Aug 29, 2013

Monster inside your body: How does a single rogue cell turn into deadly cancer?

PUBLISHED: 23:50 GMT, 26 August 2013 | UPDATED: 09:06 GMT, 27 August 2013

At the start it all seemed so innocent. My wife Nancy was doing sit-ups in the gym when she noticed a lump on the inside of her right leg. It didn’t go away, and she was diagnosed with a tumour that had started for no good reason in her uterus and burned down into her groin. You start looking for a reason — how can a cell minding its own business transmogrify into a monster growing within?

As a science journalist I found something sickly fascinating about the way a single cell can break from the pack and start  multiplying, creating something alien. Nancy had some known risk factors. She was 43 and we had no children — something we often argued about. The less frequently a woman is pregnant, the more monthly menstrual cycles she endures.

With each period a jolt of oestrogen causes cells in the uterus and mammary glands in the breast to begin multiplying, duplicating their DNA, preparing for a  child that may not come.  Each menstrual cycle is an opportunity for copying errors that might result in a rogue cell emerging. Oestrogen (along with asbestos, benzene, gamma rays, and mustard gas) is on the list of known human carcinogens published by the U.S. government’s National Toxicology Program.

Women are now also exposed to more monthly doses of oestrogen because they are beginning to menstruate much earlier, possibly increasing breast cancer risk. At the same time, women spend less of their fertile life pregnant or nursing. Lactation also appears to hold oestrogen in check. The result is that a teenager today may have already experienced more menstrual cycles than her grandmother did during her entire life. When Nancy’s cancer was discovered, batteries of tests were needed to discover its precise nature. We didn’t know for weeks where it started, only that it was shedding cancerous cells into her body.

Finally, we learned she had cancer of the uterus. That can be relatively good news if caught early. Nancy’s cancer had, however, advanced to a lymph node in her groin, which lowers the average survival rate to about 15 per cent. But those are just averages. Nancy’s youth gave hope for a better than normal outcome. She was strong and could tolerate multiple rounds of sickening chemo and burning radiation.

When the postsurgical report came back from the lab, the story became more complicated. The cancer in her uterus was weak. How could it have spread so quickly? The answer seemed to lie in a polyp, a centimetre in size, that had also been cut from Nancy’s uterus. What had marched with such determination down the ligament and into the groin was a very rare cancer called uterine papillary serous carcinoma (UPSC) — typically a cancer of older women striking long after menopause.
It is not believed to be tied to increased oestrogen exposure. Indeed, ‘there are no risk factors’, as two researchers bluntly put it.

Cancer can take decades to develop, so in most cases it is almost impossible to work out what triggered a rogue cell to become cancerous. It has been estimated that every second, four million cells in our body are dividing, copying their DNA (their genetic blueprint). With every division there are imperfections. Some can go catastrophically wrong.

Research has found some of the causes of cancer: smoking, environmental pollutants and infections (for example, the human papillomavirus that can cause cervical cancer). Naturally occurring radiation from sunlight and radon gas also contribute.  Evidence also shows that a large percentage of cancer cases can be attributed to lifestyle. Opinion still varies on just what is most important when it comes to food — how much red and processed meat is bad, how many fruits and vegetables are good.

Nancy always ate her vegetables — obsessively, it sometimes seemed — and her fibre, bringing home breakfast cereals that tasted like their cardboard box. But there was nothing rigid about Nancy’s dietary pursuits. We both loved steaks and hamburgers (though for penance would have fish sometimes).
But the science on food is not persuasive, giving way to suspicion that lack of exercise and excess weight are more to blame.

Our cells are constantly exchanging chemical signals, conferring on when to start multiplying and creating new tissue. As each cell receives this information, it sends instructions to its nucleus for activating the appropriate genes. A cancer cell is one that, because of some fault, has cut itself out of this discussion. Random events — triggered by a cosmic ray, a carcinogenic chemical, or dumb luck — must have altered the DNA inside one of Nancy’s cells, causing it to lose touch.

These errors happen all the time. We usually don’t get cancer because other genes react to sudden bursts of activity by reining back the rogue cell’s growth. But another bad mutation in the cell can cause that safeguard to fail, by blocking the body’s tumour-suppressing genes. Even if that safeguard fails, the rogue cell can sense its own inner turmoil and will send itself suicide signals, killing itself for the common good — a process called apoptosis. But yet another bad mutation can undermine  this defence.

That still leaves another barrier against runaway growth. A normal cell can divide only 50 or 60 times. The count is kept by telomeres — caps on the ends of your chromosomes (which carry your DNA). These telomeres get shorter each time around, and once they fall below a certain size, the cell is taken offline.

Once again, however, there is a problem. Cells like those in the immune system, which must  divide repeatedly, manufacture telomerase, an enzyme that keeps replacing the caps on the chromosomes’ ends. A cancer cell will learn this trick, acquiring through the trial and error of mutation the information needed to produce its own telomerase.

It can then replicate indefinitely, producing a mass of mutant offspring — a tumour. That is still not enough to give you cancer. It takes more mutations for the cell to learn how to invade surrounding tissues, to become malignant. And, even then, the tumour can only grow to the size of a ballpoint pen’s tip before it risks starving for lack of food or drowning in its own waste.

To continue expanding, it must somehow reach into the circulatory system and suck it like a vampire. With these nutrients, the cells multiply even more aggressively, increasing the probability of     more mutations. The cancer spins out one cell variation after another — hopeful monsters trying to gain an upper hand. Some cells might learn to consume energy more efficiently, others to suppress the immune system. Others still will learn to send signals that con healthy cells into growing new blood vessels that feed the tumour and new tissues that help to build it.

Finally, the fittest cancer cells will set sail into the bloodstream and explore  new ground. Their chances of survival are low. Most perish immediately in the river of blood — smashed against a vessel wall, pinched to death in an impassable strait or destroyed by the body’s immune cells.

So many dangers — which make it all the more extraordinary that some beat the odds.

Some research suggests that the swimming cancer cells can surround themselves with platelets (blood-clotting cells) for protection. Or if they get stuck inside a tiny capillary, some may be able to jettison enough of their own bodies to slim down and squeeze through. However they survive the journey, they still must find a berth downstream. Here, again, most will perish. After 24 hours only 0.1 per cent are alive, and less than 0.01 per cent go on to form tumours. The odds seem almost comforting, but of all the seeds a tumour can shed,  it takes only one to start another cancer. Once the cancer cells arrive at a promising location, a new cascade of events begins. They exchange signals with the natives —  the cells of the tissue they are set to invade — recruiting their help in coming ashore.

If co-operation is not forthcoming, a cancer cell might lie dormant in its new home, hiding for years until  reawakened by some new random event. When the cancer cells have finally established their first colony, some will move on to other sites. They may even return to the mother tumour to rejoin the battle at home. This self-seeding might  help explain the recurrence of cancers that surgeons are confident they  had completely removed.

Besides the blood, there is another course the seeds can follow from the tumour — through the lymphatic vessels. The lymph system is a primitive sewer, sluggishly draining clear, watery waste from cracks between cells. Along the way it is filtered by the lymph nodes. Tumours can learn to create connections to the lymphatic system. They may even send signals to a nearby lymph node, instructing it to sprout more blood vessels to accommodate the forthcoming invasion.

The lymphatic system — this key component of the body’s defences designed to filter out infectious organisms, produce white blood cells and generate antibodies — is turned into a tumour’s ally.
The first sign is a lump growing inside a lymph node, the barrier whose purpose is to stop such attacks. That apparently is what happened with Nancy.

Inside my body, meanwhile, ten trillion cells are battling the same inevitable slump towards failure — and the possibility of cancer. It is eerie to think that inside each one, invisible to the eye, so much is happening. The cell doesn’t know it has DNA or telomeres. There are no labels, no genetic alphabet written anywhere, no instructions.

Somehow it all just works. And when it doesn’t, we rage against the machine.

George Johnson is an award-winning science journalist who has written for the New York Times and National Geographic; he is the author of nine other books.


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Khasiat Madu untuk Kulit

Penulis : Bramirus Mikail | Selasa, 6 September 2011 | 11:56 WIB - Madu tidak hanya baik untuk tubuh ketika dikonsumsi, tetapi juga sangat bermanfaat untuk kulit. Manfaat madu tersebut sudah lama dikenal sejak zaman Cleopatra di Mesir kuno yang digunakan sebagai lotion wajah.

Madu diperoleh dari sari bunga dan mengadung 80 persen gula, dimana sisanya adalah mineral, seperti besi, kalsium, fosfor, magnesium, asam amino. Madu juga mengandung vitamin C, B dan air. Apa saja manfaat madu bagi kesehatan kulit?

* Pelembab
Madu memiliki kualitas sebagai humektan sehingga sering digunakan sebagai pelembab dalam berbagai jenis kosmetik. Madu tidak hanya mengikat air tetapi juga mempertahankan kesehatan kulit dari dalam, sehingga tetap kenyal dan elastis, disamping juga melindungi kulit dari keriput dan kekeringan.

* Antiseptik
Madu memiliki sifat antibakteri dan antimikroba yang memberikan sifat-sifat penyembuhan. Sifat ini membantu mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri tertentu dengan memproduksi enzim-hidrogen peroksida sehingga madu dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengobatan alami untuk mempercepat penyembuhan luka dan lecet.

* Menyembuhkan eksim
Jenis madu tertentu seperti Manuka mampu menyembuhkan penyakit seperti eksim. Madu dapat mengobati kulit rusak dan mempercepat regenerasi sel-sel kulit sebagai unsur yang terpenting dalam menyembuhkan eksim dan bentuk lain dari dermatitis.

* Mencegah infeksi
Sebuah infeksi kulit yang disebabkan oleh ringworm (cacing gelang) juga dapat diobati dengan menggunakan madu Manuka. Istilah cacing gelang (ringworm) merujuk pada infeksi-infeksi jamur yang berada dipermukaan kulit.

* Anti-penuaan
Madu selalu terkenal karena sifat alami antioksidan yang memainkan peran penting dalam melindungi kerusakan kulit akibat sinar ultraviolet. Sering terpapar sinar matahari menyebabkan kerusakan kulit, penuaan dini dan bahkan kanker kulit. Madu dapat digunakan tabir surya untuk melindungi kulit dari sinar matahari.

* Anti jerawat
Madu dapat melawan infeksi di bawah kulit akibat sumbatan di pori-pori dan menarik kotoran keluar. Madu juga memiliki sifat aktif yang mampu menembus folikel serta membunuh bakteri yang menyebabkan jerawat dan infeksi.

* Penyejuk kulit
Campurkan satu sendok teh madu dengan satu sendok teh minyak sayur dan seperempat sendok teh jus lemon. Ini merupakan campuran kondisioner alami. Untuk menggunakannya Anda bisa menggosokannya ke setiap bagian tubuh Anda yang kering. Biarkan selama 10 menit dan kemudian bilas.

* Perlindungan bibir
Madu dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah bibir pecah-pecah dan keriput, sehingga membuatnya lebih halus dan lembut.

* Pengelupasan kulit
Madu dapat digunakan untuk mengangkat sel kulit mati di permukaan terluar kulit. Caranya, Anda dapat mencampur satu sendok makan almond dengan madu, dua sendok makan oatmeal kering dan satu sendok teh jus lemon. Setelah itu, pijat lembut campuran ini pada wajah selama 5 menit dan kemudian bilas menggunakan air.

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Foods that prevent hair loss: How to get the 7 essential anti-balding nutrients

Published August 22, 2013

No, it's not your imagination. Your hair is thinning.

According to board-certified hair-restoration physician Dr. Alan Bauman, 20 percent of men start to lose their hair in their twenties. While genetics play a big role, you still have some control over your hairline—and we aren't talking plugs or hair-in-a-box remedies, here. We're talking food. That's right, if your reflection shows an ever-growing forehead, put down the hat and reach for the fridge instead.

"Like any other part of the body or component of health, hair needs a variety of nutrients to grow and be healthy," said nutritionist Rania Batayneh, author of The One One One Diet. "Because nutrients go to essential tissues first, like muscles and organs, before they go to hair, it's important to get both enough and a variety of nutrients to ensure a healthy head of hair."

Here, the nutrients you need for a full head of hair—and the foods that pack them:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Good for more than your brain, omega-3 fatty acids nourish your whole noggin. The essential nutrient reaches both the hair shaft and the cell membranes in your scalp, nourishing the follicles and promoting healthy hair growth, according to Batayneh. Plus, they add elasticity to your hair, preventing it from breaking off and ending up in your shower drain. But get this—the body can't produce omega 3-fatty acids on its own; whatever you eat is what your body gets. So dig in!

The foods to eat: Flaxseeds, walnuts, salmon, tuna, kale, Brussels sprouts, rapeseed oil.

Boosting tissue growth and repair, zinc helps keep your scalp and hair stay healthy. It also regulates hormones (testosterone included) in the body and helps maintain production of oil-secreting glands on the scalp that help your hair grow. There's no need to go overboard, though. High levels of testosterone are actually linked to hair loss, Bauman said. According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, 11 mg a day is all you need. While it's not proven your body will go on a T rampage if you consume too much zinc, there's no need to tempt hair follicle fate.

The foods to eat: Chickpeas, wheat germ, oysters, beef, veal liver, roast beef.

Quick chemistry lesson: Your hair is pretty much pure protein. So if you don't eat enough for both your muscles and hair, you'll have bulging biceps—but a bald head. And even if you do hang onto your hair, eating too little protein can turn it gray, Bauman said. Eat a diet rich in high-quality, naturally occurring protein. Wait, you're a veg or a vegan? No worries. As any good meatless eater knows, protein abounds in more than just animal sources.

The foods to eat: Greek yogurt, eggs yolks, kale, peanuts, beans, peas, lentils, tofu, chicken, turkey.

When it comes to healthy circulation, eating enough iron is clutch. Iron helps deliver blood to the body's cells. Neglect the nutrient and your blood can't carry enough oxygen to your scalp for good hair growth, said Bauman. "Many doctors have seen a correlation between treatment for iron-deficient anemia and an increase in hair growth," Batayneh added.

The foods to eat: Dark leafy greens, whole grains, beans, red meat, turkey, egg yolks, clams, mussels, oysters.

Vitamins A and C
Both vitamins contribute to the production of sebum, the oily substance that your hair follicles spit out. Nature's hair conditioner, it keeps your hair from breaking off. Plus, vitamin C increases the amount of blood-boosting iron that your body can put to use, said Batayneh. While some vitamin A is good for your scalp, more than 15,000 IU a day can actually spur hair loss, said Bauman, who notes that the recommended daily allowance of the vitamin for men is 5,000 IU a day.

The foods to eat: Swiss chard, spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes, pumpkin.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions—hair growth included, according to the National Institute of Health. But research from the Medical University of South Carolina shows that 68 percent of U.S. adults don't get enough of the essential nutrient, contributing to increased inflammation in the body. Another result? Hair loss. Batayneh noted that magnesium deficiencies have been linked to hair loss in both men and women.

The foods to eat: Almonds, spinach, cashews, lentils, brown rice, halibut.

A trace element that helps the body make selenoproteins, which regulate reproduction, metabolism, DNA synthesis, and immunity, selenium also stimulates hair follicles to encourage new growth. Scrimp on selenium and your body will churn out way too much selenoproteins, leading to hair follicle abnormalities, reduced growth, and hair loss, according to one 2010 study published in PLoS ONE.

The foods to eat: Brazil nuts, tuna, halibut, shrimp sardines, ham.


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Aug 23, 2013

Bahan-bahan di Sabun Mandi yang Memicu Alergi

Vera Farah Bararah - detikHealth

Jakarta, Sabun mandi seharusnya berfungsi untuk membersihkan kulit seseorang dari berbagai macam debu dan kotoran. Tapi tak jarang bahan yang terkandung di dalam sabun mandi justru menjadi pemicu timbulnya alergi (alergen).

Alergen yang terkandung dalam sabun kulit dapat menyebabkan dermatitis yaitu suatu peradangan di kulit yang menimbulkan kemerahan, gatal atau bentol kecil-kecil yang berisi cairan.

Dermatitis bisa disebabkan adanya kontak alergen dengan tubuh melalui kulit sehingga menyebabkan peradangan, jika penggunaannya tetap dilanjutkan maka berpotensi menyebabkan masalah kulit yang lebih parah.

Salah satu cara tercepat untuk mengembangkan dermatitis adalah seringnya kontak kulit dengan sesuatu yang dapat memicu timbulnya alergi, salah satunya melalui sabun mandi.

Seperti dikutip dari Howstuffworks, Senin (22/3/2010) ada beberapa bahan dari sabun mandi yang sering menjadi pemicu timbulnya alergi, yaitu:

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)
SLS adalah bahan yang umum ditemukan dalam sabun atau sampo. SLS adalah sejenis detergen yang berfungsi memecah minyak dan lemak, fungsi lain dari bahan ini adalah membuat sabun berbusa ketika digosok ke tubuh.

Beberapa mitos mengungkapkan bahwa minyak di tubuh bersifat kotor sehingga harus dihilangkan, tapi sebenarnya manusia masih membutuhkan minyak dalam jumlah tertentu sebagai perlindungan. Namun SLS bekerja dengan cara memecahkan zat berminyak yang dianggap asing termasuk lapisan minyak yang menjaga agar kulit tidak kering.

Jika SLS yang digunakan terlalu berlebihan akan melemahkan lapisan minyak yang menjadi penghalang masuknya unsur alergen dari luar, sehingga benda-benda asing dari luar bisa masuk dengan mudahnya.

2. Paraben
Paraben merupakan salah satu zat yang diproduksi secara alami dari kelompok ester, zat ini digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat sabun, sampo, pasta gigi serta deodoran. Reaksi alergi yang timbul memang jarang terjadi, namun jika sering digunakan akan meningkatkan kemungkinan reaksi alergi. Paraben juga sering dikenal dengan nama parahydroxybenzoic.

3. Balsam Peru (myroxylon)
Bahan ini digunakan sebagai campuran sabun, sampo dan parfum yang membantu memperlambat penguapan. Sekitar 60-70 persen balsam peru dibuat dari senyawa cinnamein yang sudah dikenal berpotensi menyebabkan alergi, sementara 30-40 persennya tidak diketahui terbuat dari resin apa. Gejala reaksi yang paling umum adalah eksim di tangan atau ruam merah di kulit.

4. Wewangian
Bahan wewangian ini biasanya campuran dari ester, aldehid, keton, amina dan bahan lainnya, sehingga sulit untuk menentukan bahan mana yang menimbulkan alergi. Pewangi sebenarnya tidak benar-benar berkontribusi terhadap pembersihan kulit, tapi hanya sebagai bahan tambahan saja. Reaksi alergi yang ditimbulkan dari bahan ini adalah kulit kering dan gatal.

Jika setelah mandi kulit menjadi kering, gatal atau muncul ruam-ruam merah, maka sebaiknya periksa kandungan dari sabun mandi yang digunakan. Karena ada kemungkinan salah satu kandungannya bersifat alergen bagi Anda.

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5 toxic chemicals you should banish from your home

By Leah Zerbe, updated 8/28/2011 1:15:49 PM ET

EMMAUS, PA — Cleaning house doesn’t mean nasty chemicals have to pollute your home. Your next home cleaning campaign or daunting do-it-yourself projects can be done without poisoning the air or tainting your local water supply. Most of our safer alternatives will even save you money, too.
Here are five chemical culprits to kick out of your house—and the nontoxic options that should move in instead.

1. Coal-tar driveway sealant: If you plan to seal your blacktop driveway this spring, avoid coal-tar based sealants. They contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, which studies suggest can be carcinogenic, toxic, and mutagenic. When rainwater and other precipitation hit your driveway, the toxic chemicals run off into your yard and into your local drinking water supply. In fact, this situation has been compared to dumping quarts of motor oil right down a storm drain.

Better alternative: Gravel and other porous materials are best for driveways, because they allow rainwater to sink into the ground, where it’s filtered and won’t inundate water treatment plants. But if you do seal blacktop, pick asphalt sealant and stay away from any product that has coal tar in its name (or products simply called “driveway sealant”). Lowe’s and Home Depot have already banned the bad stuff, but smaller hardware stores may still carry it.

2. Synthetic pesticides: Chemical weed and bug killers both fit under this category and should be avoided both inside and outside of your house. (And dont' fall for the ones that pretend to be "natural.") Researchers link herbicides to various forms of cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; insecticides have been connected to brain damage in kids.
“This is a good time of the year to resolve not to use pesticides on lawns and gardens,” says Phil Landrigan, MD, an internationally recognized leader in public health, director of Mount Sinai's Children's Environmental Health Center, and advisor. “A few dandelions or buttercups or other little flowers in the middle of the lawn are not unsightly.”

Better alternative: Combating an indoor bug problem is as simple as cleaning up crumbs, sealing food in containers, and using wood shims and a caulking gun to fill pest entry points. If you’re spending big bucks on chemicals for a turflike lawn, reconsider. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers kill the health of the soil and create a lawn that allows for little rainwater absorption, which contributes to flooding. Try replacing some sod with plants native to your area; they don’t require as much water and maintenance.
If you’re dead-set on the idea of a perfect grassy lawn, get out there and weed by hand or with organic methods. The extra exercise will help you burn off your winter love handles. Check for advice on chemical-free lawn care, and see our story on chemcial-free fixes for common lawn problems.

3. Antibacterial soap: The antimicrobial chemical triclosan in antibacterial soaps is believed to disrupt thyroid function and hormone levels in people; when it mixes into wastewater, it can cause sex changes in aquatic life. And health experts believe that overuse of this and other antibacterial chemicals is promoting the growth of bacteria that are resistant to antibacterial treatment.

Better alternative: Good old-fashioned soap and warm water will kill just as many germs, studies have shown. If you must use a hand sanitizer, pick one that’s alcohol-based and doesn’t list triclosan or other chemicals on its label.

4. Synthetic fragrances: Fragrance may be the most common type of chemical in your house. Used in laundry detergents, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, cleaning supplies and disinfectants, air fresheners, deodorizers, shampoos, hair sprays, gels, lotions, sunscreens, soaps, perfumes, powders, and scented candles, fragrances are a class of chemicals that may take you extra time and effort to avoid. But it’s worth it. The term “fragrance” or “parfum” on personal care product labels can be a cover for hundreds of harmful chemicals known to be carcinogens, endocrine disrupters, and reproductive toxicants, even at low levels.

Better alternative: Go the unscented route whenever possible, especially with soaps and detergents. Avoid any kind of air freshener or deodorizer, including sprays, gels, solid disks, and oils, suggests Anne Steinemann, PhD, University of Washington researcher who focuses on water quality and fragrances in consumer products. She’s also a advisor. “These products do not clean or disinfect the air, but they do add hazardous chemicals to the air we breath,” she says. “Instead of chemical air fresheners, freshen the air with better ventilation and by setting out some baking soda,” she suggests. You also can place a bowl of white vinegar in a room to dispel a funky smell.

5. Harsh cleaning products: Isn’t it ironic that we actually contaminate our air when we use harsh chemicals—some of which are carcinogens—to “clean” our homes? Ammonia can trigger asthmatic attacks, and harsh oven cleaners and drain openers can cause terrible damage to children who come into contact with them. “Every year we have these dreadful third-degree burns of the throat and esophagus because kids got into cleaners under the sink,” Landrigan says.

Better alternative: Take any cleaner whose ingredient list reads like a chemistry textbook to a hazardous waste disposal center in your municipality and replace the cleaners with ecofriendly ones that have simple, natural ingredients.

Better yet, save tons of money and pull out Grandma’s homemade cleaning concoctions, including:

• A general cleaning solution of one part white vinegar and nine parts water will kill 90 percent of bacteria and many spores, explains germ expert Donna Duberg, assistant professor of clinical laboratory science at Saint Louis University. Spray it on and let it dry to a nice shine on its own. The best surprise about distilled white vinegar? “Store brands work just as well as brand names,” says Duberg. “You can buy a gallon for $1.89 and make more than 10 gallons of cleaning solution. The only other thing you need is a spray bottle.” When you’re finished using a vinegar cleaning solution, dump it down your garbage disposal or toilet for bonus odor control.

• For a window glass cleaner, mix one part white vinegar with one part water and spray. Duberg says you even can use newspapers instead of paper towels to wipe the glass clean and save money.

• When cleaning in the kitchen after prepping meat, use hot, soapy water first (we like simple, unscented castile soaps) and then follow with the vinegar-water solution.


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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

Aug 21, 2013

Toxic Perfume Ingredients Linked to Cancer, Sperm Damage

In a wildly unregulated system, companies are pouring potentially hazardous chemicals into many everyday scented products, including popular perfumes.
By Leah Zerbe

Forego chemically scented perfumes, body sprays, soaps, cleaners, candles, air fresheners, and laundry products to save your indoor air and your health.

Perfume ingredients may smell good to some people (while giving headaches to anyone sensitive to the fumes), but a 2010 study suggests popular brands reek of long-term health problems for all of us.

The researchers found that labels of popular perfumes don't list harmful perfume ingredients linked to sperm damage, hormone disruption (which is linked to some cancers, thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes, and other serious health problems), reproductive toxicity, and allergy problems. And chemicals that may play a role in cancer were found in many of the fragrances analyzed. "This monumental study reveals the hidden hazards of fragrances," says advisor Anne C. Steinemann, PhD, professor of civil and environmental engineering, professor of public affairs, University of Washington.

And, as with smoking, it's not just the person using the product that's affected. "Secondhand scents are also a big concern. One person using a fragranced product can cause health problems for many others," she says.

The analysis, performed by the nonprofit Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a group with coalition members from the Breast Cancer Fund, Environmental Working Group, Clean Water Action, and other public and environmental health organizations, found that many top-selling fragrance products contain a dozen or more secret chemical ingredients not listed on the labels, and multiple chemicals that can set off allergic reactions or disrupt hormones. Many have never been tested for safety on humans.

All 17 of the popular fragrances tested contained chemicals not disclosed on the labels. Brands tested include: American Eagle Seventy Seven, Chanel Coco, Britney Spears Curious, Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio (for men), Old Spice After Hours Body Spray (for men), Quicksilver (for men), Calvin Klein Eternity for Men, Bath & Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom, Calvin Klein Eternity for Women, Halle by Halle Berry, Hannah Montana Secret Celebrity, Victoria's Secret Dream Angels Wish, Jennifer Lopez J. Lo Glow, AXE Body Spray for Men, Clinique Happy Perfume Spray, and Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue.

Here's what the researchers found, on average:

•  Ten sensitizing chemicals associated with allergic reactions like asthma, wheezing, headaches and contact dermatitis. Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio contained 19 different sensitizing chemicals, more than any other product in the study.

•  Four hormone-disrupting perfume ingredients linked to a range of health effects including sperm damage, thyroid disruption, and cancer. Halle by Halle Berry, Quicksilver, and Jennifer Lopez J. Lo Glow each contained seven different chemicals with the potential to disrupt the hormone system.

•  American Eagle Seventy Seven contained 24 hidden chemicals, the highest number of any product in the study.

Medical and public health experts from Harvard and the University of Washington peer-reviewed the study.

Just because your favorite fragrance wasn't on the list doesn't mean it's safe. In fact, harmful perfume ingredients are used in thousands of products and are not listed on the label. It seems like you should have the right to know how these seemingly innocent perfumes and colognes are affecting your health. But unfortunately, manufacturers don't have to list warnings or even the actual ingredients used in fragrance blends, on the label.

The problem isn't limited to perfumes and body sprays. We are blasted with harmful synthetic fragrances everyday in the form of scented cleaners, hair spray and dyes, air fresheners, candles, shampoos, soaps, perfumes, and body sprays. Research is finding that many of these scented products interfere with our hormones, which regulate how our bodily systems function. Mess with that, and the risk of diabetes, some cancers, obesity, thyroid disease, and all sorts of ailments seems to increase. You may not think that all these fragranced consumer products bother you, but try giving them up for a few months—after that, you may find that being exposed to them really makes you feel lousy.

Here's how to give harmful perfume ingredients and other household fragrances the cold shoulder.

Smell good without a toxic cloud. If you want a scented product, make sure it is scented with pure essential oils that were extracted through a cold-press process, not by using solvents. You can also visit Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database to find safer fragrances and other personal-care products.

• Look at the labels. Personal-care products must list ingredients on the label, although there is a trade secrets loophole for fragrance blends. Manufacturers can use the blanket term of "fragrance" or "parfum" on the label, but thousands of different chemicals—many petrochemical and volatile organic compounds—can hide under that description. Your best bet is to avoid any personal-care product listing these ingredients: fragrance, perfume, parfum, linalool, and limonene.

Clean green (and save money). Isn't it ironic that we're actually polluting our homes with "cleaning" chemicals? Unlike personal-care products, cleaners and air fresheners don't have to disclose inactive ingredients, which can contain chemicals that are hazardous to our health. Stock up on tried-and-true green cleaning recipes. These homemade cleaners effectively kill germs, often using the power of white vinegar, and can save you lots of money annually.

• Light one for the bees. Put the lights out on burning fragranced candles, which are packed with hormone-disrupting chemicals and air contaminants found in car exhaust, and choose beeswax candles instead, which don't pollute, and actually improve indoor air quality by boosting negative ion levels in your home.


Bynatureal Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
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Liver Health: Coffee And Tea Protect Vital Organ, Study Finds

AFP/Relaxnews  |  Posted: 08/19/2013 1:56 pm EDT

Your morning cup of coffee or tea may do more than just perk you up. A new study finds that the caffeinated beverages may protect your liver from disease.

In a study announced last week, an international team of researchers led by Duke University School of Medicine in North Carolina (NAFLD) suggests that increased caffeine intake may reduce fatty liver in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Worldwide, 70 per cent of people diagnosed with diabetes and obesity have NAFLD, the major cause of fatty liver not due to excessive alcohol consumption, the researchers said. Currently, there are no effective treatments for NAFLD except diet and exercise.

Using cell culture and mouse models, head researcher Dr. Paul Yen and his team found that caffeine stimulated the metabolization of lipids stored in liver cells and decreased the fatty liver of mice that were fed a high-fat diet.

According to the findings, researchers said that the equivalent caffeine intake of four cups of coffee or tea a day may be beneficial in preventing and protecting against the progression of NAFLD in humans.

The findings appear online and will be published in the September issue of the journal Hepatology.

"This is the first detailed study of the mechanism for caffeine action on lipids in liver and the results are very interesting," Yen said. "Coffee and tea are so commonly consumed and the notion that they may be therapeutic, especially since they have a reputation for being ‘bad' for health, is especially enlightening."

Prior research has already associated caffeine with decreased risk of liver disease and reduced fibrosis in patients with chronic liver disease. Last year, a separate study published in the same journal found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of advanced fibrosis in those NAFLD.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
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Aug 15, 2013

Spicy Compound May Boost Heart Health

By Carrie Gann
Mar 27, 2012 5:00pm

Some people can’t get enough of the painful pleasure of spicy foods. Now, new research on hamsters suggests that those who like it hot may get some added heart-health benefits from capsaicinoids, the compounds that give chili peppers from jalepenos to habaneros their kick.

Scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong studied how capsaicinoids — capsaicin and its chemical relatives — affected the blood vessels of hamsters. Researchers fed hamsters diets high in cholesterol, and spiced up the food for some groups of the animals with varying levels of capsaicinoids.
The hamsters fed any capsaicinoids had lower levels of cholesterol in their blood, particularly LDL or “bad” cholesterol. They also had decreased plaque in their arteries compared with the hamsters that got no capsaicinoids.

The findings were presented today at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego.
Zhen-Yu Chen, a professor of food and nutritional science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and one of the study’s authors, said the findings give scientists a better idea of just how spicy foods might work to improve heart health in humans.

“But we certainly do not recommend that people start consuming chilies to an excess,” Chen said in a press release. “They may be a nice supplement, however, for people who find the hot flavor pleasant.”
Scientists have been hot on the trail of capsaicin’s potential health benefits in recent years. The compound is currently used as an effective remedy for pain associated with arthritis, neuropathy and psoriasis. Dr. Paul Bosland, co-founder and director of New Mexico State University’s Chile Pepper Institute, told ABC News that capsaicin works against pain by prompting the body to produce endorphins.

“The endorphins work to block the heat. The body produces them in response to the heat, which it senses as pain,” Bosland said.

Some studies have also suggested that capsaicin may help prevent prostate cancer.
Spicy foods may even improve metabolism. A 2011 study found that foods flavored with spices like turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, rosemary, oregano and garlic powder lowered insulin and triglyceride levels after a meal in overweight but healthy male volunteers.

More work is needed on the connection between spicy compounds and cardiac health, but for now, some researchers say, that burn in your mouth should make you feel good.

ABC News’ Kim Carollo contributed to this report.

Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
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10 Amazing Beauty Tricks With Coconut Oil

By Siobhan O'Connor

With one $10 bottle, you can solve 10 of your beauty problems—naturally

Let's work backwards. When you think about the health benefits of coconut oil, we're going to guess that the last thing that comes to mind is rubbing the edible plant grease all over your face. Or your arms. Or your hair. But a growing body of research, countless experts, and an army of natural-beauty devotees swear by the stuff for just about everything. Are they onto something?

Yes, according to our experts. Coconut oil is used in many natural beauty products, and for good reason: It's naturally antibacterial and antifungal, it's an excellent moisturizer, it can penetrate hair better than other oils, and, well, it smells like cookies.

"Yum," says Tieraona Low Dog, MD, director of the fellowship program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. "Is there anything more luscious than coconut oil?"

We can't think of anything. But we can think of 10 amazing uses for it in your very own home that don't require spending a fortune on store-bought products. In fact, all you need is one thing: Raw (and preferably organic) virgin coconut oil.

Here, count on two hands our completely natural DIY beauty tricks with coconut oil.

1. To soothe dry hands
This won't work for dry digits when you're on the go, but at home, coconut oil can work wonders on your dishwashing-parched hands. "I keep a jar of organic extra virgin coconut oil by the kitchen sink and put a little on after washing my hands to keep them soft and moist," says Dr. Low Dog. And if you cook with coconut oil—you can sub it for butter in baking recipes because it’s solid at room temperature—scoop out a little extra for your hands, too. "Whenever I cook with coconut oil, I make sure to moisturize my hands with it too," says Katrine van Wyk, a holistic health and nutrition coach based in New York.

2. As a cheekbone highlighter
Nothing perks up a tired face like a little highlighter, but you don't need store-bought products to achieve the same effect. Simply sweep a small amount of coconut oil on top of makeup and leave it alone. It looks like your skin but glowier, which is why many natural makeup brands use it as a base ingredient in their formulas. If you're looking for a more portable option, try the cult favorite Living Luminizer by RMS Beauty, which has a coconut-oil base and light reflecting pigment.

3. To shave your legs
Conventional shaving cream is an expensive cocktail of chemicals that you don't need to get a nice clean shave on your legs or underarms. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is inexpensive, naturally antimicrobial, and smells divine. Plus, its skin-soothing properties will leave your legs looking hydrated (but never greasy).

4. As a deep-conditioner
There's a reason many conditioners contain coconut oil: It's better able to penetrate hair (and prevent protein loss) than mineral and sunflower oil, according to research. "I use it in my hair and on my skin for deep conditioning," says Tasneen Bhatia, MD, an integrative doctor and owner of the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine. Apply a quarter-size dollop to your hair, comb it, and then pile it into a loose bun. You'll want to place a soft towel over your pillow or sleep in a shower cap. In the morning, shampoo as usual with a gentle cleanser.

5. To remove eye makeup
Yes, coconut oil even works on waterproof mascara! Put a little on a cotton ball and gently sweep it over your eyes, paying attention to your under-eyes as well. The oil does a great job breaking down waxy, inky eye makeup, and leaves the delicate area hydrated, too. Once you're done, wash your face as usual.

6. As a body moisturizer
A recent animal study found that when applied topically, virgin coconut oil can speed up wound healing, and a human study found it to be effective in increasing hydration and reducing water loss in seriously dry skin. Sounds like a recipe for a really good lotion to us! It's a health-expert favorite, too. Says Wyk: "It smells delicious, is very affordable, and leaves my skin feeling nourished and smooth."

7. To clean your face
Because coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, moisturizing and, according to research, great for atopic dermatitis, many women swear by its use as a nighttime moisturizer for their face, too. Try the double-cleansing method: Simply rub the oil in circular motions all over your face and neck, giving yourself a gentle massage as you go. When you're done, wash off the residue with your favorite cleanser. (If you're adult-acne prone, avoid this technique unless you know your skin tolerates coconut oil.)

8. To add shine
Smooth a tiny amount of coconut oil onto your ends to add a little shine, or on flyaways if you have dark hair. Remember that a dab will do you: Any more and your hair might appear greasy.

9. In a luscious body scrub
Here's a little DIY beauty secret: That store-bought body scrub you save for special occasions? It's a waste of money. That's because you can make one yourself with ingredients you already have in your kitchen. Dr. Low Dog agrees. "I love to do this. It's wonderfully moisturizing, great for the skin, inexpensive, and blissfully absent of chemicals you can't pronounce!" To make your own, Dr. Low Dog suggests melting 1/2 c of coconut oil at very low heat. Pour it over 1 c of brown sugar or salt and stir well. If you have some on hand, add in five drops of your favorite essential oil or some pure vanilla extract for a scrub so fragrant you'll want to eat it.

10. For a little rubdown
Many store-bought massage oils have either coconut or jojoba oil as their base. Cut out the middleman and go straight to the bottle. It's slippery, skin-friendly, and moisturizing, too.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
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