Feb 19, 2014

5 Foods that Keep You Thin

How to Spot Nutritious Choices that Help You Stay Slim
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Kristin McGrath

Take a look around any book store, and you'll find dozens of diet books lining the shelves. Despite their bright and cheerful covers, with their positive, upbeat claims, many of them are filled with information that promotes all the wrong messages.

"The word 'diet' is negative and implies people can go on and off them," said Jane Korsberg, a senior instructor in the department of nutrition at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
Korsberg is one nutritionist who thinks it would be better to re-think the whole concept of dieting.
"'Diet foods' are confusing to many people," she explained. "What diet is the 'diet food' geared for? Is it low-calorie, low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar, gluten-free, et cetera?"
Besides, many of the foods that specifically target dieters seem to rarely satisfy. Take those 100-calorie snack packs, for example, made to help people control calories. Those often don't even work, Korsberg says. After all, few people actually stop at only one pack.

You don't need fancy plans or complicated point systems to be thin. All you need to do is make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active.
"Learning to eat properly for a lifetime is more beneficial," Korsberg said. "The emphasis should be on choosing healthful foods every day and changing lifestyles for the better."
So instead of sticking to diet fare, fill up on nutritious, wholesome foods. And if you need some recommendations, you can start with these five options, which are among the many delicious foods that make a good addition to healthy eating while keeping you slender.

1. Apples
Apples are a good source of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber not only contributes to a healthy digestive system and reduced cholesterol, but it also benefits smart eaters by yielding no calories while keeping them satisfied.
And there's something else about the fruit that might help you feel full. A study in the journal "Appetite" found that when women added either three apples or three pears to their daily meals, they lost more weight than people who added three oat cookies to their diets -- even though the fruit and the cookies contained the exact same amount of dietary fiber.
Although the reason behind this finding may be a mystery, there is something to be said for the findings. According to Alan Aragon, a nutritionist and author of "Girth Control: The Science of Fat Loss & Muscle Gain," crunchy foods in particular can trick a person into feeling fuller. The act of chewing may send satiety signals to your body, he says, making you think you've eaten more than you really have and keeping hunger at bay.

2. Almonds
If you're looking for a tasty midday snack, a handful of almonds are a well-regarded option. A study in 2009 in "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" found that women who ate nuts at least two times a week were more successful at keeping weight off than those who didn't eat this food.
One particular favorite among some nutritionists is almonds, says Aragon. One ounce of this food contains only 167 calories, plus it packs roughly 6 g of protein and 3 g of fiber, both nutrients that can make you feel full. Furthermore, like apples, almonds are crunchy and require a lot of chewing, so they, too, can make you feel like you've eaten more than you actually did and keep you fuller longer.

3. Salmon
If you're uncertain about fish, there's no need to fear. Seafood can be part of a healthy diet. And there's some evidence that the fat in foods such as salmon can boost satiety levels, says Aragon. For example, a study published in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate salmon a few times a week, they lost about two more pounds than those who didn't include seafood in their meals.
And in spite of the mention of salmon's fat content, the food is relatively low in calories. One 3-oz. serving has just 175 calories. Salmon is a good source of protein as well.

4. Eggs
There's no doubt that protein, like fiber, has impressive satiating powers. And while eggs seem to have a bad reputation in some circles, there can be no contesting their ability to help keep your weight in check.
Research has shown that eating eggs at breakfast can help you fight weight gain all day long. A study reported in 2008 in the "International Journal of Obesity" found that when dieters ate two eggs for breakfast for five days out of the week, they lost 65 percent more weight than dieters who consumed a bagel in the morning. Although protein is likely to fill you up whenever you eat it, some scientists suspect that having more in the morning can keep you feeling fuller all day long.

It's true that most veggies make for great diet fare. Non-starchy vegetables in particular, such as carrots, celery and spinach, are filled with fiber. Like other foods high in fiber, they can help keep you feeling satiated.
Plus, they're pretty self-regulating, says Aragon. You can't really overeat with nonstarchy vegetables. After all, how many baby carrots can a person eat without needing to dunk them in some ranch dressing?
So while there are many veggies that can help you stay slim, tomatoes might be a particularly good option because they're so tasty. And, besides, with that whole a-tomato-is-a-vegetable-no-it's-a-fruit argument, you might have forgotten all about eating them. One cup of cooked, red tomatoes contains just 43 calories, but tastes just as delicious as any number of high-calorie foods.

And that's at least half the secret, finding foods that are both healthy and tasty. The good thing is, they do exist. Over time, you'll discover what wholesome, filling foods you prefer, expanding your choices while shrinking your waistline.


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Feb 14, 2014

Buah-buahan yang Baik untuk Turunkan Berat Badan

Jakarta - Makan buah tiap hari sangat dianjurkan untuk menjaga kesehatan. Bukan hanya kaya serat dan vitamin yang baik bagi pencernaan dan vitalitas tubuh secara keseluruhan, buah juga bisa bantu turunkan berat badan. Ada beberapa jenis buah yang mengandung sejumlah nutrisi yang bisa membantu pembakaran lemak. Tambahkan lima buah ini dalam menu sehari-hari Anda untuk mengurangi beberapa kilogram bobot yang berlebih, seperti yang dikutip dari Health Me Up.

1. Kelapa
Kelapa mengandung trigliserida, senyawa yang ada di dalam makanan dan plasma darah. Senyawa ini diperlukan tubuh sebagai sumber energi dan pada jumlah yang cukup, trigliserda bisa meningkatkan kinerja liver hingga 30 persen, menjaga tubuh tetap dalam berat idealnya. Selain itu, mengonsumsi kelapa juga membuat perut kenyang sehingga Anda tidak tergoda makan junk food. Kelapa muda lebih baik ketimbang kelapa tua karena mengandung lebih sedikit lemak dan kolesterol.

2. Grapefruit
Banyak studi yang mengklaim bahwa grapefruit adalah buah paling baik untuk turunkan berat badan. Dalam sebuah penelitian ditemukan bahwa wanita yang makan grapefruit tiap hari berat badannya berkurang hampir 10 kg dalam 13 minggu. Setengah potong grapefruit hanya mengandung 37 kalori dan seratnya tinggi sehingga membuat perut terasa kenyang lebih lama.

3. Buah Delima
Dikenal juga dengan pomegranate, buah ini mengandung polifenol, yaitu antioksidan yang meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh. Selain itu buah delima juga bisa menghambat pengumpulan lemak di sepanjang dinding arteri, serta mengurangi nafsu makan. Buah delima juga diketahui bisa menurunkan kadar kolesterol kahat dalam tubuh serta meningkatkan peredaran darah.

4. Lemon
Lemon sangat baik untuk detoksifikasi liver. Kesehatan liver yang baik akan membantu tubuh untuk lebih mudah mencerna dan membakar lemak karena liver-lah yang bertugas untuk pekerjaan ini di dalam tubuh.

5. Pir
Pir merupakan buah yang kaya serat dan air yang membuat perut terasa kenyang lebih lama, sehingga keinginan untuk ngemil junk food berkurang. Buah ini juga baik bagi jantung dan menurunkan kolesterol berkat kandungan potassium-nya yang tinggi.

Source: http://wolipop.detik.com/read/2014/01/22/083951/2474293/849/buah-buahan-yang-baik-untuk-turunkan-berat-badan?w992201835

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9 Ways to Live Longer

Live healthy, live longer
Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you live longer.

A recent study found that four bad behaviors—smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and veggies—can hustle you into an early grave, and, in effect, age you by as many as 12 years.

Fortunately, you can do something to correct these and other unhealthy behaviors. Adopt the following nine habits to keep your body looking and feeling young.

Don't overeat
If you want to live to 100, leaving a little bit of food on your plate may be a good idea. Author Dan Buettner, who studies longevity around the world, found that the oldest Japanese people stop eating when they are feeling only about 80% full.

St. Louis University researchers have confirmed that eating less helps you age slower; in a 2008 study they found that limiting calories lowered production of T3, a thyroid hormone that slows metabolism—and speeds up the aging process.

Get busy
Having satisfying sex two to three times per week can add as many as three years to your life. Getting busy can burn an impressive amount of calories—sometimes as much as running for 30 minutes. (Which would you rather do?)

Regular sex may also lower your blood pressure, improve your sleep, boost your immunity, and protect your heart.

Turn off the TV
Too much time in front of the boob tube can take a serious toll on your health. In fact, a 2010 study found that people who watched four or more hours a day were 46% more likely to die from any cause than people who watched less than two hours a day.

Even cutting back a little can help; each additional hour you watch increases your overall risk of dying by 11% and dying from heart disease by 18%.

Stay out of the sun
Avoiding too much sun can head off skin cancer, and it can also keep you looking young by preventing wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin.

It’s never too early—or too late—to add sunscreen to your daily skin-care regimen (look for an SPF of 30 or higher). And don’t focus only on your face. Sun damage spots and splotches on your chest and neck will also make you appear older.

Reach out
Research shows that you’re at greater risk of heart disease without a strong network of friends and family. Loneliness can cause inflammation, and in otherwise healthy people it can be just as dangerous as having high cholesterol or even smoking.

Loneliness seems to pose the greatest risk for elderly people, who are also prone to depression.

Drink in moderation
Women who have two or more drinks a day and men who have three or more may run into detrimental effects ranging from weight gain to relationship problems. But in smaller quantities, alcohol can actually be good for you.

A 2010 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology linked light drinking (defined as one drink a day for women and two for men) to significant heart benefits.

Eat fruits and vegetables
Getting fewer than three servings of fruits and vegetables a day can eat away at your health. Nutritional powerhouses filled with fiber and vitamins, fruits and veggies can lower your risk of heart disease by 76% and may even play a role in decreasing your risk of breast cancer.

As an added bonus, the inflammation-fighting and circulation-boosting powers of the antioxidants in fruits and veggies can banish wrinkles.

Focus on fitness
Daily exercise may be the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth. A 2008 study found that regular high-intensity exercise (such as running) can add up to four years to your life, which isn’t surprising given the positive effects working out has on your heart, mind, and metabolism.

Even moderate exercise—a quick, 30-minute walk each day, for example—can lower your risk of heart problems.

Don’t smoke
Quitting smoking is perhaps the single most important thing you can do for your health—and your life span. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that women who quit smoking by age 35 add roughly six to eight years to their lives.

It’s never too late to kick the habit. Quitting can slow disease and increase survival odds even in smokers who have already caused significant damage to their lungs, like those with early lung cancer or COPD.

Source: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20366671,00.html

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Feb 11, 2014

7 Cara memperlambat penuaan kulit

Merdeka.com - Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, semua orang akan mengalami penuaan kulit. Kerutan, bintik hitam, dan kulit kendur adalah efek dari penuaan kulit. Namun, proses ini bisa diperlambat dengan menjalankan gaya hidup sehat. Mau tahu caranya? Nah, berikut adalah tujuh cara memperlambat penuaan kulit, seperti dilansir Magforwomen. Yuk kita simak bersama!

1. Berat badan
Anda harus mengendalikan berat badan Anda. Lakukan diet seimbang untuk mengontrol bobot tubuh, sehingga Anda tidak mengalami kelebihan berat badan.

2. Minum air
Minum banyak air adalah cara paling sederhana untuk menunda proses penuaan kulit. Air membersihkan tubuh dan mengeluarkan racun dari tubuh. Ini bisa membuat kulit terlihat lebih bersinar dan juga mengurangi keriput.

3. Makanan bernutrisi
Makan makanan sehat untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Perbanyak konsumsi sayuran berdaun hijau dan tinggi serat. Mengonsumsi makanan kaya vitamin A, E dan C untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh. Vitamin ini mengandung banyak antioksidan yang dapat memperlambat proses penuaan.

4. Berolahraga secara teratur
Olahraga teratur dapat meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh dan menghambat proses penuaan tubuh. Yang terpenting, itu akan membuat Anda merasa selalu muda.

5. Jauhi stres
Stres menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya penuaan dini. Oleh karenanya, Anda sangat disarankan untuk menjauhi stres dengan berlatih meditasi, yoga dan kegiatan lainnya yang dapat mengurangi stres.

6. Berhenti merokok
Merokok adalah salah satu pemicu penuaan dini. Kebiasaan tidak sehat ini juga mendorong munculnya kerutan di sekitar wajah.

7. Hindari alkohol
 Para peneliti mengatakan bahwa alkohol dapat mengurangi usia manusia dan meningkatkan risiko berbagai penyakit, terutama yang berkaitan dengan hati dan otak.

Source: http://www.merdeka.com/gaya/7-cara-memperlambat-penuaan-kulit/hindari-alkohol.html

This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: bynaturael.blogspot.com

10 Signs You Have an Iron Deficiency

If you spot these telltale symptoms, get yourself a spinach and steak salad, stat!

About 9 percent of women suffer from an iron deficiency, according to the most recent stats from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—but that number's even higher for physically active women, say experts. How can you tell if your levels are a little low? Be on the lookout for these 10 warning signs.

1. Fatigue
“The body uses iron to make hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen,” says Blaire Morriss, a nurse practitioner at the Vanderbilt Center for Integrative Health. When you don't have enough healthy blood cells, you start to feel exhausted.

2. Difficulty Focusing
Neurotransmitter synthesis may be altered in people with an iron deficiency, leading to lower-than-normal functionality, says Morriss.

3. Apathy
Another byproduct of that altered neurotransmitter synthesis? Apathy toward anything and everything—friends, family, work, even the latest episode of The Bachelor, says Morriss.

4. Breathlessness
This can happen whether you’re at the gym or simply walking to your car—but why? “Without enough iron in the blood, the body becomes starved for oxygen," says Kimberly Mueller, R.D., owner of Fuel Factor Nutrition Coaching.

5. Unusually Pale Skin
Look like a Twilight extra lately? That's not a good sign. “A washed-out appearance can be caused by reduced blood flow and decreased number of red blood cells,” says Mueller.

6. Trouble Doing Your Normal Workout
Struggling to do the same number of reps you whizzed through a few weeks ago—even though you haven't been slacking off on your workouts? Low iron levels can cause your endurance to suffer, according to a recent Cornell study.

7. Crazy Sore Muscle
If you actually do drag yourself to the gym, you'll probably feel the burn for longer than normal afterward: Not having enough iron deprives your muscles of their ability to recover properly, leading to achiness.

8. Brittle Nails
Even the cutest mani/pedi can’t hide thin, frail fingernails and toenails. Another way your tips can tip you off to a possible iron deficiency: a concave or spoon-shaped depression in the nails.

9. Frequent Infections
If you get sick often—particularly if you're always suffering from respiratory illnesses—iron deficiency might be the culprit, says Mueller.
10. Pink or Red Urine
We saved the weirdest for last. Beeturia is what happens when you eat beets and excrete reddish urine. While this occurs in 10 to 14 percent of normal people, Morriss says the number is much higher in people with an iron deficiency and is caused by increased intestinal absorption of certain pigments.


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This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: bynaturael.blogspot.com