa jenis kosmetik mungkin saja memiliki kandungan bahan aktif yang tidak bisa diterima oleh kulit. Selain itu, penggunaan kosmetik dalam porsi yang berlebihan atau pemakaian dalam jangka waktu yang terlalu panjang juga dapat memicu kulit menjadi sensitif.

Perubahan kulit. Anda yang berkulit normal, jangan senang dulu. Sebab, tidak menutup kemungkinan kondisi kulit yang normal akan mengalami perubahan menjadi sensitif. “Ini terjadi jika kita terlalu sering berlebihan menggunakan produk kosmetik yang mengandung bahan yang bersifat mengangkat sel kulit sehingga lapisan kulit lambat laun akan bertambah tipis,” papar kosmetolog Juliana Yu dari House of Skinnovation.

Paparan sinar UV dan bahan makanan tertentu juga bisa menjadi penyebab kulit sensitif . Pada saat kulit terbakar matahari, pembentukan struktur kolagen pada kulit menjadi tidak sempurna. Begitu juga dengan pigmen dan melanin kulit yang membuat proses penuaan terjadi lebih awal sehingga kulit menjadi sensitif.

Awas Alergi! Sensitivitas kulit sering kali muncul pada saat kita mengonsumsi bahan makanan tertentu. Kondisi ini dipicu oleh adanya penolakan tubuh atau alergi terhadap makanan tersebut. Misalnya, makanan pedas, makanan atau minuman dengan kandungan ragi, cokelat, cuka, kafein, atau alkohol.

Bynaturael Products:
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8 Weird Reasons You're Tired All the Time

By The Editors of Prevention | Team Mom

You stayed up late being-watching Homeland. Then you woke up extra early to beat the boss to the office. Some days, there's no mystery as to why you need an extra shot of espresso.

But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn't so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame. "It's like asking a pediatrician why a baby is crying; the answer could be any number of things," says Tanvir Hussain, MD, a preventive cardiologist in Los Angeles.
A challenging puzzle, yes, but your fatigue is a mystery you can solve. Here are 7 reasons you could be dragging--and how to regain more energy than you ever remember having.

1. You're dehydrated
Healthy women who failed to replace a mere 1.5% of their water weight experienced mood swings and low energy levels, according to a 2012 study in The Journal of Nutrition. The study authors suspect neurons in your hypothalamus--the brain region responsible for controlling things like hydration and body temperature--send mood-altering messages to the rest of your brain as an early warning to drink more water.

Your fix: Drink up, and ditch that 8-glasses-a-day guideline: A one-size-fits-all water measurement won't work since your hydration needs vary based on things like the weather and your workouts. In general, you should have to pee at least once every three hours and your urine should have a light lemonade-colored tint, says Gina Sirchio, DC, CCN, a chiropractic physician and nutritionist at the LaGrange Institute of Health in Chicago.

2. You're low on B12
 Your body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells and keep neurons functioning properly. Deficiency decreases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry through your body, leaving you with that sleeping-with-your-eyes-open feeling. As you age, you produce less of a protein called intrinsic factor, which helps you process the nutrient.

Because only animal foods naturally contain B12, vegetarians and vegans face an elevated risk of running low, as do people who've had stomach or intestinal surgeries (these procedures often alter the tissue where B12 absorption takes place, Dr. Sirchio says). Even low or borderline levels--not necessarily full-blown deficiency--can wear you down.

Your fix: If your fatigue comes along with forgetfulness, restless legs, or numbness and tingling, consider B12 deficiency as a potential culprit. Ask your doctor or nutritionist for a blood test of your levels. If you're low, you may need supplements. Your doctor will tell you how much to take, but typical doses range from 100 to 500 mcg. Choose a formula labeled "methylcobalomin" instead of "cyanocobalamin," Dr. Sirchio says--it's easier for your body to use. Note that supplements will only boost your energy if you're low to begin with; unlike caffeine, B vitamins won't give you an added oomph if you already have ample stores.

3. You're overwhelmed with stress
 Trying to do it all comes with a huge downside. Normally, your levels of the stress hormone cortisol run highest in the morning and dip down at night, helping you maintain a normal daily rhythm. But chronic stress throws this pattern out of whack in either direction, says Marc Bubbs, ND, CSCS, founder of Naturopathic Sports Medicine in Toronto. If your body remains on constant alert, your cortisol levels may never fall off at night, disrupting your sleep. Or, your adrenal glands may eventually fall behind in cortisol production, leaving you sleepwalking through your morning.

Your fix: You can't always control the sources of stress, but you can change your reaction. Mindfulness practices have been shown to ease stress and fatigue in people with chronic medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, and they work for healthy people, too.

4. You have hidden heart disease
In a study in the journal Heart & Lung, half of women who had heart attacks said they had trouble sleeping and felt unusually fatigued in the weeks beforehand. Weariness and shortness of breath when you exercise, climb stairs, or otherwise exert yourself should also raise a red flag, Dr. Hussain says. Blocked arteries or a weak heart muscle reduce blood flow, preventing your muscles and tissues from getting the oxygen they need to function properly.

Your fix: Get to the doctor, especially if you've suddenly lost your get-up-and-go or if you have other strange symptoms, such as chest pain, anxiety, or trouble concentrating. He or she may recommend a stress test or an echocardiogram to screen for heart disease, Dr. Hussain says.

5. Your iron levels are too low--or too high
 Most women know anemia leads to fatigue. But don't assume popping iron supplements will pep you up. Yes, low iron levels lead to poorly formed red blood cells that deprive your body of refreshing oxygen. However, getting too much iron can wear you down as well. Your body uses vitamins, minerals, and energy to rid your system of the excess, leaving you with little left to run on, says Dr. Sirchio.

Your fix: Consider your risk factors: Iron deficiency often strikes vegetarians and vegans, people with digestive diseases or thyroid problems, women on hormonal birth control, and those with a very heavy menstrual flow. On the flip side, high levels can run in families or result from taking supplements, and often cause other signs that include feeling cold, thinning hair and nails, or dizziness when you stand up. Striking the right balance is important, so don't take iron pills on your own, Dr. Sirchio warns--talk with your doctor about yearly blood tests to check your levels. If they're abnormal, have them checked monthly until they level off, then every three to six months until you steadily see normal readings.

6. You're not working out
 Especially when paired with chronic stress, too much time spent sedentary drains your fuel tank even though you're merely idling, Dr. Bubbs says. Picture it: A stressful day at work cranks up your cortisol and blood glucose levels, triggering your knee jerk reaction to fight or flee. But when you spend your afternoon and evening barely moving between your computer screen and your couch, you never release that energy and tension. This can keep your engine revved and disrupt your sleep at night--or burn out your body's cortisol factory so much that you're dragging the next morning.

Your fix: Start moving if you're sedentary. Women who get the government-recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week report less fatigue and more energy and vigor than those who don't, according to a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. If you're using exercise to help you sleep better, give your new regimen time to take hold-another study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found you'll need to move consistently for a few weeks or even months to reap the restful benefits.

7. You're exercising too much
 On the flip side, you can have too much of a good thing. If you're sweating every day or doing heavy-duty training for an event like a triathlon, fatigue and trouble sleeping can serve as a sign that you're pushing your body beyond its limits. Workouts--and especially endurance sports like long-distance running and cycling--also cause a spike in cortisol. If you're not striking the right balance between activity and rest, you can overload your system with physical stress just as you can with emotional or mental pressure, Dr. Bubbs points out.

Your fix: If you're exercising regularly but suddenly tired more easily, you may be overreaching. Try taking a few days of complete rest. Then ease back into your routine, doing about 25% of your usual activity for a week and adding another 25% each week until you're back up to speed, advises Tom Holland, MS, CSCS, 21-time Ironman Triathlete and author of The Marathon Method.

8. You have a urinary tract infection
 If you've had a UTI before, you know the burning urgency that comes when you pee. But about half of women who show up with UTIs also report fatigue and a general sense of illness, and the rate increases among those 40 or older, says Ashley Carroll, MD, an assistant professor of urogynecology at Virginia Commonwealth University. "Basically, it's your body's way of forcing you to rest in order to focus energy on fighting the infection," Dr. Carroll says.

Your fix: Head to the doctor if you suspect a UTI. Prescription antibiotics can banish the bacteria. All your symptoms, including fatigue, should subside within seven to 10 days of completing treatment. As you're healing, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and eat a healthy diet, Dr. Carroll advises. If you're prone to frequent UTIs (more than a couple per year) talk with your doctor--long-term prophylactic antibiotics can ward off future infections.


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The 3 Worst Food Mistakes You Can Make For Your Skin

The Huffington Post  |  By Rebecca Adams         
Posted: 12/13/2013 7:50 am EST  |  Updated: 12/13/2013 8:04 am EST

In 2008 alone, Americans spent $35 billion on cosmetics and skincare. But are all these dollars wasted when we follow a diet that causes acne, premature aging and other skin conditions? It sure seems so.

"A typical American diet is full of foods and beverages that are bad for your skin," Julie Upton, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and co-founder of Appetite for Health, told us. With the help of Upton and Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD, we've narrowed down the worst dietary mistakes we're making when it comes to our skin.

1. Packing In Simple Sugars
"Nobody heads for a bag of carrots when they've had a bad day," Ward says. "They're going for the pint of premium ice cream in the freezer." But this choice might just make your bad day even worse if you take note of what's happening to your skin. Foods with added sugars spike your blood sugar and cause chronic inflammation in the body, which damages your collagen and elastin in a process known as glycation. The digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin, and it happens each time you eat sugary foods like candy, ice cream, condiments and processed foods. Skin conditions like acne and rosacea can be exacerbated by glycation.

"This whole process is metabolically very damaging," Upton says, and she recommends satisfying your sweet tooth with antioxidant-rich natural sugars, like those found in fruits, to neutralize the inflammation caused by sugar and insulin spikes.

2. Eating Too Many Starchy, High-Glycemic Foods
"High-glycemic index diets are linked to premature aging of the skin," says Upton. Starches like white bread, pasta and white rice cause rapid spikes in blood sugar, which leads to inflammation in the body. This process produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, giving you sagging skin and wrinkles. What's more, studies have shown that swapping high-glycemic foods for their low-glycemic counterparts, like whole grains and beans, can improve acne, suggesting that high-glycemic foods actually spark breakouts. So the next time you're craving a piece of bread, you may want to think about opting for whole grains, which are low-glycemic, anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants.

3. Forgetting To Count Beverages
"The number one source of added sugars in the US diet is beverages," says Upton. Just like in food, sugar found in liquids can contribute to premature aging, acne and other inflammatory skin conditions, especially since sugar in beverages like juice and soda are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. Sodas might just be the biggest culprit, since many dark colas contain advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which give them their dark color and have been shown to speed up the process of skin aging.

Excessive amounts of alcohol also wreak havoc on your skin, since alcoholic beverages dehydrate your skin and therefore accelerate aging. Water in your cells is what keeps skin plump and dewy and reduces the look of lines and wrinkles. "If you're not drinking enough water during the day on a regular basis and then you're having a couple of glasses of wine every night, you're really hitting your skin up twice there," says Ward. Some people also get very flushed from drinking alcohol with sulfites, she adds. If you're concerned about the effects of dehydration on the skin, you may also want to avoid caffeinated beverages, which constrict your blood vessels, reduce circulation and cause dehydration.

The bottom line: Both Ward and Upton recommend drinking plenty of water and eating a diet rich in fiber, protein and healthy fats, like those found in fish, to fend off aging and inflammatory skin conditions. And while the results of eating well may not manifest as quickly as a chemical peel or Botox, don't underestimate the power of nutrition. "A lot of beauty is how you feel about yourself," Upton says. "You don't exude confidence when you eat candy and soda all day. You just don't. "

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Dec 13, 2013

Why men have big noses and women get more wrinkles: How the sexes are even more different than you thought

PUBLISHED: 00:54 GMT, 10 December 2013 | UPDATED: 00:54 GMT, 10 December 2013

We know men and women are different. But while physical build and sexual characteristics make this obvious — men are, on average, 15 per cent bigger — there are plenty of more subtle differences between the sexes, too. Last week a study controversially suggested that differences in the ‘hard-wiring’ of the male and female brain explained why women were likely to be better at multi-tasking.
Men, in comparison, are better at concentrating on single complex tasks, it seems.
But what other physical characteristics mark men and women as different? And what are the implications for their health?

Women have a greater capacity to appreciate subtle tones and shades because their eyes have more ‘colour vision’ genes than men, explains Andrew Lotery, professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton.
These genes help us recognise different colours and appreciate shades, tone and definition.
The genes are located in our X chromosomes — the genetic code which decides our gender. Men have one X chromosome, women have two, which is why women have more colour vision genes.
Having fewer genes also means men have a higher chance of suffering from colour blindness — if a woman has any missing or damaged genes, she has a ‘back-up’ set on her second X chromosome; men don’t have this.
About eight in 100 men and one in 100 women are affected by colour blindness.

The male skeleton tends to be bigger; but although a woman’s pelvis tends to be smaller, the openings between the pelvic bones tend to be bigger to allow babies to pass through.
‘The downside of this is that woman are more prone to prolapse — a bulging down of the pelvic organs,’ says Anton Emmanuel, consultant gastroenterologist at University College Hospital in London.
This occurs when pelvic floor muscles weaken, allowing organs including the bladder, uterus, small bowel, and rectum to fall out of position, causing pain and incontinence.
The cortex or outer layer of bone is generally thicker in men than women, so men are less susceptible to fractures if they fall, says Paul Allen, consultant orthopaedic and knee surgeon at Chelsfield Park Hospital in Orpington, Kent.
This is aggravated for women because their bones become thinner after the menopause as they lose oestrogen’s protective effect.

Men’s noses tend to be up to 10 per cent larger because they need more oxygen than women, according to researchers at the University of Iowa. Men generally have more lean muscle mass, which requires more oxygen for muscle tissue growth and maintenance.
Larger noses mean more oxygen can be breathed in and transported in the blood to supply the muscle.
The size differences in noses become apparent at around the age 11, when men begin to grow more lean muscle mass and women grow more fat mass.

The female liver, though proportionally smaller than a man’s, works just as effectively, except in relation to the effects of alcohol. Female livers contain lower levels of an enzyme called dehydrogenase, needed to break down alcohol in the body, explains David Lloyd, consultant liver surgeon at Leicester General Hospital. Therefore a woman will break down less alcohol and absorb more into her bloodstream than a man even if he weighs the same as her and has drunk the same amount. So she’ll feel the effects of what she drinks more quickly.

The female heart is about two thirds the size of a man’s and beats slightly less frequently — on average around 72 beats per minute instead of 80.
Women who suffer with an irregular heart rhythm, known as atrial fibrillation (AF), are at greater risk of stroke than men, says Dr Glyn Thomas, a consultant cardiologist at the Bristol Heart Institute.
Strokes are a complication of AF and seem to occur more in women than men — possibly because they are more prone to high blood pressure after the menopause (and they’ve lost the protective effects of oestrogen) and high blood pressure is another stroke risk factor.
Women’s arteries can be smaller than men’s, which can be a health risk as they age, adds Eddie Chaloner, a consultant vascular surgeon at Lewisham General Hospital, London.
‘Arteries can fur up as part of the ageing process. But if that is accelerated, by risk factors such as smoking, there’s a greater chance they will get blocked in women because the width of the artery is smaller.’
There’s also a higher failure rate for women in heart operations such as coronary bypasses and putting in stents (tiny tubes used to open up blocked arteries) because operating on smaller vessels is more difficult.

Though women tend to be a smaller build than men, their colons are the same size — so they are disproportionately longer for their bodies.
This may be to help the body absorb more fluid during pregnancy. However, having a disproportionately longer colon can make a woman more prone to bloating.
This is because the colon’s sole function is to absorb water, so more is retained in their stomachs.
Women also feel full more quickly than men, even when they eat the same amount of food.
‘Not only are female stomachs slightly smaller, but there is a greater nerve input and sensitivity from their gut to the brain, which means they get messages more quickly that they feel full,’ explains gastroenterologist Dr Emmanuel.

Women’s lung capacity is about 30 per cent less than men’s, explains Dr Rohit Lal, a lung cancer specialist at Guy’s Hospital in London.
Women’s lung muscles may have to work harder than men’s because their lungs are smaller and their airways narrower, making breathlessness more common after exercise.
Because women are a smaller build, their lung muscles have to work harder than men’s to move a given amount of air, adds John Dearing, a sports injury surgeon at Carrick Glen Hospital in Ayr.
It could explain why women with emphysema and heart failure — where the heart can’t pump oxygen around the body as efficiently — have worse problems with breathing than men.

Women have looser ligaments than men, possibly to help the pelvis expand more easily during childbirth.
Ligaments are the tissues that connect bones to each other and should be tight to restrict joints to ‘normal’ ranges of motion.  Looser ligaments mean women have a greater range of movement, which may make it easier for them to do the splits, for example.  But this can be a disadvantage, as it means women are at greater risk of joint injuries, explains Professor Alan Silman, consultant rheumatologist and medical director of Arthritis Research UK.
Young women are more likely than men to have bad knees as the flexible cartilage tissue in knee joints tends to be more elastic.
It tends to tighten up as women reach the age of 40, but why is unclear.
Women may also suffer with knee pain because their wider pelvis causes the thigh bone to come down to the knee at a wider angle, says sports injury surgeon Mr Dearing.
‘This creates a tendency for the kneecaps to push outwards and so makes this area more vulnerable to injury, pain and arthritis.’

Our bladders are in proportion to our bodies. However what sets men and women apart is the size of the urethra — a tube that drains urine from the bladder.
‘In a woman this will be around 3cm long, whereas in a man it can be as long as 20cm,’ explains Christopher Eden, a consultant urologist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford.
That’s why women are more prone to urinary infections as there is a shorter journey up the urethra for bacteria.

Women tend to put on weight more easily — men have a higher proportion of lean muscle mass, which means they burn calories more efficiently.
That’s why men who weigh the same as women can eat 300 calories a day more without putting on weight.
‘The male resting metabolic rate is higher than a woman’s so a man needs more calories to maintain the same weight as a woman does,’ says Dr David Ashton, medical director of the Healthier Weight centres.
Men tend to put on weight around their middles — known as belly or visceral fat — while women tend to accumulate it around thighs and hips.
Belly fat has been linked to a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease and high cholesterol.
‘However fat around the hips and thighs has no such impact — it may even be protective against heart disease,’ adds Dr Ashton.
One advantage of women carrying more body fat than men is they are better insulated from the cold.
‘So if a man and woman fall into the North Sea, the woman has a better chance of survival,’ adds Dr Ashton.
But it may also explain why women feel the cold more. When cold, our bodies conserve heat by reducing the blood flow to the skin.
The temperature of the skin then drops as the blood has been moved below the layer of fat. Men won’t experience as big a change because they don’t have the same fat distribution.

Men have deeper voices because their vocal cords are longer and thicker, explains John Rubin, a consultant at the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital in London.
This difference evens out after the menopause when lack of oestrogen can cause swelling in the vocal cords, which makes the female voice sound much lower.
Both sexes have an Adam’s Apple, a lump of cartilage at the front of the thyroid gland to protect the vocal cords. But because men have more cartilage, it sticks out more, explains Dr Rubin.

Women are more vulnerable to wrinkles because they have thinner skin, says Dr Sajjad Rajpar, a consultant dermatologist, from the Edgbaston Hospital in Birmingham.
‘Because of their thinner skin, as they lose collagen with ageing, they are more likely to develop lines and wrinkles.’
Collagen is a protein which gives skin its support and elasticity.
Men also have a higher collagen density — the ratio of collagen to skin — which is why they may look younger for longer.

Women may have a more active immune system. In an experiment involving healthy male and female mice, a study by Queen Mary University, London, found that the females were better prepared to fight infections and their bodies suffered less damage after an infection.
It seemed to be because female mice had twice as many infection-fighting white blood cells, and these were also more effective at fighting bacteria.
However, it’s believed the female immune system can be too active, which is why women are more vulnerable to auto-immune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, in which the immune system attacks the body’s own tissues.
According to Dr Matthew Buckland, consultant immunologist at Barts Health NHS Trust, one possibility is that estrogen increases activity of the immune system while male hormones may dampen it down.
Research also found the female immune system ages more slowly, which could help explain why women live longer than men.


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