Dec 30, 2014

Yoga may guard against heart disease, study finds

Doing yoga may be a good way to protect against heart disease, particularly if you cannot do more vigorous exercise, research suggests. A review in the Netherlands of 37 studies involving nearly 3,000 people found yoga was independently linked to a lowering of heart risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol. Yoga does not count towards the recommended physical activity that we should all do each week.

Experts say it may still be beneficial.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. There are lots of different types of yoga - tantric, Hatha and Ashtanga to name a few - but most are not strenuous enough to count towards the 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity the government says we should get each week to give our heart and lungs a workout.

Yoga does count as a muscle strengthening exercise - something the same guidelines say we should do on two or more days a week, every week.

Prof Myriam Hunink, from Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, set out to investigate what effect, if any, yoga might have on heart health.

Compared with no exercise, yoga had significant benefits - it was linked to a lower risk of obesity, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol, the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology reports.

When pitched against other types of exercise, such as brisk walking or jogging, yoga was no better or worse based on the same measures of heart risk.

Prof Hunink said: "These results indicate that yoga is potentially very useful and in my view worth pursuing as a risk improvement practice."

It is not clear why yoga might be beneficial, but experts say it could be down to its calming effect. Stress has been linked to heart disease and high blood pressure.

Maureen Talbot, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: "The benefits could be due to working the muscles and breathing, which can bring more oxygen into the body, leading to lower blood pressure.

"A larger study is recommended though to assess the effects of yoga more fully."

She said the benefits of yoga on emotional health were well-established.

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Bahan Kimia Berbahaya, Paraben & Formalin, Pengawet Kosmetik

Nancy Junita, JAKARTA— Perusahaan kosmetik raksasa dunia, Revlon, mengumumkan telah menarik 2 bahan kimia berbahaya dari produk kosmetiknya. Seperti dilansir Time, Kamis (18/12/2014), dan, Jumat (19/12/2014), dua bahan kimia berbahaya itu adalah dua rantai panjang paraben, dan formaldehid.

Penarikan dua bahan kimia berbahaya itu setelah ada desakan dari aktivis lingkungan Environmental Working Group (EWG) untuk menarik bahan kimia berbahaya itu. Pasalnya, paraben menimbulkan gangguan endokrin, sedangkan formaldehid menyebabkan kanker.

Informasi yang dilansir, paraben adalah istilah yang digunakan dalam bahasa sehari-hari dari industri bahan kimia khusus untuk menggambarkan serangkaian parahydroxybenzoates atau ester asam parahydroxybenzoic (juga dikenal sebagai asam 4-hidroksibenzoat).

Paraben banyak digunakan sebagai pengawet oleh industri kosmetik dan farmasi. Paraben adalah pengawet yang efektif dalam berbagai jenis formula.

Senyawa ini, dan garamnya, digunakan terutama untuk bakterisida dan fungisida properti. Zat ini dapat ditemukan dalam shampo, pelembab komersial, gel cukur, pelumas pribadi, obat topikal, semprot solusi tanning, makeup, pasta gigi. Juga digunakan sebagai aditif makanan.

Formalin atau formaldehid adalah larutan tak berwarna, mudah larut dalam air, mudah menguap, dan mempunyai bau yang tajam. Formalin merupakan larutan komersial dengan konsentrasi 10-40% dari formaldehid. Formalin termasuk golongan aldehida suku pertama dengan rumus kimia ; H-CH=O

Formalin mempunyai banyak nama kimia diantaranya adalah : Formol, Methylene aldehyde, Paraforin, Morbicid, Oxomethane, Polyoxymethylene glycols, Methanal, Formoform, Superlysoform, Formic aldehyde, Formalith, Tetraoxymethylene, Methyl oxide, Karsan, Trioxane, Oxymethylene dan Methyleneglycol.

Penggunaan formalin sudah sangat umum dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun industri. Zat ini sangat luas pemanfaatannya karena sifat oksidator yang cukup kuat  dari gugus aldehid (karboksil). Sifat oksidator inilah yang menyebabkan secara luas formalin digunakan untuk antiseptik, germisida, dan pengawet.

Sebagai anti bakteri atau pembunuh kuman (germisida), formalin dimanfaatkan untuk pembersih lantai, kapal, gudang dan pakaian, pembasmi lalat dan berbagai serangga lain. Dalam dunia fotografi biasaya digunakan untuk pengeras lapisan gelatin dan kertas. Dalam industri, digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pupuk dalam bentuk urea, bahan pembuatan produk parfum, pengawet produk kosmetika, pengeras kuku dan bahan untuk insulasi busa. Formalin juga dipakai sebagai pencegah korosi untuk sumur minyak. Di bidang industri kayu sebagai bahan perekat untuk produk kayu lapis (plywood).

Di industri perikanan, formalin digunakan untuk menghilangkan bakteri yang biasa hidup di sisik ikan. Akibat penggunaan yang berlebihan, kemungkinan masih ada sisa-sisa formalin pada tubuh ikan dan bila tidak dibersihkan secara seksama dapat ikut termakan. (

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Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
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Dec 19, 2014

5 Aturan 'Makan Bersih' agar Tubuh Selalu Sehat dan Berat Ideal

Hestianingsih – wolipop

Jakarta - Clean eating kini menjadi salah satu alternatif diet sehat yang cukup booming di kalangan health enthusiast. Pola makan berbasis wholefood, tanpa pestisida, tanpa bahan pengawet dan perasa buatan diyakini bisa membantu tubuh dapatkan nutrisi terbaik dari makanan untuk sehat dalam waktu lama sekaligus bantu dapatkan bentuk tubuh ideal.

"Ketika kita sehat maka tubuh akan mencari sendiri berat badan idealnya," ujar praktisi yoga dan food combining Erikar Lebang.

Menjalani clean eating tak sekadar makan makanan yang kaya nutrisi dan rendah kalori. Ada beberapa ketentuan yang perlu diikuti agar Anda bisa 'makan secara bersih' dan tubuh pun mendapatkan manfaat yang optimal dari makanan yang Anda asup. Seperti apa clean eating yang sebaiknya diterapkan?

1. Pilih Makanan yang Tidak Diproses Pabrik
Makanan hasil olahan pabrik biasanya mengandung banyak gula, garam, lemak serta bahan-bahan kimia. Bentuk aslinya juga telah banyak berubah sehingga nutrisi yang diserap tubuh pun berkurang drastis. Maka dari itu perbanyaklah makanan utuh yang belum mengalami banyak pemrosesan seperti buah dan sayur segar, biji-bijian, kacang-kacangan, telur ayam kampung, gandum utuh, beras merah, daging organik, susu yang berasal dari sapi organik dan minyak tumbuhan (minyak zaitun, canola, minyak kelapa murni).

2. Usahakan Organik
Anda tidak perlu memaksakan untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang 100 persen organik, namun setidaknya 50-60 persen dari keseluruhan bahan makanan yang Anda gunakan. Organik, berarti bahan makanan tersebut bebas pestisida, ditanam di lahan yang tidak merusak lingkungan, bebas rekayasa genetik dan ditanam secara natural oleh petani lokal.

3. Makan Secukupnya
Sesehat apa pun makanan, apabila mengonsumsinya secara berlebihan efeknya tetap tidak baik bagi tubuh. Makanlah dengan porsi sesuai kebutuhan dan perbanyak asupan seratnya. Marisaa Lippert, RD, pemilik Nourish Kitchen + Table menyarankan untuk membagi piring menjadi seperlima. Tiga perlima bagian haruslah diisi dengan sayur dan buah, sementara satu perlima bagian protein, dan satu perlima sisanya karbohidrat kompleks.

4. Teliti Sebelum Membeli
Menerapkan clean eating, bukan berarti Anda harus selalu menyuplai bahan makanan dari petani lokal langsung atau menanamnya di pekarangan rumah. Jika tinggal di kota besar, hal tersebut tentu sulit untuk dilakukan. Solusinya adalah berbelanja di supermarket yang khusus menjual bahan-bahan organik atau teliti membaca informasi gizi pada tabel kemasannya. Lihat juga daftar bahan-bahannya, pilihlah produk yang tidak mengandung terlalu banyak bahan atau istilah asing. Semakin sedikit daftar bahan yang tertera dan Anda kenali istilahnya di kemasan berarti produk tersebut lebih alami dan tidak mengandung pewarna serta perasa buatan.

5. Cara Memasak
Proses memasak bisa mengubah kandungan nutrisi di dalam makanan tapi tidak selalu berarti buruk. Sejumlah nutrisi mungkin akan hilang jika dipanaskan seperti vitamin C atau lycopene. Jadi akan lebih baik jika Anda mengonsumsi makanan secara mentah segar. Namun jika tidak terbiasa, Anda bisa memasak dalam waktu cepat misalnya mengukus brokoli atau wortel hanya beberapa menit saja. Bisa juga menumis sayuran dan bahan hewani dengan sedikit minyak, namun waktunya tetap dibatasi paling lama 10 menit. Hindari memasak dengan cara deep frying atau merebus dalam waktu lama karena bisa menghilangkan nutrisi serta kandungan seratnya. Gunakanlah bumbu-bumbu alami yang berasal dari rempah-rempah segar seperti kunyit, kencur, lengkuas, bawang merah-bawang putih, jahe, kemiri, merica, dan sebagainya. Hindari menggunakan bumbu siap pakai karena umumnya mengandung bahan pengawet, perasa dan pewarna buatan.

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Why is sugar so addictive?

We all know how tempting it can be to have one too many chocolates or an extra slice of cake, even when we know it would be healthier not to. But what drives this craving for sweet treats?

Many scientists suggest that we are primed to desire sugar at an instinctive level as it plays such a vital role in our survival. Our sense of taste has evolved to covet the molecules vital to life like salt, fat and sugar. When we eat food, the simple sugar glucose is absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream and distributed to all cells of the body.

Glucose is particularly important to the brain as it provides a major source of fuel to the billions of neuronal nerve cells. Neurons need a constant supply from the bloodstream as they don't have the ability to store glucose themselves. As diabetics know, someone with low blood sugar can quickly lapse into a coma.

Bizarrely, scientists have found even just the taste of sugar can give our brains a boost. Tests have shown that participants who swill water sweetened by sugar around their mouths perform better on mental tasks than when they gargle artificially sweetened water.

Our love/hate relationship with sugar
Our tricky relationship with sugar starts at birth, as we are born with a sweet tooth.

A recent study from Washington University, found that newborns have a distinct preference for sweet flavours over other flavours, while children enjoy sugary foods far more than adults. Many scientists believe a child's preference for sweet things is an evolutionary hangover, as youngsters who preferred high-calorie foods in times gone by would have had a better chance of survival when food sources were unreliable.

The problem now is that refined sugar is too readily available and this could be part of the reason why childhood obesity rates have soared. Healthcare professionals now recommend that parents avoid giving babies sweet things to eat or drink to try to stop them developing a preference for them early in life.

Why do some people binge on sugar?
Eating too much sugar can lead to unhealthy eating patterns. Sugar can be a mood-booster as it prompts the body to release the 'happy hormone' serotonin into the blood stream.

The instant 'lift' we get from sugar is one of the reasons we turn to it at times of celebration or when we crave comfort and reward.

However, the pleasant sugar rush triggers an increase in insulin as the body strives to bring blood glucose levels back to normal. This has the knock-on effect of causing a 'sugar crash' and makes many crave yet more sugar, which can lead to a cycle of binge-eating.

We don't know when enough is enough
Added to this, our bodies aren't able to tell when we've had enough of certain types of sugar. Researchers have found that food and drinks sweetened with the simple sugar fructose do not trigger the same sense of fullness as other foods with similar calories.

A study from Yale University found that while glucose suppressed the parts of the brain that make us want to eat; fructose did not. The test participants also reported feeling more satisfied after consuming glucose compared to fructose. Taken together these two aspects increase the risk of overeating.

Many processed foods are excessively sweetened by sucrose, which contains 50% fructose. In fact you may be surprised by just how much sugar is hidden in common foods.

So next time you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, at least you'll know why.

So how much is too much?
The body is unable to distinguish between natural sugar found in fruit, honey, or milk, and processed sugar from sugar cane or beet.

All sugars are broken down by the body into glucose and fructose and are processed in the liver. Sugars are converted into glycogen or fat for storage, or kept as glucose in the blood for use in the body's cells. So it's the quantity you consume that makes the difference to your health.

According to the NHS, added sugars shouldn't make up more than 10% of the energy you get from food and drink each day. This is whether it comes from honey, fruit juice and jam, or soft drinks, processed foods or table sugar.

This works out at about 70g a day for men and 50g for women, although this can vary depending on your size, age and how active you are. Fifty grams of sugar is equivalent to 13 teaspoons of sugar a day, or two cans of fizzy drink, or eight chocolate biscuits.

When in the supermarket it's worth remembering that product is classed as high in sugar if it contains more than 15g in 100g and low in sugar if it has less than 5g per 100g.


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Dec 18, 2014

Mau tahu rahasia awet muda? Kurangi konsumsi kalori

Reporter : Febrianti Diah Kusumaningrum - Menjadi tua memang proses alami yang tidak bisa ditolak oleh semua manusia. Begitu pula dengan Anda. Terkadang muncul beberapa ketakutan menjadi tua seperti datangnya berbagai macam penyakit, tidak bisa bergerak lagi secara aktif, hingga perubahan fisik. Hal terakhir inilah yang kemudian membuat banyak orang menolak untuk menjadi tua, apalagi dengan datangnya penuaan dini.

Sebuah penelitian yang dilansir dari menemukan sebuah rahasia agar Anda terhindar dari penuaan dini dan selalu terlihat awet muda. Rahasia tersebut adalah dengan membatasi jumlah kalori yang dikonsumsi.

"Diet rendah kalori mampu memperlambat proses penuaan dini dengan cara mempengaruhi gen tubuh. Kami menemukan bahwa diet kalori bermanfaat untuk mengaktifkan gen tubuh Anda yang berhubungan dengan cara kerja otak dalam melawan penuaan serta memperpanjang usia," ujar Dr Stephen Ginsberg, seorang neuroscientist di New York University Langone Medical Centre yang memimpin penelitian ini. "Penelitian kami menunjukkan bagaimana pembatasan kalori yang dikonsumsi mampu meningkatkan tingkat ekspresi dan keaktifan gen mamalia."

Dr Ginsberg pun menjelaskan bahwa mengurangi konsumsi kalori bukan berarti Anda mengurangi jumlah makanan. Namun Anda selektif dalam memilih makanan. Buah dan sayur merupakan jenis makanan yang rendah kalori sehingga bisa Anda konsumsi sebanyak mungkin. Hasilnya selain terhindar dari penuaan dini, Anda juga bisa terhindar dari penyakit kronis seperti penyakit jantung, stroke, tekanan darah tinggi, hingga kanker.

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Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
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Dec 16, 2014

7 Fakta Unik yang Membuat Otak Manusia Istimewa

Yulida Medistiara – detikHealth

Jakarta - Bentuknya seperti kembang kol basah, tetapi otak manusia berjuta kali lebih efisien dari pada komputer dengan ukuran sama. Otak manusia mengatur seluruh pergerakan yang kita lakukan, memproduksi semua ucapan yang kita keluarkan, perasaan, dan ingatan.

Salah satu bagian otak paling penting adalah materi abu-abu atau grey matter. Bagian ini bertugas untuk menciptakan kreativitas dan ide.

Di dalam buku Superhuman Encyclopedia, Profesor Lord Robert Winston menjelaskan ada 125 triliun jaringan sel otak, dan di dalam satu otak manusia terdapat sel saraf yang jika dibentangkan dari ujung ke ujung akan menunjukan jarak 620 mil, setara dengan jarak dari London ke Berlin.

Berikut ini ungkapan Profesor Lord Winston tentang fakta unik yang tidak pernah Anda ketahui tentang otak, dikutip dari berbagai sumber, Kamis (20/11/2014).

1. Lebih dari 75% otak manusia mengandung air
Otak manusia mengandung kurang lebih 100 juta sel saraf (neuron). Pada setiap bagiannya terdapat sel-sel kecil yang lebih kecil dari pada sel-sel kulit yang tak terlihat ketika Anda bertepuk tangan, sekitar lebih dari 2000 jaringan terkoneksi dengan sel saraf lain.

Otak kita hanya memiliki berat 1400 gram, sementara otak wanita rata-rata memiliki berat dua setengah ons lebih kecil daripada otak lelaki, tapi bukan berarti otak laki-laki lebih cerdas atau lebih ahli.

2. Bagian terpenting tubuh manusia
Di zaman kerajaan Mesir kuno, orang-orang terhormat dibungkus miselium (berbentuk mumi), biasanya mereka membiarkan jantungnya di tubuh, sementara otaknya dibuang setelah menggeseknya melalui lubang yang dibor di belakang mulut dan hidung.

Mereka belum mengerti bahwa pusat kehidupan manusia ada di dalam otak sampai suatu hari, Hippocrates menemukan pengobatan modern yang akhirnya mengetahui otak sebagai bagian yang paling penting.

"Di dalam otak manusia ditemukan perasaan senang, kebahagiaan, tawa, kesedihan, rasa sakit, rasa khawatir dan rasa takut, serta kesalahan dan prestasi," ucap Hippocrates.

3. Terus membesar asal mau belajar
Para ilmuwan dari Universitas College di london memberikan bukti tentang bagaimana belajar dan mengingat mengakibatkan pertumbuhan otak.

Dr Eleanor Maguiner bersama timnya mengscan bagian hippocampus sebagai pusat memori dalam otak di London cab drivers. Ternyata, bagian belakang pada organ ini membesar dan tumbuh lebih besar saat sedang belajar ilmu pengetahuan.

David Cohen, supir taksi yang telah discan otaknya mengatakan, "Saya tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa sebagian otak saya tumbuh."

4. Kepribadian merupakan salah satu peran utama otak
Sebagian faktor genetik mempengaruhi anak-anak, selain itu kepribadian seseorang juga dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman dan kemampuan menyerap anak selama masa kanak-kanak. Para psikolog membagi kepribadian seseorang menjadi 5 sifat, yaitu kepribadian terbuka, kepribadian teliti, extrovert, ramah, dan neurotitisme.

5. Pusat kecerdasan
Albert Einstein, mungkin menjadi pemikir terbesar sejak abad lalu, tetapi pada masa kecilnya ia menunjukan sedikitnya bakat intelektual.

Albert Einstein terkenal setelah ia memproduksi teori fisika modern lebih dari 300 karya tulis ilmiah dan mendapatkan hadiah Nobel. Setelah 7 jam kematiannya, Dr Thomas Harvey, seorang ahli pathologi mencoba membagi otak Einstein menjadi 240 blok. Lalu, ia menghabiskan berminggu-minggu untuk meneliti potongan-potongan kecil tersebut memakai microscope untuk mengetahui apa yang membuat Einstein menjadi lebih spesial. Namun, ia menilai otak Einstein tidak jauh berbeda dengan otak orang lain dengan jumlah sel yang sama.

Akhirnya, Dr Thomas menaruh bagian-bagian otak tersebut kedalam dua toples kaca yang berdebu dan meletakannya di rak laboratorium. Dua puluh tahun kemudian, toples tersebut ditemukan di sebuah kotak yang sudah babak belur bertanda 'Costa Cider'.

6. Kerusakan otak pada bayi prematur
Profesor David Edwards di rumah sakit Hammersmith, London, mengatakan hal mengejutkan, "Daripada bayi yang baru lahir dibungkus secara hangat, lebih baik mendinginkan kepala mereka untuk mencegah kerusakan sel yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan permanen.

Penelitian yang sebagian penelitiannya didanai Genesis Research Trust, Profesor Philip Bennet dari rumah sakit Hammersmith menyatakan, "Penelitian ini meneliti bayi yang lahir prematur dan cara mengurangi angka kerusakan otak pada bayi."

7. Penurunan fungsi otak sebabkan pikun
Sekitar 3% dari orang yang berusia 65 hingga 75 tahun terpengaruh, sementara pada usia 85 tahun hampir 50% di antaranya merupakan penyandang dementia atau pikun.

Alzheimer adalah jenis yang paling umum dari dementia, yang merupakan permasalahan besar yang berkembang di dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan penyusutan otak, khususnya pada bagian hippocampus. Obesitas pada usia menengah berpotensi meningkatkan risiko.

Sering bermain puzzle, sudoku, dan permainan yang memerlukan pemikiran otak mampu menurunkan risiko terkena alzheimer. Serta, olahraga yang teratur dapat membantu menaikan aliran darah dan mengatur sirkulasi hormon menjadi lebih baik.

Bynaturael Products:

Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
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15 Things You Never Knew About Your Nails

The Huffington Post                 | By Laura Schocker

Aside from the occasional manicure, broken fingernail or stubbed toe, most of us tend to take our nails for granted, not giving them much beyond a passing thought.

But they might be more complicated than we think. For starters, nails are made up of more than just the part we paint over with polish. "The nail plate (hard part of the nail) grows out from the matrix (the root) in a shape something like an ocean wave," says Jessica Krant, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist, founder of Art of Dermatology and an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York City. "The white portion of the nail at the base (most easily visible at the thumbs) is called the lunula (little moon). This is the end of the matrix showing."

Intrigued? Here are 15 more things you might not know about your nails:

Fingernails grow an average of 3.5 millimeters per month.
That's just over a tenth of an inch. And nails on your dominant hand tend to grow faster. Toenails, on the other, uh, hand, grow an average of 1.6 millimeters a month, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

White spots on your nails don't indicate a calcium deficiency.
"Calcium deficiency causing white spots on nails is the most common myth, followed by zinc deficiency. The truth is that white spots are common and harmless and don't indicate any specific vitamin deficiency at all," Krant says. "Most likely they are signs of previous trauma to the nail plate (the hard part of the nail) or the matrix (the source of the nail plate, which is located underneath the cuticle under the skin). Just like folding or denting a piece of clear plastic leaves a white spot, so does pressure or trauma to the nail."

Nails are made out of the same stuff as hair.
Both nails and hair are made up of keratin, just put together in a different way, Krant explains. And that means the same foods that are good for your hair are good for your nails. "A varied diet rich in vitamins, antioxidant fruits and veggies, protein, and minerals is key for healthy nails and hair," she says. "Keratin is a protein, and healthy oils and fats are also needed to keep the skin, hair, and nails moisturized and strong."

Men's nails grow faster than women's nails.
The possible exception, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, is during pregnancy.

Nails are what separate the primates from the mammals.
While most mammals have claws to help them with daily tasks, fingernails are something that distinguish primates (including humans) from the rest of the group, LiveScience reports:

Scientists suspect primates sort of lost their claws and fashioned broad fingertips topped with nails to aid in locomotion. While claws would have provided excellent grip as our mammalian ancestors clambered up large tree trunks, they would have been a nuisance for larger-bodied primates trying to grasp smaller branches while scrambling across tree canopies for fruits. Rather, primates developed broader fingertips made for grasping.

Nail biting is called onychophagia.
It's also the most common "nervous habit," WebMD reports, a category which includes other behaviors such as hair twisting or pulling, tooth grinding or picking at the skin. Roughly half of children between 10 and 18 bite their nails, according to WebMD, but most people stop on their own by age 30. While nail biting is largely harmless (albeit unsanitary), possible health risks include contributing to skin infections and aggravating nail bed conditions, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Last year, experts considered including nail-biting, along with other "pathological grooming" habits, as a type of obsessive compulsive disorder in the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

You actually should let your nails "breathe" between manicures.
You might want to reschedule that weekly mani appointment -- according to Krant, it's best to reduce the amount of time your nails are polished to keep them at their healthiest. "Believe it or not, that hard thing on the tip of your finger is living tissue, and oxygen does penetrate through the nail plate to the nail bed," she says. "When you smother the nail and the nail bed beneath it, the nail has a harder time fighting off infections like the wart virus or a nail fungus. Also, nail polish is quite drying to the nail, so keeping them polished all the time (and re-doing the manicure repeatedly, with the drying chemicals used to remove polish) can eventually dry them out and make them less flexible and strong."

Nails are a window to the entire body.
"There is a huge amount that a well-trained dermatologist can tell about your overall health just by examining nails. From nail bed discoloration (blueish means lung disease), to capillaries in the cuticles (autoimmune disease), to yellow, white, or banded nails, sometimes very serious or even life-threatening disease can be diagnosed just by examining the tips of your fingers," Krant says. "So if you see something wrong or unusual, like a dark brown patch on your cuticle that also has an accompanying brown streak up across the whole nail plate (melanoma), see a dermatologist for help."

Nails grow faster in the summer than in the winter.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, different times of year (as well as your age, genes and a handful of other factors) can affect nail growth speed.

About 10 percent of dermatological conditions are nail-related.
Roughly half of nail disorders are caused by fungal infections, according to the AAD (and they're more frequent in toenails). Other common conditions include white spots (see above), vertical lines, bacterial infections and ingrown toenails. Senior citizens tend to have more nail problems than younger people.

Stress can take a toll on your nails.
In addition to stress-related picking and biting, chronic stress can inhibit nail growth, HuffPost previously reported. It's important to manage stress and get plenty of sleep for optimal nail health (and for a whole bunch of other reasons), according to Krant. "Chronic stress and fatigue divert the body's energy and nutrients away from growing healthy nails and hair," she says.

There's a reason we can't stand nails on a chalkboard.
Just the thought of it is enough to make us cringe -- but why? According to 2011 research, part of the reason is because the noise hits a frequency that's naturally amplified by the shape of our ear canals, HuffPost reported at the time. The problem might also have a psychological component -- when study participants were told the source of the noise, they tended to rate it as more unpleasant compared to those who were told it was part of a musical composition.

Cuticles have a purpose.
And that's why many experts recommend against removing them for aesthetic purposes. "The cuticle is there to seal moisture and environmental germs out of the body, which is why it's very important not to pick at the cuticle or to let manicurists cut it off," Krant says. "It must be treated gently and left in place as much as possible."

The hardness of your nails is mostly genetic.
Not much can be done about nail shape or how quickly they grow in, Krant explains, but nails that constantly break or peel could signal being dried out. "Hand washing, doing dishes without thick rubber gloves, house cleaning, working with paper, getting frequent manicures, and using a lot of hand sanitizer are all culprits that contribute," she says. To protect your hands, use a thick hand and nail cream that you use regularly (not just once a day): "If you get into the habit of reapplying frequently, you keep your cuticles smooth and unclipped, and you gently file off rough nail edges instead of picking at them, your nails will start to peel and break less."

Your nails need blood to survive.
Ever wonder why your nail sometimes falls off after an injury? Here's the explanation: "Since the nail plate needs blood flow, oxygenation, and nutrients to grow normally, a crush injury (or kicking the edge of the door really, really hard by mistake) can disrupt the delicate microscopic connections that provide the nutrition, and that already growing nail may not be able to recover well enough to keep growing," Krant says. "It may fall off completely, and after time be replaced by a new perfectly healthy nail when the matrix and nail bed are able to reattach themselves to a freshly growing nail." If the damage happens at the root of the nail, under the cuticle, it can become permanently scarred, which might mean that you'll always grow a misshapen nail after that.

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
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Dec 12, 2014

5 Makanan Sehat yang Ternyata Junk Food

Hestianingsih – wolipop

Jakarta - Agar hidup sehat, Anda tentunya juga perlu mengonsumsi makanan sehat. Namun yang kerap menjadi kendala adalah masih banyak orang yang kurang memahami makanan apa saja yang baik untuk tubuh, dan mana yang lebih banyak membawa pengaruh buruk.

Makanan sehat seyogyanya bisa memberikan nutrisi penting bagi tubuh seperti vitamin dan mineral, tapi juga rendah kalori, rendah lemak dan rendah gula. Sementara makanan tidak sehat seperti junk food tinggi gula, lemak, kalori, garam namun minim nutrisi.

Banyak produk makanan di pasaran yang diklaim dan dipercaya sehat namun sebenarnya adalah junk food. Sayangnya tak sedikit orang yang mempercayai hal itu sehingga mereka mengonsumsinya setiap hari dengan tujuan untuk hidup sehat, namun sebenarnya mereka telah menumpuk lemak atau gula berlebihan yang bisa mendatangkan berbagai penyakit. Ini kekeliruan tentang makanan sehat, yang dihimpun Wolipop dari berbagai sumber.

1. Jus Buah dalam Kemasan
Kebanyakan minuman dalam kemasan yang diklaim sebagai 'jus buah' kemasan mengandung hanya sedikit sari buah asli, bahkan tidak memiliki komponen buah sama sekali. Rasa buah yang dihasilkan merupakan perasa buatan jadi Anda sebenarnya hanya minum air gula dengan rasa buah-buahan. Beberapa produk memang ada yang terbuat dari 100 persen sari buah asli namun sebenarnya kurang sehat daripada jus buatan sendiri sebab tidak mengandung serat dan nutrisinya juga sudah banyak berkurang karena pemrosesan di pabrik. Jika ingin mendapat nutrisi penuh dari buah, sebaiknya buat jus sendiri tanpa membuang ampasnya dan tanpa tambahan gula atau makan buah utuh.

2. Salad Dressing
Salad dressing yang telah dikemas dalam botol umumnya tinggi kandungan garam, gula, minyak, lemak trans bahkan zat kimia sebagai pewarna atau penambah rasa. Bukannya menjadi sehat, Anda justru mengubah salad sayuran menjadi junk food. Buatlah dressing salad sendiri menggunakan minyak zaitun, rempah serta bahan herbal segar.

3. Sereal Sarapan Pagi
Beberapa produk sereal sarapan pagi sebenarnya tak lebih sehat dari makanan ringan seperti keripik kentang atau biskuit bergula. Sereal yang digunakan juga umumnya yang telah menjalani banyak tahapan proses pengolahan sehingga seratnya tak lagi utuh. Pilihlah sereal yang tak mengandung gula, terbuat dari gandum utuh dan akan lebih baik lagi jika memilih oatmeal sebagai sarapan.

4. Margarin
Beda antara margarin dan butter. Margarin dipercaya sebagai bahan makanan yang lebih sehat ketimbang butter, namun tidak selalu. Bahan dasar butter adalah susu, sementara margarin adalah kombinasi zat-zat kimia dan minyak yang telah diproses sedemikian rupa sehingga menyerupai butter. Sejumlah studi menunjukkan bahwa orang yang mengganti konsumsi butter menjadi mentega, lebih berisiko meninggal akibat penyakit jantung karena margarin mengandung lemak trans yang bisa menyumbat pembuluh darah.

5. Minyak Sayur
Minyak sayur dan minyak yang berasal dari biji-bijian seperdi kedelai, canola dan biji anggur memang lebih sehat ketimbang minyak kelapa sawit. Minyak ini juga diciptakan dengan tujuan menurunkan kolesterol. Namun minyak jenis ini tidak mencegah penyakit jantung secara signifikan. Penggunaannya pun tetap harus dibatasi hanya untuk sekadar menumis saja, bukan deep-fried.

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
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You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy?

There’s no such thing as ‘detoxing’. In medical terms, it’s a nonsense. Diet and exercise is the only way to get healthy. But which of the latest fad regimes can really make a difference? We look at the facts

Dara Mohammadi |The Observer

Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our fast-food lifestyles and alcohol-lubricated social lives. But before you dust off that juicer or take the first tentative steps towards a colonic irrigation clinic, there’s something you should know: detoxing – the idea that you can flush your system of impurities and leave your organs squeaky clean and raring to go – is a scam. It’s a pseudo-medical concept designed to sell you things.

“Let’s be clear,” says Edzard Ernst, emeritus professor of complementary medicine at Exeter University, “there are two types of detox: one is respectable and the other isn’t.” The respectable one, he says, is the medical treatment of people with life-threatening drug addictions. “The other is the word being hijacked by entrepreneurs, quacks and charlatans to sell a bogus treatment that allegedly detoxifies your body of toxins you’re supposed to have accumulated.”

If toxins did build up in a way your body couldn’t excrete, he says, you’d likely be dead or in need of serious medical intervention. “The healthy body has kidneys, a liver, skin, even lungs that are detoxifying as we speak,” he says. “There is no known way – certainly not through detox treatments – to make something that works perfectly well in a healthy body work better.”

Much of the sales patter revolves around “toxins”: poisonous substances that you ingest or inhale. But it’s not clear exactly what these toxins are. If they were named they could be measured before and after treatment to test effectiveness. Yet, much like floaters in your eye, try to focus on these toxins and they scamper from view. In 2009, a network of scientists assembled by the UK charity Sense about Science contacted the manufacturers of 15 products sold in pharmacies and supermarkets that claimed to detoxify. The products ranged from dietary supplements to smoothies and shampoos. When the scientists asked for evidence behind the claims, not one of the manufacturers could define what they meant by detoxification, let alone name the toxins.

Yet, inexplicably, the shelves of health food stores are still packed with products bearing the word “detox” – it’s the marketing equivalent of drawing go-faster stripes on your car. You can buy detoxifying tablets, tinctures, tea bags, face masks, bath salts, hair brushes, shampoos, body gels and even hair straighteners. Yoga, luxury retreats, and massages will also all erroneously promise to detoxify. You can go on a seven-day detox diet and you’ll probably lose weight, but that’s nothing to do with toxins, it’s because you would have starved yourself for a week.

Then there’s colonic irrigation. Its proponents will tell you that mischievous plaques of impacted poo can lurk in your colon for months or years and pump disease-causing toxins back into your system. Pay them a small fee, though, and they’ll insert a hose up your bottom and wash them all away. Unfortunately for them – and possibly fortunately for you – no doctor has ever seen one of these mythical plaques, and many warn against having the procedure done, saying that it can perforate your bowel.

Other tactics are more insidious. Some colon-cleansing tablets contain a polymerising agent that turns your faeces into something like a plastic, so that when a massive rubbery poo snake slithers into your toilet you can stare back at it and feel vindicated in your purchase. Detoxing foot pads turn brown overnight with what manufacturers claim is toxic sludge drawn from your body. This sludge is nothing of the sort – a substance in the pads turns brown when it mixes with water from your sweat.

“It’s a scandal,” fumes Ernst. “It’s criminal exploitation of the gullible man on the street and it sort of keys into something that we all would love to have – a simple remedy that frees us of our sins, so to speak. It’s nice to think that it could exist but unfortunately it doesn’t.”

That the concept of detoxification is so nebulous might be why it has evaded public suspicion. When most of us utter the word detox, it’s usually when we’re bleary eyed and stumbling out of the wrong end of a heavy weekend. In this case, surely, a detox from alcohol is a good thing? “It’s definitely good to have non-alcohol days as part of your lifestyle,” says Catherine Collins, an NHS dietitian at St George’s Hospital. “It’ll probably give you a chance to reassess your drinking habits if you’re drinking too much. But the idea that your liver somehow needs to be ‘cleansed’ is ridiculous.”

The liver breaks down alcohol in a two-step process. Enzymes in the liver first convert alcohol to acetaldehyde, a very toxic substance that damages liver cells. It is then almost immediately converted into carbon dioxide and water which the body gets rid of. Drinking too much can overwhelm these enzymes and the acetaldehyde buildup will lead to liver damage. Moderate and occasional drinking, though, might have a protective effect. Population studies, says Collins, have shown that teetotallers and those who drink alcohol excessively have a shorter life expectancy than people who drink moderately and in small amounts.

“We know that a little bit of alcohol seems to be helpful,” she says. “Maybe because its sedative effect relaxes you slightly or because it keeps the liver primed with these detoxifying enzymes to help deal with other toxins you’ve consumed. That’s why the government guidelines don’t say, ‘Don’t drink’; they say, ‘OK drink, but only modestly.’ It’s like a little of what doesn’t kill you cures you.”

This adage also applies in an unexpected place – to broccoli, the luvvie of the high-street “superfood” detox salad. Broccoli does help the liver out but, unlike the broad-shouldered, cape-wearing image that its superfood moniker suggests, it is no hero. Broccoli, as with all brassicas – sprouts, mustard plants, cabbages – contains cyanide. Eating it provides a tiny bit of poison that, like alcohol, primes the enzymes in your liver to deal better with any other poisons.

Collins guffaws at the notion of superfoods. “Most people think that you should restrict or pay particular attention to certain food groups, but this is totally not the case,” she says. “The ultimate lifestyle ‘detox’ is not smoking, exercising and enjoying a healthy balanced diet like the Mediterranean diet.”

Close your eyes, if you will, and imagine a Mediterranean diet. A red chequered table cloth adorned with meats, fish, olive oil, cheeses, salads, wholegrain cereals, nuts and fruits. All these foods give the protein, amino acids, unsaturated fats, fibre, starches, vitamins and minerals to keep the body – and your immune system, the biggest protector from ill-health – functioning perfectly.

So why, then, with such a feast available on doctor’s orders, do we feel the need to punish ourselves to be healthy? Are we hard-wired to want to detox, given that many of the oldest religions practise fasting and purification? Has the scientific awakening shunted bad spirits to the periphery and replaced them with environmental toxins that we think we have to purge ourselves of?

Susan Marchant-Haycox, a London psychologist, doesn’t think so. “Trying to tie detoxing in with ancient religious practices is clutching at straws,” she says. “You need to look at our social makeup over the very recent past. In the 70s, you had all these gyms popping up, and from there we’ve had the proliferation of the beauty and diet industry with people becoming more aware of certain food groups and so on.

“The detox industry is just a follow-on from that. There’s a lot of money in it and there are lots of people out there in marketing making a lot of money.”

Peter Ayton, a professor of psychology at City University London, agrees. He says that we’re susceptible to such gimmicks because we live in a world with so much information we’re happy to defer responsibility to others who might understand things better. “To understand even shampoo you need to have PhD in biochemistry,” he says, “but a lot of people don’t have that. If it seems reasonable and plausible and invokes a familiar concept, like detoxing, then we’re happy to go with it.”

Many of our consumer decisions, he adds, are made in ignorance and supposition, which is rarely challenged or informed. “People assume that the world is carefully regulated and that there are benign institutions guarding them from making any kind of errors. A lot of marketing drip-feeds that idea, surreptitiously. So if people see somebody with apparently the right credentials, they think they’re listening to a respectable medic and trust their advice.”

Ernst is less forgiving: “Ask trading standards what they’re doing about it. Anyone who says, ‘I have a detox treatment’ is profiting from a false claim and is by definition a crook. And it shouldn’t be left to scientists and charities to go after crooks.”

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog:

Dec 5, 2014

Beberapa Mitos Yang Salah Seputar Probiotik - Makanan mengandung probiotik banyak dijual di pasaran. Sebenarnya jenis makanan ini baik untuk Anda karena mengandung bakteri hidup yang membantu kerja sistem pencernaan. Tetapi, banyak hal-hal yang tidak benar beredar seputar probiotik, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh klaim-klaim dari produsen yang membuat produk mereka seolah-olah menjadi produk ajaib.

Berikut beberapa mitos seputar probiotik yang salah, seperti dilansir

Probiotik dapat menggantikan obat
Banyak beredar suplemen probiotik yang dianggap dapat menggantikan obat dengan cara alami. Probiotik hanya dapat digunakan untuk mendukung pengobatan yang tengah berjalan pada penyakit tertentu, jadi anggapan probiotik dapat menggantikan obat jelas salah.

Semua yogurt mengandung probiotik
Tidak semua yogurt mengandung kultur bakteri hidup, terlebih setelah mengalami proses pasteurisasi. Pada beberapa produk memang kultur bakteri sengaja ditambahkan setelah proses pasteurisasi selesai.

Probiotik dapat mencegah flu
Ada anggapan bahwa probiotik dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, namun hal ini sebenarnya belum memiliki bukti yang kuat. Hubungan antara probiotik dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh masih diteliti dan belum mendapatkan kesimpulannya.

Jumlah bakteri tertera pada label
Tidak ada yang bisa menjamin produk probiotik yang Anda konsumsi mengandung banyak bakteri baik di dalamnya. Bahkan mungkin terjadi tidak ada bakteri hidup dalam probiotik yang Anda konsumsi.

Dalam memilih produk suplemen, sebaiknya Anda tidak mudah termakan oleh iklan dan klaim yang diberikan produsen. Setiap jenis probiotik juga memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda, sebaiknya anda tanyakan pada ahlinya.

Bynaturael Products:
Liquid Castile Soap with essential oil
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: