Sep 30, 2013

Some Antioxidants Linked with Shorter Life

By Cari Nierenberg, Contributing writer   |   September 17, 2013

People who take antioxidant supplements don't live any longer than those who don't, and some antioxidants may even cut life short, a new review suggests. Danish researchers report that people in studies who took three antioxidants — beta carotene, vitamin E and high doses of vitamin A — tended to have an increased risk of death.

"This study confirms what we already know — that antioxidant supplements are not effective in saving lives or making people healthier," said Dr. Pieter Cohen, an expert on the safety of dietary supplements and an internal medicine specialist at Cambridge Health Alliance in Somerville, Mass.

The general idea behind taking antioxidant supplements is that they are thought to help rid the body of unstable, free radical molecules that can damage cells and lead to heart disease, cancer or other conditions.

In the review, researchers compared the mortality rates of people who took at least one of five different antioxidant supplements — beta carotene, vitamins A, C and E, and the mineral selenium — with people who received a placebo, or took nothing at all.

The study is published online today (Sept. 17) in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Antioxidants and mortality
In the review, researchers looked at data collected during 78 randomized trials of antioxidant supplements published between 1977 and 2012. The trials included nearly 300,000 adults with an average age of 63, many of whom had taken antioxidants for at least three years.  [7 Foods You Can Overdose On]

About 73 percent of the participants involved in the trials were considered healthy, while about 27 percent of participants had stable, chronic diseases, including heart problems, diabetes, Alzheimer's or age-related eye diseases.

When the researchers evaluated the 56 trials they considered to have the best designs and the lowest risk of bias, they found that the risk of death was 4 percent higher in people who took antioxidant supplements over a given time period, compared with people who took a placebo. These results held true whether supplement users were healthy or ill.

And when the researchers looked at the trials involving people who only took one antioxidant supplement rather than combinations of them, they found that beta carotene, vitamin E and higher doses of vitamin A were linked with a higher risk of death. Studies of vitamin C and the mineral selenium showed they had no effect on mortality.

Antioxidant risks
Cohen offered three possible explanations why taking antioxidant supplements may not help people to live longer.

-          One is that the results from studies done in test tubes or in animals might not always show similar results in humans.

-          A second reason is that antioxidant supplements may indeed help decrease free radicals in the body, but this decrease could be creating other potential problems as a result.

-          A third possibility, he suggests, is that antioxidant supplements could be helping to get rid of free radicals in a way that is not allowing the body to use its natural processes to remove them.

The bottom line from these findings is that there's no reason for a healthy person to be taking antioxidant supplements, Cohen said.

"They're not going to help you, and there are some signals from large studies that they may do some harm," he said. Those harms include research suggesting that taking vitamin E supplements can increase the risk of prostate cancer in men, and that vitamin A supplements seem to increase the risk of fractures.

Cohen said there's probably no reason to worry if you're getting some antioxidant nutrients in a daily multivitamin, because the trial included in the new review generally involved higher doses than the levels found in a multivitamin.


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Breast Health, a Great Reason to Love Peanut Butter and Jelly

By Sarah B. Weir, Shine Senior Writer | Healthy Living

Peanut butter is a delicious snack, but here's another incentive to dig into a jar of crunchy. New research indicates that older girls who regularly eat peanut butter, nuts, and other sources of vegetable protein and fat may reduce their risk of developing benign breast disease (BBD) by as much as 39 percent. The findings are based on data collected from over 9,000 girls and young women who participated in Growing Up Today, a long-term research study led by Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital. While BBD, which includes a range of conditions, such as cysts and benign tumors, is noncancerous, some forms of it can increase the risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

The findings were based on the reported dietary habits of girls aged 9 to 15 between the years of 1996 to 2001. Later, from 2005 to 2010, the same participants reported whether they had been diagnosed with benign breast disease that had been confirmed by a biopsy. Researchers found that girls who ate two regular servings of peanut butter or nuts per week were 39 percent less likely to be diagnosed with BBD by age 30. "These findings suggest that peanut butter could help reduce the risk of breast cancer in women," senior author Graham Colditz of the Washington University School of Medicine, and senior author of the study, tells Yahoo Shine.

For maximum protection, Colditz recommends that girls add two one ounce servings of peanuts or peanut butter to their diets on top of what they are already consuming each week. He says that for girls with nut allergies, “We looked at beans,lentils, and soybeans—other vegetable proteins—and we saw benefits there as well. It’s a pretty clear message that for many out there with allergies, you can eat other sources of vegetable proteins.”

In recent years, there has been a great deal of compelling evidence linking lifestyle habits to the prevention of breast cancer. A previous study, also conducted by Colditz, found that drinking alcohol during adolescence can increase a girl's risk of breast cancer by 11 percent.

Other research suggests that:
·         Regular exercise lowers women's breast cancer risk.
·         Cutting out saturated fats can reduce risk.
·         Avoiding smoking, especially for premenopausal women, may reduce risk.
·         A plant-based diet rich in whole grains, lean protein, and fruits and vegetables increases the chance of surviving breast cancer.
·         Breastfeeding is linked to a lower risk of cancer.               
·         Avoiding refined sugar may help prevent early-stage breast cancer from metastasizing.

The peanut study also reported that girls who ate a daily serving of beans, lentils, soybeans, or corn had a reduced risk of BBD, but the link was weaker because they consumed less in general. The researchers also looked at the consumption of dairy products and concluded it had no impact on risk.
While previous studies have also found a link between eating these foods and a lower risk of BBD, this is the first to use evidence reported while the participants were still adolescents. Because nuts are high in calories, Colditz suggests that girls eliminate any junk food snacks and sugary drinks that are already included in their diet in favor of eating nuts.

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Sep 24, 2013

10 Tips for Avoiding Cancer

LiveScience Staff   |   April 03, 2008 08:00pm ET

Many people think cancer is entirely genetic and cannot be avoided, but that's not true.

Healthy behaviors could prevent about half of cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society.

Here are 10 lifestyle changes, all based on the latest research, that can improve the odds against cancer. The tips come from Dr. Anne McTiernan of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

Many people think cancer is entirely genetic and cannot be avoided, but that's not true.

Healthy behaviors could prevent about half of cancer deaths, according to the American Cancer Society.

Here are 10 lifestyle changes, all based on the latest research, that can improve the odds against cancer. The tips come from Dr. Anne McTiernan of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

1. Don’t smoke or use any other tobacco products. If you’ve tried to quit before, don’t give up — eventually something will work.

2. Get screened for cancer regularly (colon, breast, prostate, cervix and skin should be tested — ask your doctor for intervals and age at which to start). Finding cancer early can greatly increase your chance for a cure and reduce your risk of dying from the disease.

3. Keep your alcohol consumption low. This means no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. Keeping your alcohol intake to the minimum daily level doesn’t mean that you can “save up” all your drinks for a week and binge on Friday night with your weekly “allotment.”

4. Protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen every time you go outdoors (preferably one with an SPF of 30 or higher that protects against both UVA and UVB rays). Keep covered with a broad hat and sunglasses.

5. Keep a physically active lifestyle. You don’t need to be an athlete to get the benefit of exercise. Activities such as brisk walking, biking, dancing or any exercise that raises your heart rate and makes you sweat will be beneficial.

6. Keep your weight in the normal range for your height. That means keeping to a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or less. (You can calculate you BMI with online calculators). Try to stay within 5 to 10 pounds of what you weighed at age 18.

7. Avoid taking menopausal hormone therapy. If you need to take hormones, limit your use to less than five years.

8. Consider taking medications, after consulting a doctor, for reducing cancer risk. There are several medications that have been tested and found effective for reducing risk for cancer.

9. Avoid exposures to cancer-causing substances. Radiation exposures and some chemicals are known to cause cancer.

10. Eat a cancer-risk-reducing diet. The role of diet in cancer is far from established, but research suggests that a plant-based diet is associated with reduced risks for several cancers, especially for colon cancer. Guidelines include: Keep your intake of red meat to no more than 4 ounces of red meat (about the size of a deck of cards) per day on average; avoid processed meats such as sausages and bologna; eat a variety of non-starchy vegetables and fruits every day, at least five servings; and minimize your intake of sugared drinks, juices, desserts and candies, refined breads and bagels, and chips.

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Sep 20, 2013

Eksim (Dermatitis) Penyakit Kulit Yang Menyebalkan

Apakah Eksim Itu?
Eksim atau Dermatitis adalah istilah kedokteran untuk kelainan kulit yang mana kulit tampak meradang dan iritasi. Keradangan ini bisa terjadi dimana saja namun yang paling sering terkena adalah tangan dan kaki. Jenis eksim yang paling sering dijumpai adalah eksim atopik atau dermatitis atopik. Gejala eksim akan mulai muncul pada masa anak anak terutama saat mereka berumur diatas 2 tahun. Pada beberapa kasus, eksim akan menghilang dengan bertambahnya usia, namun tidak sedikit pula yang akan menderita seumur hidupnya. Dengan pengobatan yang tepat, penyakit ini dapat dikendalikan dengan baik sehingga mengurangi angka kekambuhan.

Apa Saja Gejala Eksim?
Dimanapun lokasi timbulnya eksim, gejala utama yang dirasakan pasien adalah gatal. Terkadang rasa gatal sudah muncul sebelum ada tanda kemerahan pada kulit. Gejala kemerahan biasanya akan muncul pada wajah, lutut, tangan dan kaki, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan kemerahan muncul di daerah lain.

Daerah yang terkena akan terasa sangat kering, menebal atau keropeng. Pada orang kulit putih, daerah ini pada mulanya akan berwarna merah muda lalu berubah menjadi cokelat. Sementara itu pada orang dengan kulit lebih gelap, eksim akan mempengaruhi pigmen kulit sehingga daerah eksim akan tampak lebih terang atau lebih gelap.

Apa Yang Menjadi Penyebab Eksim?
Penyebab dari eksim sebenarnya belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun beberapa ahli mencurigai eksim berhubungan dengan aktifitas daya pertahanan tubuh (imun) yang berlebihan. Hal ini menyebabkan tubuh mengalami reaksi berlebihan terhadap bakteri atau iritan yang sebenarnya tidak berbahaya pada kulit. Oleh karena itu, eksim banyak ditemukan pada keluarga dengan riwayat penyakit alergi atau asma.

Tiap tiap orang mempunyai pencetus eksim yang berbeda beda. Ada orang yang setelah memegang sabun atau deterjen akan merasakan gatal yang luar biasa, ada pula yang disebabkan oleh bahan atau alat rumah tangga yang lain. Gejala yang timbul pun bervariasi, ada yang gatalnya ringan tetapi rasa panas yang dominan, ada pula yang sebaliknya. Infeksi saluran nafas bagian atas atau flu juga bisa menjadi pencetus timbulnya eksim. Stress yang dialami penderita akan membuat gejala menjadi lebih buruk.

Meskipun penyembuhan eksim sangat sulit dilakukan, namun pada banyak kasus, pasien dapat mengurangi terjadinya kekambuhan dengan melakukan pengobatan yang tepat dan menghindari iritan/alergen yang menyebabkan eksim. Perlu diingat, penyakit ini tidak menular dan tidak akan menyebar dari satu orang ke orang yang lain.

Bagaimana Cara Pengobatannya?
Tujuan utama dari pengobatan adalah menghilangkan rasa gatal untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Ketika kulit terasa sangat kering dan gatal, lotion dan krim pelembab sangat dianjurkan untuk membuat kulit menjadi lebih lembab.

Untuk kasus kasus yang berat, dokter akan memberikan tablet kortikosteroid dan apabila pada daerah eksim telah terinfeksi maka bisa diberikan antibiotika untuk membunuh bakteri penyebab infeksi. Obat lain yang dibutuhkan adalah antihistamin untuk mengurangi rasa gatal yang terlalu berat, dan cyclosporin untuk penderita yang tidak berespon terhadap semua jenis pengobatan yang diberikan.

Bagaimana Cara Pencegahannya?

Munculnya eksim dapat dihindari dengan melakukan beberapa tips dibawah ini :

         1.  Jaga kelembaban kulit.
         2. Hindari perubahan suhu dan kelembaban yang mendadak.
        3. Hindari berkeringat terlalu banyak atau kepanasan.
        4. Kurangi Stress.
       5.  Hindari pakaian yang menggunakan bahan yang menggaruk seperti wool dan lain lain.
      6.   Hindari sabun dengan bahan yang terlalu keras, deterjen dan larutan lainnya.
        7.  Hindari faktor lingkungan lain yang dapat mencetuskan alergi seperti serbuk bunga, debu, bulu binatang dan lain lain.
      8. Hati hati dalam memilih makanan yang bisa menyebabkan alergi.


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Can you mix antibiotics and alcohol?

BBC - MEDICAL MYTHS| 17 September 2013 |Claudia Hammond

Studies show booze won’t stop most treatments from working properly or cause unpleasant side-effects. However, the story isn’t quite that simple.

Women who are in the early stages of pregnancy, and who are not ready to share the happy news, know that turning down an alcoholic drink at a social occasion can be a dead giveaway. Telling friends and colleagues they are on antibiotics is the perfect excuse because they are so commonly used. Even the nosiest of acquaintances is unlikely to ask what they are being taken for.

But is it really true that you need to abstain from alcohol when on a course of antibiotics?

Some people assume that alcohol will stop antibiotics from working properly, while others believe that it will cause side-effects. When staff in a London genitourinary clinic surveyed more than 300 patients they found that 81% believed the former assumption, with 71% believing the latter.

For most antibiotics neither of these assumptions is true. The fear for doctors is that these erroneous beliefs might make patients skip their medication over a glass of wine. Anything that encourages people to miss doses of antibiotics adds to the serious problem of antibiotic resistance.

In fact, the majority of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics are not affected by alcohol. There are some exceptions. The antibiotics cephalosporin cefotetan and cephalosporin ceftriaxone slow alcohol breakdown, leading to a rise in levels of a substance called acetaldehyde. This can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms including nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, headache, breathlessness and chest pain. Similar symptoms are caused by a drug called disulfiram, sometimes used in the treatment for alcohol dependency. The idea is that the moment a patient has a drink, they experience these unpleasant symptoms, and this dissuades them from drinking more. The symptoms are unpleasant, so it is important that people abstain from alcohol while they’re taking these particular antibiotics, and for a few days afterwards.

Another type of antibiotic that comes with a specific warning not to take alongside alcohol is metronidazole. Used to treat dental infections, infected leg ulcers and pressure sores, it’s thought to cause the same list of symptoms as the previously mentioned cephalosporins. This link has been disputed since a 2003 review of studies found a lack of evidence to support it, and a very small controlled study in which Finnish men given metronidazole for five days suffered no side effects when they consumed alcohol. The authors concede that this doesn’t rule out the possibility that a few individuals are affected, and the current advice is still to avoid alcohol when taking it.

There are a few other antibiotics for which there are good reasons to avoid drinking alcohol while taking them, including tinidazole, linezolid and erythromycin, but these interactions are so well-known that doctors give patients specific warnings.

Recycled tale
This leaves a long list of other antibiotics that can be mixed with alcohol. Of course getting drunk is not going to help your recovery when you’re ill. It can make you tired and dehydrated, but it’s not because of any interaction with your medication.

It’s possible that the isolated cases led to the myth that all antibiotics don’t mix with alcoholic drinks, but there are two more intriguing theories. One is that because antibiotics are used to treat some of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, doctors in the past were somehow punishing the patients for becoming infected by depriving them of their favourite tipple.

Or there’s the explanation given to one of the authors of the London genitourinary clinic survey. James Bingham met the late Brigadier Sir Ian Fraser, who introduced the use of penicillin for injured soldiers in North Africa during World War II. At the time penicillin was in such short supply that after a patient had taken it, the drug was retrieved from his urine and recycled. Recuperating soldiers were allowed to drink beer, but unfortunately this increased the volume of their urine, making it harder obtain the penicillin and, according to the Brigadier, led commanding officers to ban beer.

It's a good story, irrespective of whether or not it is the true source of the popular misconception. Dispelling the myth is something of a double-edged sword. Encouraging those on the antibiotics who cannot resist a glass or two to complete their courses of treatment could help counter the spread of antibiotic resistance. However greater public understanding of the true picture may mean that women wanting to keep their early pregnancies to themselves in social situations may have to be a little more inventive in future.


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What 8 Highly Successful People Wish They Had Done Differently

The Huffington Post  |  By Carolyn Gregoire |Posted: 09/17/2013 8:48 am EDT 

New York City's Mayor Bloomberg might believe that the secret to success is never taking lunch or bathroom breaks, but many successful people would disagree with him. Looking back on their careers, quite a few high-powered business leaders, politicians and entertainers say they wish they hadn't worked so hard, and that they had instead spent more time with their families.

The mistake is a common one. Overworking -- often to the detriment of our most important relationships -- is one of the most universal end-of-life regrets, according to Bronnie Ware, palliative care specialist and author of The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

"All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence," Ware writes.

Need some motivation to step away from the screen for a family dinner? Here are eight highly successful people who say that their greatest career mistake was working too hard.

Barack Obama
In an essay titled "Being the Father I Never Had," written in honor of Father's Day, the President wrote about his desire to be the best parent he could possibly be for daughters Sasha and Malia. He expressed regret for time spent away from the girls when they were younger, and resolved to be there for them more as they grew up.

"When Malia and Sasha were younger, work kept me away from home more than it should have," Obama wrote in People magazine. "At times, the burden of raising our two daughters has fallen too heavily on Michelle. During the campaign, not a day went by that I didn't wish I could spend more time with the family I love more than anything else in the world."

Paul McCartney
When a fan asked McCartney what he would do if he had a time machine, the former Beatles member said that he'd go back and spend more time with his mother. Although his lack of family time wasn't due to overworking -- she died when he was just 14 -- the sentiment still stands. McCartney has said that his love for his mother, and eventually letting go of his pain over losing her, inspired one of the band's greatest hits and most moving songs, "Let It Be".

At night when she came home, she would cook, so we didn't have a lot of time with each other. But she was just a very comforting presence in my life. And when she died, one of the difficulties I had, as the years went by, was that I couldn't recall her face so easily. That's how it is for everyone, I think. As each day goes by, you just can't bring their face into your mind, you have to use photographs and reminders like that. So in this dream 12 years later, my mother appeared, and there was her face, completely clear, particularly her eyes, and she said to me very gently, very reassuringly: 'Let it be.'

Martha Stewart
The 71-year-old's one regret, looking back at her life and career? “That I haven’t had more children," she said in a NEW YOU magazine profile. "But my daughter has two babies now, so the family is growing.”
Aung San Suu Kyi
Burmese politician and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has accomplished incredible feats in her career -- but she has regrets in her personal life. The dissident spent the past 20 years under house arrest in Rangoon, 2,000 miles away from her family in Oxford, England. Suu Kyi had the option to reunite with her family in the UK, but she knew that if she chose to leave, she might never be allowed to return and lead her people -- so she stayed.

"Of course I regret not having been able to spend time with my family," Suu Kyi told the BBC. "I would like to have been together with my family. I would like to have seen my sons growing up. But I don't have doubts about the fact that I had to choose to stay with my people here."

Hip-hop singer and producer Usher said that he regretted not slowing down to spend time with his sick father before it was too late. His father's final words, asking his son for forgiveness for not being around more when he was younger, inspired Usher to write a heartfelt song for his son called "Prayer For You."

“Instead of being there when he was sick, I was working," the R&B star told Contact Music. "There was no amount of money that could have fixed my father’s health, but I could have just spent that time with him.”

David Kim
Since adolescence, David Kim, the CEO of an investor consortium that operates chain restaurants like Sweet Factory, La Salsa, Cinnabon, Denny's and Baja Fresh, was motivated to work hard and succeed so that he could support his parents, who were first-generation immigrants from Korea. But sitting on his father's deathbed years later, he had a change of perspective that forced him to reevaluate his definition of success.

"I regret not spending enough time with him, especially before he was going to go," Kim (pictured above on an episode of "Undercover Boss"), told World magazine. This change in heart led Kim to quit his job so that he could spend more time with his wife and three children, while also working on his passion project Ignite Enterprise, a business education company for entrepreneurs.

Erin Callan
Earlier this year, Former Lehman Brothers CFO Erin Callan -- who left her job in 2008 just months before the company went bankrupt -- wrote a New York Times opinion piece, "Is There Life After Work?", expressing her thoughts on work-life balance and the sacrifices she made for her career.

"I don’t have children, so it might seem that my story lacks relevance to the work-life balance debate," Callan wrote. "Like everyone, though, I did have relationships -- a spouse, friends and family -- and none of them got the best version of me. They got what was left over."

Now, Callan says that although she can't make up for lost time, she is learning to find gratitude and appreciate the life she has.

Billy Graham
Evangelist Billy Graham, "America's Pastor," confessed that if he could have done one thing differently, he would have avoided political conflicts and spent more time with his family.

Looking back, Graham told HuffPost Politics that he would "spend more time at home with my family, and I'd study more and preach less."


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Sep 19, 2013

9 Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Tea

The Huffington Post  |  By Dana Oliver | Posted: 08/20/2013 7:48 am EDT  |  Updated: 08/20/2013 11:20 am EDT

 As the temps turn colder, we're exchanging our iced coffees for herbal teas. Sipping on the hot drink instantly brings a sense of calm to a hectic day. But did you know that you could brew a cup of tea for homemade beauty recipes?

Teas, including green, black and red, have been used to improve the overall health and appearance of skin and hair for centuries. Rich in antioxidants and anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties, tea is one of the most powerful grocery store staples that can be used topically. Here are nine amazing beauty benefits of tea.

1. Adds shine to dull, lackluster hair. A hair rinse using green or black tea will boost brassy and blah strands. Simply steep tea bags in boiling water for 15 minutes and allow to cool for a few hours or overnight. Pour it onto freshly-washed hair and leave on for ten minutes. Be sure to shampoo and condition afterwards to seal in the shine.

2. Soothes sunburns. Missed a spot with the sunscreen and ended up with a sunburn? Cold compresses made out of tea bags can relieve pain and reduce redness. The girls over at The Beauty Department have this guide to using black tea bags and old T-shirts to treat sunburns.

3. Minimizes bug bites. We love laying out in the grass, but we sure hate mosquito bites. To take down the sting and bumps, apply a used cold chamomile tea bag directly to the area and relax.

4. Reduces puffy eyes and dark under-eye circles. Another reason not to toss out your used bags of Earl Grey. One of the many beauties we met on the streets of New York City swears by this cheap puffy eye treatment. The caffeine helps to shrink blood vessels underneath the skin and eliminate darkness around the eye area.

5. Rids smelly feet odor. Stanky feet and Chanel No. 5 just don't mix. Instead, strip off your shoes and socks and soak your feet in a cool solution made out of boiled tea. The tannic acid in tea is both antibacterial and antifungal, so it stops feet from sweating and smelling funky.

6. Tones and moisturizes dry skin. Spritz cool green tea onto your face (you can also apply it with a cotton ball) twice a day to draw out impurities, shrink large pores and get a healthy glow.

7. Calms skin after shaving. If your legs are itchy and red after shaving, try pressing a cool black tea bag onto your limbs. The tannins work to provide immediate relief from razor burns.

8. Enhances hair color. If you're looking for a chemical-free alternative to dyeing your hair, try using tea. Its staining properties add color to naturally blonde or brunette locks.

9. Helps to tan skin. Similar to "coloring" hair, rubbing your body with a sponge soaked in black tea or submerging yourself in a tub full of it will enhance tanned skin. Warning: This can get a little sticky and streaky.

Is tea a staple in your beauty routine? Spill the deets!

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Sep 17, 2013

Alamat rumah singgah kanker

Bila kebetulan ada yang membutuhkan, berikut info 2 rumah singgah kanker yang bagus di Jakarta:

Alamat rumah singgah kanker CISC:

1. Jl. Anggrek Neli Murni 2C no. 41, Slipi – Jakarta Barat

2. Rumah singgah di dekat RSCM. Alamat: Jl. Talang Ujung no 18, RT 2/ RW 3, Kel Pegangsaan, Kec. Menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Kapasitas 10 kamar.

3. Rumah singgah di dekat RSCM. Alamat: Jl. Kramat Sawah VII RT 006/RW 07 no 3, Paseban, Kec. Senen Jakarta Pusat. kapasitas 12 kamar.

Alamat dan Peta RUMAH KITA
Jl. Percetakan Negara IX no.10A, belakang rutan salemba
Telp. +62 21 42872556, Fax. 62.21.4216089
Cempaka Putih, Jakarta, 10570

Koordinator RUMAH KITA: 
Ibu Ingrid Lolita, Hp. 0819 08221975
Ibu Widji Lestari, Hp. 0812 81110751

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Red wine - what's behind its healthy reputation?

9 September 2013 Last updated at 01:13 GMT

In recent years, red wine has received some pretty good press. When we think of a healthy form of alcohol, red wine tends to be the top choice.

But why - and does it deserve all the attention?

Scientists agree that there is something in red wine that, when drunk in moderation, can help to protect the heart, reduce 'bad' cholesterol and prevent blood clots. But there is little agreement of what is causing those beneficial effects. Recently, Uruguayan chemists went to such great lengths to discover the secret of their healthy home-grown red wine that they sequenced the genome of the Tannat grape from which it is made.

That was prompted by the discovery that those wines contained high levels of procyanidins - a class of flavanols found in plants, fruit and cocoa beans. Roger Corder, professor of experimental therapeutics at Queen Mary University of London and author of The Red Wine Diet, made the discovery and confirms that the Tannat wines contain three to four times more procyanidins than Cabernet Sauvignon.

He says they - alongside the high concentration of tannins, which combat the ageing of cells - are likely to be behind its health-giving properties. Other scientists are excited about a compound found in the skin of red grapes called resveratrol.

For many years, it has been hailed as a kind of wonder drug - an anti-ageing compound, which could extend life, combat obesity and cure cancer. But, so far, studies on resveratrol have taken place in the lab - as yet there is no evidence that it can be effective in humans.

Cancer connection
Dr Emma Smith, science communications officer at Cancer Research UK, says it is a mistake to drink red wine and believe it is doing good. "Red wine only contains very small amounts of resveratrol and people shouldn't drink wine in an attempt to get any health benefits. "It's important to remember that, even in moderate amounts, alcohol increases the risk of several cancers and has been estimated to cause around 12,500 cases of cancer a year in the UK."

Researchers at the University of Leicester are, however, looking at whether resveratrol, on its own and not in red wine, could one day be developed into a cancer-preventing drug. Experimenting on mice in the lab, they have found that a daily amount of resveratrol equivalent to two glasses of wine can halve the rate of bowel tumours.

They now want to take their findings further and find out how the compound might work in humans by carrying out clinical trials. Prof Karen Brown, from the department of cancer studies and molecular medicine at Leicester, says her research must not be misconstrued.

"We're not saying red wine can prevent cancer - we are looking at the pure compound. "Alcohol is not good for cancer - but it just so happens that red wine contains resveratrol."

Good pips
Even in red wine, Prof Roger Corder says there is little evidence that resveratrol is an important ingredient. "It's a myth that resveratrol has anything to do with the health benefits of red wine. "Most red wines contain only negligible amounts of resveratrol and those that do contain some have too little to have any effects."

Instead he says it's the pips, and not the grape skin, which are key.

When the grapes are fermented for several weeks or more, that is when flavanols can be released from the pips and these evolve into more complex molecules. But the bad news is that doesn't always happen with all wines, he says. "Most modern style wines don't take that approach to wine-making."

What people should focus on, he says, is drinking wine in a healthy way. "It's very hard to say wine is a healthy drink when people consume too much alcohol, at the wrong time of day and without food." The best way to drink wine is in moderation with food, Prof Corder says. Taken in this way, wine is more likely to have a beneficial effect on our health - not an adverse one.

Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
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Sep 13, 2013

5 Surprising Ways To Get Great Skin

Posted: 09/11/2013 8:18 am EDT  |  Updated: 09/11/2013 12:19 pm EDT

There's so much misinformation out there regarding skin care, not to mention plenty of old-wives' tales (some of which are actually right) and lots of well-intentioned bad advice. That's because skin care is tricky, and depends on your skin type. However, there are some tried and true rules — most of which violate at least a rule or two you may have heard elsewhere — that really do work for all skin types.

How have I learned the information below? From speaking with skin experts, makeup artists (natural and conventional) and testing out literally thousands of products over the last 10 years that I've been reviewing natural beauty products.

1. You don't need to wash your face with hot water to get it clean: In fact, hot water can cause redness and irritation in people with sensitive skin, and for those with normal skin, it can still dry out delicate facial skin, leaving it more susceptible to all kinds of issues, from red, flaky dermis to acne. Wash your face with mildly warm to air-temperature water. It will get the job done without irritating your skin. The same goes for the rest of your body; it may feel good to burn it up in the shower, but especially as cool weather draws closer, this is guaranteed to irritate your skin.

2. Oil is good for your skin, not bad: Many vegetable oils are old-school ways of moisturizing the skin that we have long ignored. (I can't be the only one who has heard stories of her great-grandmother lathering her hands up with olive oil and then wearing cotton gloves to bed). You can wash your face with coconut oil or slather it on after you've showered; same with sesame oil and olive oil (go with the smell you prefer). After using an oil a couple of times, you will notice that your skin — whether oily or dry — evens out and is either less oily or more naturally moisturized. Most new formulations of high-end beauty products contain skin-protecting oils because they work (use argan or sea buckthorn oils on your face if you want to start with a lighter lipid first).

3. You don't need to scrub to exfoliate: Scrubbing with most drug-store brand cleansing scrubs is much too harsh for most skin types (more frequent and harder face-washing can actually exacerbate acne, so lighten up). Instead of using toxin- and chemical-packed scrubs in a tube, exfoliate naturally using fruit. As long as you are not allergic (obviously), rubbing the inside skin of a fresh mango, mashed strawberries, or fresh pineapple chunks directly on your face, leaving the natural, fruit acid AHAs on there for a few minutes, then rinsing off, is the best exfoliator you can get. This method may be a little too much for extra-sensitive skin, but works well for all other skin types.

4. What matters most for healthy skin is not what you put on it, but what you eat: A healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and veggies, lots of water (and maybe a skin-benefiting tea), minimal alcohol and plenty of sweat-drenching exercise will make skin glow more than any expensive cleanser or moisturizer. You'll feel great too.

5. Chocolate doesn't cause acne, but bread and pasta might: There have never been any conclusive studies linking chocolate-eating to acne, though there have been some that connect high-glycemic foods to breakouts.


Bynaturael Products:
Natural Shampoo
Liquid Castile Soap
This document is provided for reference purposes only and not necessarily reflect the opinion of bynaturael’s team . Train your mind to test every thought and keep on searching the final truth that satisfies the conscience inside you. Please visit our blog: