May 26, 2015

Cara Tak Terduga Turunkan Kolesterol

Senin, 18 Mei 2015 - Cara menurunkan kadar kolesterol tampaknya menjadi masalah maha penting dewasa ini. Efek dari kolesterol tinggi memang cukup menakutkan bagi kesehatan karena bisa memicu penyakit jantung dan stroke.

Seperti diketahui, pola makan yang sehat dan seimbang, rutin olahraga, dan bantuan obat bisa menjadi cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan perubahan kadar kolesterol secara nyata.
Tetapi, sebenarnya ada juga metode tak biasa yang sudah dilakukan banyak orang untuk mendapatkan level kolesterol yang normal. Sebagian dari metode tersebut cukup berhasil menurunkan 5-10 persen level kolesterol. Apa sajakah misalnya?

1. Ekstrak bawang
Dalam sebuah penelitian terungkap, ekstrak bawang merah bisa menurunkan level kolesterol total dalam percobaan pada tikus yang diabetes. Penelitian lain juga menunjukkan ekstrak bawang mampu menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) dan gula darah.

Tetapi, penelitian-penelitian tersebut dilakukan pada tikus, bukan manusia. Deepika Gopal, ahli penyakit jantung di The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, yakin bahwa bawang merah dan putih memiliki kandungan penurun kolesterol. Apalagi dalam ilmu pengobatan kuno bawang diketahui memang memiliki khasiat penyembuhan.

2. Jamur beras merah
 jenis jamur yang ditumbuhkan dalam nasi fermentasi, mengandung komponen yang disebut monacolin K. Ini merupakan komponan yang sama seperti dalam obat jenis statin seperti lovastatin.

Seperti halnya dalam obat, monacolin K juga menghadang liver membentuk kolesterol yang diperlukan tubuh untuk melindungi sel. Karena tidak ada kolesterol yang diproduksi, liver akan mengubah reseptor LDL untuk membuang kolesterol jahat. Jamur ini bisa didapatkan dalam bentuk suplemen.

3. Obat pencahar
Obat pencahar bukan hanya membuat "urusan ke belakang" lebih lancar, tapi juga menurunkan kolesterol jika kita mengonsumsinya secara tepat. Serat larut yang ditemukan dalam pencahar, seperti Metamucil, akan menghambat penyerapan kolesterol dalam darah.

Karena metamucil hanya mengambil kolesterol dari makanan, bukan yang diproduksi oleh tubuh, maka obat ini lebih efektif jika dikonsumsi pada periode makan besar. Selain menghambat penyerapan kolesterol, serat larut seperti metamucil juga memiliki efek menurunkan kolesterol dengan cara membuat kita merasa kenyang lebih lama.

4. Fitosterol
Jenis kolesterol yang dihasilkan dari tanaman, yakni fitosterol, bisa memperbaiki level kolesterol dengan mengubah kolesterol dalam tubuh. Fitosterol ini mirip dengan serat larut seperti metamucil. Mereka akan mengikat kolesterol dalam makanan yang kita asup sehingga langsung dimetabolisme. Kita bisa mendapatkan fitosterol dari makanan, seperti buah dan sayuran, kacang-kacangan, atau oatmeal.

5. Red wine
Rutin mengonsumsi red wine diketahui akan meningkatkan level kolesterol baik (HDL). Makin baik kadar HDL dalam darah, makin bersih kondisi arteri kita. Tapi, konsumsi alkohol dalam terlalu banyak berdampak buruk bagi tubuh. Karena itu batasi konsumsinya.

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How 'Healthy Diets' Have Changed Over The Decade

The Huffington Post  |  By Anna Almendrala

If you’re confused about all the conflicting dietary and nutritional advice out there, you’re not alone. Every week, it seems as if researchers are learning something new about the foods that will help us stay mentally sharp, slender and disease-free — as well as those foods that will make us sluggish, soft and bed-ridden.

There’s a reason for that, of course. Scientific knowledge is constantly in flux, with new findings and reinterpretations of data as time goes on. To keep up with it all, the U.S. government convenes a Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee to review and summarize everything we know about nutritional research so far, with the hope that it will guide U.S. food policy and nutrition programs in schools, the military and other public institutions that prepare food, educate people about nutrition or provide food assistance.

The reports, published every five years, also serve as a useful look back at what we believed was the best way to eat and drink ourselves to health in previous generations. To celebrate The Huffington Post's 10th anniversary, we took a look at how nutrition and health research has evolved over the decade since our launch back in 2005.

How To Eat

Then: All about the calories
Back in 2005, the best nutrition research out there counseled Americans to count calories in order to control weight. It didn’t matter what proportions of food people ate -- instead, it was all about maintaining a healthy balance of calories eaten versus calories spent in exercise.

"When it comes to weight control, calories do count -- not the proportions of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the diet,” wrote researchers in 2005. "Energy expended must equal energy consumed to stay at the same weight. A deficit could be achieved by eating less, being more active physically, or combining the two.”

In fact, the report goes so far as to explain to the concept of “discretionary calories,” as well as a complicated formula for calculating how many a person consumes per day. As it turns out, that was probably unnecessary.

Now: Be mindful about your food
The 2015 report doesn't exactly say that keeping within calorie limits isn’t important -- it is, assured 2015 committee member Miriam Nelson, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University. Instead of explaining how to count and calculate the calories allowed in a day, the 2015 committee emphasized lifestyle strategies and healthy habits to keep calories low. For example, eating with friends and family at a table (rather than alone in front of the TV) can have a big effect on how many calories are consumed in a single sitting.

The report also emphasized that a healthy diet should be high in "vegetables, fruit, whole grains, seafood, legumes, and nuts; moderate in low- and non-fat dairy products and alcohol (among adults); lower in red and processed meat; and low in sugar-sweetened foods and beverages and refined grains. All those meals can either add up to a healthy or unhealthy pattern of eating. Nelson called the change one of the big shifts in nutrition research from 2005 to 2015.

“The focus on just saturated fat or whole grains was just one piece of the puzzle, and the guidelines were historically fractionated that way,” Nelson told The Huffington Post. “But every person in the world eats a complement of foods over the course of the day, the week, the month, the year and a lifetime, and it’s that pattern of foods that dictates how healthy or not healthy you’re going to be."

The takeaway: Rather than obsessing over calories, the latest guidelines prompt Americans to start incorporating whole foods into their diets.

Eating Fat

Then: Fat avoidance was still king
Back in 2005, Americans were advised to limit their total fat intake to just 20 to 25 percent of calories per day. Saturated fat should be below 10 percent of daily calories, trans fat below 1 percent of calories and dietary cholesterol to 300 milligrams per day -- about the amount in 1.25 egg yolks -- all in an effort to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Now: We're all about the avocados, eggs and nuts
The 2015 landscape couldn't be anymore different. There is no ceiling for the percentage of calories that should be consumed as fat, and dietary cholesterol is no longer a “nutrient of concern” when it comes to overconsumption (in other words, eggs are good again).

Notably, while the report agreed with previous recommendations to keep saturated fat (the kind found in dairy products and fatty meat) below 10 percent of daily calories, they added an important caveat: people should be replacing saturated fat with so-called “healthy” fats like polyunsaturated fat (found in fatty fish and sunflower oil) and monounsaturated fat (found in avocados, peanut butter and olive oil), not carbohydrates.

The reason for the changes, 2015 committee member Rafael Perez-Escamilla told HuffPost, comes down to a misunderstanding in previous years: In an effort to cut the fat, food manufacturers and people were replacing fats with added sugars and refined carbohydrates, which turned out to be just as bad (or even worse) for health.

“At the end of the day, if we compensate for lower fat by increasing higher sugar or carbohydrates, that is really detrimental for our health in terms of increased risk for obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and so on,” said Perez-Escamilla, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health. Now, he explained, “the important thing is that the fat or oil that we consume is healthy, while staying within calorie [limits]."

The takeaway: Some fats are healthy for you, so don't be afraid to drizzle that olive oil or slice up some avocado!

Eating Sugar

Then: Sugar was one of the food groups
Back in 2005, the research linking added sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain was only beginning to emerge. The 2005 Dietary Guideline report sums up the evidence tentatively:

"Although more research is needed, prospective studies suggest a positive association between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and weight gain.” The report also suggests that reducing added sugars “may be helpful” in maintaining weight.

"In 2005, there was still confusion about whether this was related to excessive calories from fat or from carbs,” explained Perez-Escamila. "Now we know it's from sugars and refined carbohydrates."

Now: Avoid, avoid, avoid
In 2015, there is strong evidence that consuming added sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages is linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes, according to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines. There’s also moderate evidence that an excess of sugar -- more than 10 percent of daily calories -- is also linked to coronary heart disease and dental cavities.

The takeaway: Start thinking about soda as a treat, not a drink to go with your lunch.

Who's Responsible For A Good Diet?

Then: A good diet comes from individual willpower
In the 2005 dietary guidelines, a healthy diet was all about what an individual could achieve for him or herself. Think portion sizes, calorie counts, physical activity and eating the right nutrients. While those things are still emphasized in the 2015 report, the committee has also expanded its view to include the other things that influence a person’s decisions to eat one item or forego another.

Now: It takes a village to eat well
For the first time, the new report factors in research on how environments like schools, offices and communities help keep us healthy or drag us down into lifestyle patterns of obesity and chronic disease.

“Another big difference from 2005 is that we looked at the food environment,” said Nelson. "It’s not just about individual behavior change; it’s about systems change.”

For instance, does a school offer healthy foods and opportunities for exercise and physical activity? Does a cafeteria price healthier foods cheaper than junk foods? Are our communities and cities developed in a way that encourages walking, or prioritizes green spaces for community members to use at their leisure? These are just some of the examples the committee lists when thinking about how environments affect individual eating and exercising behavior.

The takeaway: Struggling with your weight? Look around you. What are the changes you can make to your work or school environment that would encourage physical activity and healthy eating?

The Environment

Then: Climate change is a thing Al Gore talks about
The 2005 guidelines didn’t say one word about the sustainability of a diet or food production’s effect on the environment.

Now: Climate change affects what we eat and what we eat affects climate change
The 2015 guidelines are also notable in that they considered, for the first time ever, the impact that our diets have on the environment. In other words, thinking about the sustainability of producing a certain food should factor into what we choose to eat, explained Perez-Escamilla.

“The diets that are the healthiest for the planet are also the healthiest for human beings,” said Perez-Escamilla. “The simple fact is that the food choices we make do have an impact on the environment and climate change.”

Take, for example, red meat. Because cows and other domestic livestock are produced for human consumption, the large amounts of methane gas they produce are considered “human-related emissions” and account for 26 percent of all the methane emissions in the U.S., according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This methane, in turn, traps radiation in our atmosphere, contributing to global warming. If more people can choose fish or poultry over beef, then the guidelines will have accomplished a significant goal, said Perez-Escamilla.

The takeaway: Load up on plant-based sources of protein and eat certain meats sparingly.

Working Out

If there's one thing the reports share, it’s a warning that most Americans aren’t getting the exercise they need to maintain a healthy weight and stave off chronic disease. But the way these reports mention it varies somewhat.

Then: Get a workout in every day
In 2005, the guidelines recommended at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days to see health benefits, while some adults may need 60 minutes of exercise on most days to prevent unhealthy weight gain. Adults who had lost weight and didn’t want to regain it may have to do 60 to 90 minutes of exercise on most days to prevent gaining it all back, the report warned.

Now: What matters is the bigger picture
In 2015, the report cited recommendations that were about the same, but shifted the daily dose to a weekly one (150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week). Nelson called it “good news” for those with demanding or varied schedules. The report also added this sobering assessment of how Americans currently stack up: "Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans do not get the physical activity they need; only 20 percent of adults meet both the aerobic and strength training recommendations and less than 20 percent of adolescents meet the youth guideline."

The takeaway: Get your exercise in during times that work for you.

So much has changed in the past decade that everyone is bound to find at least one thing they need to change about their lifestyles to get healthier. The good news, amidst all this change? We've got to admit things are getting better, to paraphrase a few Beatles.

"The research helps to progress things so that we're always moving forward," Nelson agreed. "Otherwise we would be static and we wouldn’t learn new things."

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May 21, 2015

Benarkah Keringatan Tanda Banyak Lemak yang Terbakar?

Endro Priherdityo, CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Banyak orang mengira bahwa belum dikatakan berolahraga jika tubuh belum berkeringat. Namun agaknya anggapan tersebut harus mulai dihilangkan.

"Bukan. Keringat bukan indikator yang tepat tubuh berolahraga," kata Sophia Hega, dokter dari Kedokteran Olahraga FKUI ketika ditemui di Cikini, Jakarta Pusat.

Menurut Sophia, respons fisiologis metabolisme dari masing-masing orang berbeda. Beberapa sangat mudah berkeringat, yang lainnya tidak. Tetapi yang perlu diingat adalah keringat merupakan respons tubuh atas perubahan suhu yang terjadi.

Sophia menganalogikan dengan dua anak yang melakukan kegiatan dengan intensitas sedang. Keduanya memiliki suhu tubuh yang sama, kegiatan yang sama, dan durasi yang sama, namun menghasilkan jumlah keringat berbeda.

Hal tersebut disebabkan respons tubuh terhadap perubahan suhu yang memang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya.

Sophia menegaskan keringat bukanlah sebuah indikator yang tepat sebagai efek dari olahraga. Indikator yang objektif dan paling mudah dilakukan adalah dengan pengecekan nadi atau cara talk test, uji bicara ketika melakukan sebuah aktivitas.

"Jika orang berbicara dengan terengah-engah atau sudah tidak sanggup menyelesaikan kalimatnya, bisa disebut orang tersebut sudah melakukan kegiatan intensitas tinggi," kata Sophia.

Dalam hal ini, keringat sebagai tanda kehilangan lemak juga disangkal oleh pakar olahraga medis ini. Apalagi jika disandingkan dengan keringat yang mengucur saat makan makanan pedas.

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How to eat for hormonal balance: Nutrition tips for every woman

CTCA |October 30, 2013

What are hormones, and why do they matter?
Put simply, hormones are chemical substances from the endocrine system that act as messengers for your body. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues and organs.

In essence, the release of hormones is one of the ways that parts of the body communicate with each other.

Why do hormones matter? Because hormones affect many processes in the body, including: 
1.       Growth and development
2.       Metabolism
3.       Sexual function
4.       Mood

The balance of female hormones in a woman’s body is important for optimal health, including cancer prevention. Some important hormones for women to know include thyroid-stimulating hormones, estrogen and insulin.

Hormones can play a role in the development of cancer. Estrogen has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and uterine cancer. Insulin can promote cancers of the breast, liver, pancreas, in addition to gynecologic cancers.

Tips for achieving hormonal balance
Eating to balance your hormones consists of achieving the right balance of macro and micronutrients so your endocrine system gets the right variety and amounts of the key nutrients it needs to produce optimal hormone levels.

Carolyn Lammersfeld, Vice President of Integrative Medicine at our hospital outside Chicago, also suggests speaking with your doctor about prebiotics and probiotics. They both help you maintain optimal digestive health, and along with fiber, may help to lower the amount of estrogen reabsorbed back into your bloodstream, which may to help regulate estrogen levels.

Sources of prebiotics: asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, oatmeal, dried beans and peas
Sources of probiotics: yogurt and kefir
In addition to modifying your diet, exercise is an equally important part of balancing hormones.

“Since excess weight can affect hormone levels, achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight through diet and physical activity is important,” says Lammersfeld.  “Carrying extra weight can lead to elevated estrogen, insulin and leptin levels, all of which have been associated with increased risk of chronic disease.”

Sleep is also important for regulating ghrelin and leptin, the two hormones responsible for regulating hunger/appetite. Sleep also plays a role in how well your cells use insulin.

Some additional tips for eating to achieve hormonal balance include: 
1.       Reduce portions of high-fat meats and dairy products to help with weight management
2.       Increase consumption of fiber-containing foods, like whole grains, vegetables, beans and fruits
3.       Decrease intake of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils like corn, safflower and sunflower, as well as meat products
4.       Limit caffeine intake
5.       Get adequate vitamin D from foods such as fortified low fat milk, yogurt, salmon, tuna and mushrooms
6.       Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and kale
7.       Avoid or limit alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day

There are many other factors that can affect hormone balance in the body. The tips above are general guidelines. Always speak with your doctor before altering your diet.

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

May 19, 2015

Bingung Baca Label Nutrisi Makanan? Ini Caranya

JAKARTA, – Label informasi nilai gizi (ING) pada kemasan pangan nampaknya jarang dilirik konsumen sebelum membeli. Padahal, membaca ING dapat membantu konsumen membatasi asupan gula, garam, dan lemak.

ING biasanya terdapat pada bagian samping maupun belakang dari produk kemasan dalam bentuk tabel. ING atau yang juga ditulis Nutrition Facs pada sejumlah produk ini memuat kandungan bahan makanan, seperti gula, garam, lemak, kolesterol, kalsium, vitamin A, protein, hingga karbohidrat total.

Kasubdit Standarisasi Pangan Khusus Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) RI Yusra Egayanti menjelaskan, hal pertama yang perlu diperhatikan saat membaca label makanan adalah takaran saji (serving size).

Takaran saji yaitu berat atau volume makanan untuk satu kali konsumsi. Misalnya untuk makanan ditulis 35 gram atau 4 sendok makan. Adapun untuk cairan ditulis dalam ml. Dalam satu takaran saji itulah mengandung sekian lemak, kolesterol, gula, dan sebagainya.

“Kalau mau membandingkan produk mana yang gulanya lebih banyak misalnya,  lihat dulu takaran sajinya. Takaran sajinya harus sama, jadi apple to apple,” terang Ega beberapa waktu lalu di Jakarta.

Kemudian, di bawah tulisan takaran saji terdapat jumlah sajian per kemasan misalnya dalam satu kemasan mengandung lebih dari takaran saji. Barulah setelah itu, dicantumkan kandungan zat gizi atau nutrisi per sajian.

 Zat gizi yang wajib dicantumkan yaitu, energi total, lemak total, protein, karbohidrat total, natrium (garam). Namun, jika kandungan gula, garam, dan lemak kurang dari 1 gram per saji biasanya tidak dicantumkan.

Selain itu, di bagian kanan table terdapat % AKG (angka kecukupan gizi). AKG dalam persen dicantumkan untuk membantu memberikan informasi berapa kebutuhan nutrisi yang terpenuhi dari produk tersebut. Pada catatan kaki, biasanya dituliskan informasi bahwa perhitungan AKG berdasarkan kebutuhan energi 2000 kkal.

Konsumen pun perlu memperhatikan klaim label produk yang misalnya menyebut, “rendah lemak”, “bebas lemak”, “bebas gula” hinga “rendah natrium”. Ega menjelaskan, produk dikatakan rendah energi jika mengandung 40 kalori per saji, rendah gula jika kurang dari 5 gram per 100 gram, dan dikatakan rendah garam jika mengadung 120 mg per 100 gram.

Untuk Anda yang memiliki hipertensi atau darah tinggi, perhatikanlah jumlah garam per saji. Begitu pula dengan yang memiliki diabetes agar memilih makanan maupun minuman yang rendah gula atau tanpa gula sama sekali.

Untuk diingat, batasan konsumsi gula, garam, dan lemak yang disarankan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan RI (Kemkes) per orang per hari yaitu 50 gram (4 sendok makan) gula, 2000 miligram natrium/sodium atau 5 gram garam (1 sendok teh), dan untuk lemak hanya 67 gram (5 sendok makan minyak).

“Jadi dengan cermat membaca informasi nilai gizi diharapkan dapat membatasi asupan kebutuhan gizi untuk menghindari terkena penyakit tidak menular yang biasanya disebabkan oleh kebanyakan konsumsi gula, garam, dan lemak,” imbuhnya.

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May 13, 2015

Gingerol, Senyawa Ajaib Jahe untuk Turunkan Berat Badan

Christina Andhika Setyanti, CNN Indonesia

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Jahe adalah salah satu rempah yang banyak digunakan dalam makanan Indonesia. Selain digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam makanan dan minuman, jahe juga terkadang digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan untuk membantu penurunan berat badan secara alami.

Mengonsumsi suplemen jahe atau menyeruput hangatnya teh jahe konon berguna untuk menekan nafsu makan. Selain itu, rempah ini juga diklaim bisa mempercepat pembakaran lemak. Penelitian tentang pengobatan alternatif lainnya pun menunjukkan bahwa jahe juga bisa membantu menurunkan berat badan dengan cara merangsang kelancaran sistem pencernaan.

Di dalam jahe mengandung senyawa aktif yang bisa memengaruhi kesehatan. Senyawa ini termasuk gingerol, zat yang sebelumnya dikenal dan sudah terbukti untuk mengurangi peradangan. Dilansir dari, gingerol ternyata juga kemungkinan besar memiliki efek antiobesitas.

Gingerol dianggap mirip dengan senyawa capsaicin, senyawa yang biasa ditemukan dalam cabai. Senyawa ini memang dikenal untuk mengekang nafsu makan dan meningkatkan themogenesis.

Studi awal dilakukan pada tahun 2012 lalu dan diterbitkan dalam jurnal Metabolism. Dalam studi, 10 orang obesitas diminta untuk mengonsumsi dua gram bubuk jahe yang dilarutkan dalam air panas saat sedang sarapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jahe akan membantu meningkatkan thermogenesis (proses biologis yang terlibat dalam pembakaran kalori) dan juga mengurangi rasa lapar.

Selain itu, sejumlah studi berbasis hewan juga telah menunjukkan bahwa jahe dapat membantu melindungi diri dari obesitas. Salah satunya diterbitkan dalam Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture tahun 2014 lalu.

Penelitian ini menguji efek gingerol pada hewan obesitas yang diberi diet tinggi lemak. Setelah satu bulan 'pengobatan' dengan gingerol, hewan ini menunjukkan penurunan berat badan yang signifikan dalam berat badan dan kadar gula darah.

Para peneliti mencatat bahwa jahe dapat membantu melawan penumpukan lemak dengan cara memperlambat penyerapan lemak di usus.

Meski demikian, jahe bisa menghasilkan efek samping yang ringan pada manusia, misalnya mulas, diare dan ketidaknyamanan di perut. Bagi perempuan, konsumsi jahe juga akan meningkatkan perdarahan menstruasi.

Selain itu, ada kekhawatiran lain bahwa penggunaan jahe memiliki potensi berbahaya bagi beberapa orang. Beberapa orang itu adalah orang yang memiliki gangguan perdarahan atau menggunakan obat tertentu yang merangsang risiko perdarahan, seperti warfarin, clopidogrel, aspirin, NSAID (ibuprofen), bawang putih, vitamin E dan ginkgo biloba.

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May 7, 2015

Sedikit Makan Bikin Otak Tetap Muda

Penulis : Bramirus Mikail — Sebuah riset terbaru menunjukkan, sedikit makan (diet rendah kalori) ternyata sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga otak tetap muda. Sebaliknya, makan secara berlebihan justru akan menyebabkan otak cepat tua.

Riset terbaru ini dilakukan oleh para peneliti dari Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Roma, yang dipimpin  Giovambattista Pani, dan bekerja sama dengan sejumlah imuwan dari Institut of Human Physiology. Hasil riset dipublikasikan dalam Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS).

Dalam risetnya, peneliti melakukan pengujian kepada tikus yang diberikan makanan rendah kalori. Pembatasan kalori ternyata memberikan efek positif terhadap otak dan dapat mengaktifkan molekul yang disebut CREB1. Molekul ini mempunyai peran penting terkait dengan usia dan fungsi otak.

"Harapan kami adalah untuk menemukan cara guna mengaktifkan CREB1, misalnya melalui obat baru. Dengan demikian, kita tidak perlu melakukan diet ketat untuk bisa menjaga otak tetap muda," kata Dr Pani.

Peneliti mengatakan, pada tikus yang diberi pembatasan asupan kalori cenderung tidak gemuk dan tidak mengalami sakit diabetes. Bahkan, tikus-tikus tersebut juga memiliki performa kognitif dan memori jauh lebih baik.

Temuan ini sejalan dengan riset sebelumnya yang menunjukkan bahwa obesitas dapat berpengaruh buruk bagi otak dan menyebabkan penuaan dini pada otak sehingga rentan terhadap penyakit, seperti alzheimer dan parkinson. Sebaliknya, pembatasan kalori akan membuat otak muda.

Dari riset ini, peneliti berkesimpulan bahwa aktivitas CREB1 dapat meningkat secara dramatis dengan hanya mengurangi asupan kalori. Dengan demikian, sangat penting untuk seseorang membatasi asupan kalori pada otak.

"Penemuan ini memiliki implikasi penting untuk mengembangkan terapi di masa depan, terutama dalam menjaga otak tetap muda serta mencegah degenerasi dan penuaan otak. Selain itu, penelitian kami menjelaskan korelasi antara penyakit metabolik seperti diabetes dan obesitas terhadap penurunan fungsi kognitif," tutupnya.

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Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
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4 Natural Foods That Have Proven Themselves To Be As Effective As Drugs

By Daily Health Post March 18, 2015

While many people take dietary supplements, there is thin evidence that most supplements actually have a positive impact on your health.

However, the following four all-natural supplements have copious scientific proof of their health benefits – from anti-inflammatory effects to lowering your blood pressure.

1. Berberine Good For Diabetes And Cholesterol
Found in specific plants, berberine is one of the most powerful bioactive substances known today. Multiple studies have shown that berberine improves glucose metabolism significantly, making it very valuable in the treatment of diabetes.

It can also lower cholesterol and be used in the treatment of hypertension – with no serious side effects. It has also been studied in the treatment of severe congestive heart failure, preventing cancer, and combatting the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Used commonly in traditional Chinese medicine, berberine has a long history of medicinal use, even outside of contemporary Western medicine. However, it is important to consult your doctor before taking berberine supplements.

2. Curcumin Fights Inflammation
Known for its bright yellow colour and distinctive flavor, turmeric is a popular spice in Indian cooking. But it is useful in more than just making curries – turmeric contains a biologically active compound known as curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

Fighting inflammation at the molecular level, curcumin has been studied in the treatment of numerous conditions, often being favorably compared to commercial anti-inflammatory medications for its lack of side effects.

Curcumin has been used in the treatment of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and even depression, proving that it is as versatile as it is effective – it also plays a protective role in treating cardiovascular disease.

While curcumin is a powerful supplement, it is often poorly absorbed by the body – so most curcumin supplements also contain poperine or bioperine to help enhance absorption.

3. Red Yeast Rice Is Good For The Heart
Statin drugs, which lower cholesterol, are among the most popular drugs in the world, but this fermented rice known as red yeast rice may actually have very similar effects, and be as effective as statin drugs.

Recent studies have shown that red yeast rice contains an element which works exactly the same way as statin drugs do, significantly reducing the possibility of cardiac events.

However, while red yeast rice is widely available as a dietary supplement, there is no standardization among red yeast rice products – meaning it can be hard to tell if you’re getting a therapeutic dose from your supplements or not.

4. Garlic Lowers Blood Pressure
Historically used as a medicinal herb, garlic has many therapeutic uses – it’s common in home remedies for colds and flus, but did you know there is scientific evidence that it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure?

Recent studies have found that garlic can lower not only systolic blood pressure but bystolic blood pressure as well – even as effectively as the blood pressure lowering drug atenolol. There’s also studies to back up the use of garlic as a cold remedy as well!

Most of these supplements are available as over-the-counter medication and pharmacies and health food stores, but it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting a new supplement – especially ones like these, that have real, tangible impacts on the way your body functions.

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: