Sep 22, 2014

Rajin Makan Ikan Dijamin Awet Muda & Bebas Kegemukan

Saat masih kanak-kanak, ibu selalu mengajarkan Anda untuk banyak makan ikan, meski terkadang Anda selalu menolaknya.

Kini Anda sudah dewasa dan saatnya berubah, karena ikan adalah sumber makanan yang kaya nutrisi dengan segudang manfaat sehat yang wajib Anda konsumsi.
“Dibandingkan dengan daging binatang darat, ikan mengandung kadar lemak rendah berjenis hydrosoluble dan mayoritas terdapat di hati, bukan di serat dagingnya yang biasa kita konsumsi,” terang Esperanza Torija, prfesor dan ahli nutrisi dari Universidad Complutense di Madrid.

Tapi bukan itu satu-satunya keuntungan yang didapat dari mengonsumsi ikan. Banyak manfaat lain yang dapat memaksimalkan gizi menu makan Anda sehari-hari.

Sumber Omega 3
Beberapa jenis ikan yang hidup di perairan dingin seperti salmon, makarel, dan hering memiliki kadar Omega 3 yang tinggi. Omega 3 mencegah penimbunan lemak di pembuluh darah, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan mencegah risiko paparan penyakit kardiovaskular. Bahkan penelitian di Australia menyebutkan, ikan lemuru yang hidup di perairan selat bali juga memiliki kadar Omega 3 yang tinggi seperti yang dimilki ikan salmon.

Mencegah Stroke
Frank Accurso dari University of Colorado Hospital menyebutkan bahwa ikan terbukti mengandung asam arachidonat yang mempunyai sifat mencegah pengentalan darah. Kondisi inilah yang dapat mencegah terjadinya penyempitan pembuluh darah, serangan jantung, hingga stroke.

Meningkatkan Fungsi Otak
Asam lemak omega-3 pada ikan dapat membantu perkembangan otak Anda. Asupan omega-3 yang tepat dapat membantu meningkatkan fokus mental pada anak-anak dan orang dewasa. Sebuah studi baru menunjukkan, suplemen minyak ikan dapat meningkatkan memori pada orang dewasa. Para peneliti juga menemukan manfaat asam lemak omega-3 pada ikan dalam meningkatkan perkembangan otak bayi dan anak-anak.

Tidak Menggemukkan
Ikan pada umumnya rendah kalori, rendah lemak dan kolesterol, maka makanan sehat ini bisa dijadikan sebagai pengganti terbaik dari daging sapi atau ayam. Ikan juga mengandung protein yang tinggi. 3 ons tuna panggang, kira-kira setebal buku kwitansi, mengandung 21 gram protein, 1 gram lemak dan 100 kalori. Sebagai perbandingan, 3 ons daging steak panggang tanpa lemak mengandung 21 gram protein, 14 gram lemak dan 210 kalori.

Meremajakan kulit
Konsumsi ikan membantu menjaga kulit dalam kondisi baik. Menurut sebuah penelitian yang diterbitkan dalam Journal of Lipid Research, asam lemak omega-3 EPA yang ditemukan dalam minyak ikan dapat membantu mencegah keriput dan menunda proses penuaan kulit. Bahkan, menurut beberapa studi terbaru, suplemen minyak ikan dapat menjaga kulit dari kerusakan akibat paparan sinar matahari.

Tips Memilih Ikan
Berikut beberapa tips untuk membantu Anda memilih ikan segar yang sehat untuk dikonsumsi:

1.       Matanya jernih tidak menggelembung
2.       Sisiknya mengkilat dan melekat erat pada kulit
3.       Dagingnya kuat dan kembali ke posisi semula ketika di tekan
4.       Insangnya berwarna merah cerah
5.       Tidak berlendir dan tidak pucat
6.       Ikan segar yang sudah dipotong-potong seharusnya mempunyai daging yang kuat dan tidak menggelambir
7.       Baunya segar dan tidak terlalu amis

Trik Menyimpan Ikan
Untuk memastikan keamanan dan kebersihan ikan yang akan Anda konsumsi, Anda mencoba trik-trik di bawah ini:

1.       Bungkus ikan dengan pembungkus plastik dan simpan dalam lemari es
2.       Sebaiknya ikan langsung diolah setelah dibeli. Jika menyimpan ikan beku di freezer, jangan simpan lebih dari 4 bulan.
3.       Untuk melelehkan ikan beku, letakkan ikan yang masih terbungkus plastik ke dalam air bersuhu ruangan dan jangan didinginkan atau dibekukan ulang.
4.       Cuci tangan, telenan dan peralatan dapur yang digunakan untuk mengolah ikan sampai benar-benar bersih agar terhindar dari kontaminasi dan risiko keracunan makanan.


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Cynical people are more likely to develop dementia

By: Anne Ringgaard

Do you trust nobody and do you always believe that other people have a hidden agenda when they do something good? Then it might be time to change our attitude as new research indicates that people with a cynical and somewhat paranoid personality are at higher risk of developing dementia.

On the whole, a hostile and suspicious attitude is quite unhealthy.

“This is a personality trait that in previous studies has been shown to be connected to a number of diseases such as cardio-vascular diseases, cancer and increased mortality,” says Anna-Maija Tolppanen, a postdoc at the University of Eastern Finland. “We were interested in finding whether cynical mistrust also increases the risk of dementia.”

Isolation increases the risk of dementia
Anna-Maija Tolppanen and colleagues from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have just published their findings in the scientific journal Neurology. In their study, cynical and suspicious people were found to suffer dementia three times more often than the others who took part in the study.

“It could be because people with a high degree of cynical mistrust of other people are less likely to take part in social events than people with more optimistic types of personality,” says Tolppanen. “We know that social isolation increases the risk of dementia.”

Prevention should take personality into account
The Finnish and Swedish researchers reached their result by getting more than 1,000 adults from different age groups to answer questionnaires over several years. The participants had to state whether they agreed or disagreed with statements such as:

“I believe most people are prepared to lie to be successful.”
“It's best not to trust anyone.”
“I always think about the hidden agendas people may have when they are being good to me.”
“Nobody cares very much about what happens to me.”
“Most people have friends in order to exploit them.”

Afterwards, the participants were divided into groups of low, moderate or high cynical distrust. Eight years later, when the participants had an average age of 71 years, 622 of them were tested for dementia. Three times as many of those who were in the high cynical distrust group could be diagnosed as having dementia compared those with a more positive attitude to their fellow human beings.

“The results confirm that taking personality traits into account when preparing preventive strategies can be a good idea,” says Tolppanen. “But as our study is the first that shows a correlation between cynicism and dementia we need more research before we can conclude with certainty that the connection exists.”

Isolation and depression increase the risk of dementia
According to Tolppanen there can be biological as well as psychological causes as to why cynical and suspicious people appear to be more likely to develop dementia. One explanation could be that cynicism and anger bring forth inflammation in the body -- which can lead to cardio-vascular diseases and dementia (see the Factbox).

Another explanation is that cynical and suspicious people live a life that damages the brain's cognitive functions and thereby increases the risk of developing dementia.

“Certain personality traits can result in a person becoming more or less likely to get involved in activities such as social gatherings and exercise,” she says. “These activities have been shown to be beneficial for the brain's cognitive functions. It could also be that personality traits such as cynicism and hostility are related to morphological changes or structural differences in the brain.”

Depression increases the risk of dementia
The Danish Dementia Research Centre finds the Finnish-Swedish research results convincing. According to the centre's neuropsychologist, Kasper Jørgensen, it could very well be that the cynical participants in the study lived their lives in a way that increases the risk of developing dementia.

“We know that social isolation is a risk factor and the people with a small network are more likely to develop dementia,” says Jørgensen. “One can imagine that cynical and suspicious people are less social than others and seen in that light it is not surprising if they develop dementia more often.”

He adds that there’s also the possibility that people get depressed more often if they constantly mistrust others. “We know with great certainty that depression increases the risk of developing dementia,” says Jørgensen.

Comprehensive Danish register studies have shown an almost doubled risk of developing dementia amongst people who suffered from severe and longer-lasting periods of depression throughout their lives. “This can be because depression wears out the brain, especially the hippocampus, which is one of the brain centres that are also affected when you suffer from the Alzheimer's disease,” says Jørgensen.

Cynical people should get special guidelines
Knowledge about the extent to which different personality traits increase the risk of dementia can perhaps be used in preventive strategies, says Jørgensen.

“If we know that people with certain personality traits are a particularly exposed group then in principle we could target our efforts and give them advice on how they can reduce their risk,” he says. However, he doesn’t believe that it’s possible to affect people's personalities directly -- but offers a possible solution.

“If some personality traits tend to lead to a lifestyle that increases the risk of dementia then perhaps you can be particularly attentive to this when you give them guidelines for how they can live in a more appropriate way,” says Jørgensen.

Personality is related to health
Another Danish researcher -- Erik Mortensen, who is professor of psychology at the University of Copenhagen – is not surprised that the Finnish-Swedish researchers have found a connection between cynicism and dementia. During recent decades it has been shown that several personality traits such as aggressiveness, hostility, cynicism and anxiety can be connected with a number of different diseases, he says.

“Since people began doing psychological personality tests, researchers have been able to show that some personality traits are related to poor health to a greater extent than other traits,” says Mortensen. Although you cannot change your personality, you can learn to live more appropriately with the personality traits that you have, he says.

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Sep 19, 2014

Ini 5 alasan kenapa jeruk nipis baik untuk rambut - Buah jeruk berkulit hijau yang sangat asam ini sering kita jumpai dalam makanan atau minuman. Jeruk nipis memang cocok untuk menambahkan cita rasa asam pada masakan. Padahal tak hanya itu saja manfaatnya untuk manusia.

Jeruk nipis kaya akan nutrisi dan vitamin yang baik untuk tubuh. Selain sehat untuk dikonsumsi, jeruk nipis juga baik untuk perawatan kecantikan. Jika digunakan sebagai masker atau scrub bisa menghilangkan flek hitam pada wajah serta mengatasi kelebihan minyak di kulit.

Tak hanya itu jeruk nipis ternyata juga menyimpan banyak manfaat untuk rambut Anda. Ingin tahu apa saja? Berikut ini kami tampilkan lima kegunaan jeruk nipis untuk merawat kecantikan rambut yang dirangkum dari Style Craze.

1.Mengatasi ketombe
Ketombe adalah salah satu masalah rambut yang paling umum, ditandai pengelupasan kulit kepala yang berlebihan dan biasanya disertai rasa gatal. Dan Anda pasti sudah sering menjumpai produk perawatan anti-ketombe yang menambahkan ekstrak jeruk nipis di dalamnya. Asam sitrat dalam jeruk nipis memang sudah terbukti efektif dalam mengatasi masalah ketombe.

Untuk menghilangkan masalah ketombe, Anda bisa menggosokkan irisan jeruk nipis atau menuangkan air perasan jeruk nipis pada kulit kepala. Karena air jeruk nipis kadang-kadang dapat mengeringkan kulit kepala, Anda bisa mengombinasikannya dengan minyak zaitun, minyak kelapa, atau minyak almond.

2.Atasi rambut lepek
Rambut lepek bisa disebabkan karena sekresi minyak berlebih yang disebut sebum. Sebum ini diproduksi oleh kelenjar sebaceous, dan kelebihannya bisa membuat rambut berminyak dan lengket. Air jeruk nipis bisa dimanfaatkan untuk menyerap kelebihan minyak ini.

Gosokkan irisan jeruk nipis di kulit kepala dan pangkal rambut. Diamkan selama beberapa menit sebelum dibilas dengan air bersih. Atau Anda dapat menambahkan 1 sampai 2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis dalam air bilasan rambut lalu gunakan untuk membilas rambut.

3.Menyuburkan rambut
Air jeruk nipis ternyata juga bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan rambut. Bahan alami ini telah digunakan untuk mengobati kebotakan, penipisan rambut, dan kerontokan pada usia dini sejak berabad-abad lalu. Hal ini disebabkan karena nutrisi utama yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan rambut, yaitu vitamin C yang terkandung dalam jeruk nipis.

Gunakan air perasan jeruk nipis sebagai tonik alami. Oleskan di kulit kepala dan lakukan pijatan lembut agar sirkulasi darah di kulit kepala lancar dan nutrisi jeruk nipis terserap sempurna. Anda juga bisa mencampurkan air jeruk nipis dengan minyak kelapa atau minyak zaitun untuk massage kulit kepala.

4.Menjadikan rambut berkilau
Walaupun sifat asamnya bisa mengeringkan kulit kepala, tetapi air jeruk nipis justru bisa menjadikan rambut berkilau alami. Jadikan air jeruk nipis yang dicampur dengan madu dan minyak zaitun sebagai creambath. Aplikasikan ke rambut sebelum keramas.

Selain menjadikan rambut berkilau, campuran ini juga akan membuat rambut Anda halus. Kalau mau, Anda juga bisa mengoleskan air jeruk nipis ini ke rambut setelah keramas. Diamkan selama beberapa menit, kemudian bilas. Rambut akan jadi berkilau dan harum.

5.Mencerahkan warna rambut
Sifat asam dalam jeruk nipis juga dapat menjadikan warna rambut lebih cerah. Karena itulah wanita-wanita Eropa zaman dahulu menggunakannya untuk menjadikan warna rambut yang gelap jadi lebih terang. Anda yang ingin mewarnai rambut tetapi alergi dengan bahan kimia keras dalam pewarna rambut juga bisa memanfaatkan jeruk nipis.

Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menerapkan air jeruk nipis pada rambut Anda dan duduk di bawah sinar matahari selama satu jam atau mengekspos rambut Anda terhadap sinar matahari. Kemudian bilas rambut Anda dengan air bersih. Jika dilakukan secara rutin prosedur ini akan membuat warna rambut Anda 2 hingga 3 tingkat lebih terang.

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Research Shows Zero-Calorie Sweeteners Can Raise Blood Sugar


The artificial sweeteners in diet soda, yogurt and other foods consumed by millions can raise the blood sugar level instead of reducing it, according to new experiments in mice and people. The provocative finding—made possible through a new avenue of research—is likely to stoke the simmering controversy over whether artificial sweeteners help or hinder people's ability to lose weight and lower their risk of diabetes.

The research shows that zero-calorie sweeteners such as saccharin, sucralose and aspartame can alter the population of bacteria in the gut and trigger unwanted changes such as higher blood glucose levels—a risk factor for diabetes. "The scope of our discovery is cause for a public reassessment of the massive and unsupervised use of artificial sweeteners," said Eran Elinav, a physician and immunologist at Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science and lead author of the study, which appeared Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Though many people consume artificial sweeteners instead of sugar to control their weight, the scientific evidence that they work is mixed. Some studies have indicated that the sweeteners can help lead to weight loss, while others suggest they contribute to weight gain. One reason is that it isn't clear whether people who consume artificial sweeteners are overweight because of what they eat—or whether overweight people are the ones who typically gravitate to such products.

Based on existing evidence, guidelines jointly published in 2012 by the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association noted that artificial sweeteners "when used judiciously…could facilitate reductions in added sugar," and thus influence weight loss. The new Nature study marks a significant advance because it brings together two separate areas of research—the role of sweeteners in raising blood sugar levels, and the complex workings of the vast colonies of bacteria that inhabit the gut. Individuals can have differing bacterial colonies in their gut, meaning people respond differently to what they consume.

In one experiment, the researchers found that mice whose diets included saccharin, sucralose or aspartame had significantly higher blood-glucose levels than mice whose diet included sugar, or no sugar at all. They next wanted to test whether the fake sweeteners caused that metabolic change by altering the balance of microbes in the animals' gut.

They transplanted bacteria from artificial-sweetener-fed mice or sugar-fed mice into other mice that were bred to have no gut bacteria of their own and that had never consumed a sweetener product. They found that the bacterial transfer from the sweetener-fed mice raised the blood sugar levels in the transplant recipients—suggesting that the gut microbes had triggered the higher sugar levels in mice fed fake sweeteners.

Was the same link true for people? Dr. Elinav and his colleagues examined the relationship between long-term consumption of artificial sweeteners and various metabolic measurements in some 380 nondiabetic people.

They found that the bacteria in the gut of those who regularly ate fake sweeteners were notably different from those who didn't. In addition, there was a correlation between the sweetener consumption and a susceptibility to glucose intolerance, which is a disturbance in the blood glucose level.

Correlation, however, doesn't necessarily mean causation. In the next experiment, seven volunteers who normally didn't consume fake sugar were asked to consume products high in the sweeteners. After four days, four of them had significantly higher blood-sugar levels as well as altered populations of bacteria in their gut—an outcome similar to what was seen in mice.

"This susceptibility to sweeteners [can now] be predicted ahead of time by profiling the microbes in the people," said Eran Segal, a co-author of the study and computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute.

In a statement, the Calorie Control Council, a trade group that represents makers of artificial sweeteners and other food products, said the Nature study suffered from several limitations. It said the results from the mouse experiments may not apply to humans, while the human experiments had a small sample size. It said further research was needed.

Researchers aren't sure about the exact mechanisms causing the imbalance in the gut bacteria populations. But they found that several types of bacteria that changed after the consumption of artificial sweeteners previously had been associated with Type 2 diabetes in humans.

The results appears to demonstrate that for some people, artificial sweeteners can alter the composition of gut bacteria in such a way that it may contribute to—rather than reduce—certain metabolic conditions related to obesity, such as glucose intolerance.

"We've been wondering why people who consume [artificial] sweeteners don't always lose weight," said Judy Wylie-Rosett, a nutrition expert at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who wasn't involved in the Nature research. "This is a very intriguing study because it's the first one that looks at gut microbes."

Artificial sweeteners have been around for more than a century. But no one thought to embark on this type of study before because scientists' understanding of how gut microbes respond to different foods and the metabolic changes they induce is still in its infancy.

Some 100 trillion microbes live in the human body. Together, they have at least 100 times as many genes as we do. Unlike the genes we are born with, those microbes can be easily manipulated via drugs or changes in diet. This knowledge has sparked a big push to understand the role of microbes in regulating human health.

The authors of the Nature study are now recruiting hundreds of volunteers for a much more ambitious study that will try to establish a link between gut bacteria, their responses to hundreds of common food products and the physical changes they induce in connection with obesity, diabetes and other diseases.


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Sep 17, 2014

Tak Hanya Buah, 6 Sayuran Ini Juga Kaya Vitamin C

Hestianingsih – wolipop

Sumber vitaminC umumnya banyak terdapat pada buah-buahan. Tapi ada pula beberapa jenis sayuran yang juga kaya kandungan vitamin C-nya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan vitamin C per harinya, Anda bisa mendapatkan dari kombinasi konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan cara dimakan segar atau dijus. Ini rekomendasi sayur yang bisa membantu memenuhi asupan vitamin C, yang dihimpun Wolipop dari berbagai sumber:

1. Paprika
Paprika, terutama jenis paprika kuning mengandung vitamin C yang cukup banyak. Dalam satu butir paprika ukuran besar (186 gram) mengandung sedikitnya 341,3 mg vitamin C. Jadi Anda hanya perlu memakan setengah potong paprika untuk mencukupi kebutuhan vitamin C.

2. Sayuran Hijau Pekat
Sayuran berwarna hijau pekat seperti bayam dan kangkung juga kaya akan vitamin C. Dalam 100 gram sayuran yang sudah dipotong-potong atau dicincang, terdapat 120 mg vitamin C.

3. Brokoli
Sayuran dengan tekstur renyah ini mengandung vitamin C yang lebih tinggi dari jeruk dalam 100 gram nya. Brokoli 'mengantungi' antioksidan yang baik untuk menjaga kecantikan kulit ini sebanyak 89,2 mg.

4. Kacang Kapri
Kacang yang sering dijadikan tumisan atau sup bening ini mengandung 60 mg vitamin C dalam 100 gram nya, atau setara dengan dua cangkir.

5. Selada Air
Sayuran yang bisa diolah menjadi salad dan sayur berkuah ini mengandung 43 mg vitamin C dalam setiap 100 gram. Jika kurang suka rasanya yang agak langu, bisa ditambahkan perasan jeruk nipis dan minyak zaitun.

6. Kemangi
Daun dengan aroma khas ini memiliki kandungan vitamin C sebanyak 43 mg. Kemangi biasanya dikonsumsi sebagai lalapan atau bumbu tambahan pada makanan berjenis kari atau sup asam manis.

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5 Reasons Potatoes Don't Deserve Their Bad Reputation

The Huffington Post | By Sarah Klein

The potato isn't inherently bad, and, really, it shouldn't be treated as such.

Yes, it's often smothered in cheese, mixed up with mayo, doused in sour cream or deep-fried -- but when it isn't is when the potato truly shines. In its purest, most potato-y (and perhaps organic) form, it actually packs some very real health perks. Here are five very good reasons to love potatoes.

They're loaded with potassium.
One large spud baked with the skin on contains a whopping 1,600 milligrams of potassium, nearly half the recommended amount for an entire day and almost four times as much as a medium banana, famed for its potassium count. Not only is it an essential electrolyte key to hydration and athletic performance, potassium may also play a role in lowering blood pressure.

Potatoes are packed with fiber.
If you eat the skin, at least. That same large spud contains 7 grams of dietary fiber, about a quarter of what you should aim for in a day -- but without the skin that fiber count drops to just 1 gram. A diet rich in fiber will not only help you stay fuller for longer (thereby leading to less snacking), it's also been shown to reduce heart attack risk, lower cholesterol and help prevent diabetes.

They've got a hearty dose of vitamin C.
Also in the skin of your potato is a solid amount of vitamin C -- you'll nab nearly 29 milligrams of the stuff in a large tater, to be exact, nearly half of your goal for the day, and more than a third of the amount found in famed vitamin C deliverer, the orange. While getting enough C probably won't nip a cold in the bud, it plays an important role as an antioxidant and helps heal wounds.

Potatoes are a good source of manganese.
You might be less familiar with this nutrient, but that doesn't mean you don't need it. Manganese plays an essential role in processing protein, carbs and cholesterol and may also be involved in bone formation, according to WebMD. One large potato with the skin on contains 33 percent of your recommended daily amount of manganese.

And they're rich in vitamin B6.
This vitamin does much of its work "behind the scenes," American Dietetic Association spokesperson Dee Sandquist, MS, RD, CD, told Everyday Health, but it's working hard, in the cardiovascular, digestive, immune, muscular and nervous systems. It also produces essential brain hormones, the website reported. With 46 percent of your daily recommended B6, a potato (with the skin!) is a good place to start.
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Sep 16, 2014

5 Alasan lemak di perut sulit hilang!

Reporter : Kun Sila Ananda - Semua orang yang pernah melakukan diet dan berusaha menurunkan berat badan tentu tahu bahwa lemak di bagian perut adalah yang paling sulit dihilangkan. Terkadang meski sudah berusaha keras, namun perut masih tetap buncit dan seolah lemak di dalamnya tak berkurang sama sekali.

Namun jangan putus asa dulu. Ada banyak alasan mengapa perut tetap buncit dan masih berlemak meski Anda sudah berdiet mati-matian. Berikut adalah beberapa penyebab mengapa lemak pada perut sulit hilang, seperti dilansir oleh Health Me Up (03/07).

1. Usia
Seiring bertambahnya usia, tubuh pun berubah dan tingkat hormon pertumbuhan (HGH) mulai menurun. HGH merupakan hormon yang penting untuk pembentukan otot dan metabolisme lemak. Ketika hormon ini semakin menurun, maka tubuh akan semakin sulit untuk membongkar lemak, terutama yang menumpuk pada perut. Karena itu menurunkan berat badan dan melunturkan lemak di perut bisa jadi akan semakin sulit jika Anda semakin tua.

2. Olahraga yang salah
Banyak orang melakukan olahraga kardio ketika berusaha menurunkan lemak. Namun sebenarnya olahraga kardio seperti berlari di treadmill tak cukup berpengaruh terhadap lingkar pinggang dan lemak di perut. Untuk menghilangkan lemak di perut, variasikan olahraga dengan melakukan kardio dan angkat beban.

3. Kurang tidur
Anda mungkin tak berpikir bahwa tidur berkaitan dengan lemak di perut. Namun faktanya, tidur memang mempengaruhi fungsi tubuh dan kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan. Kurang tidur akan mempengaruhi metabolisme tubuh Anda dan menyebabkan pembakaran lemak menurun. Di samping itu, metabolisme yang menurun juga membuat Anda lebih suka ngemil yang malah akan membuat lemak menumpuk pada tubuh. Jadi, pastikan Anda memenuhi kebutuhan tidur Anda setiap hari dan jangan lupa berolahraga.

4. Stres
Stres juga bisa menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa Anda suit menghilangkan lemak pada perut. Stres akan memicu tubuh untuk memproduksi kortisol, yaitu hormon stres. Hormon ini akan menurunkan otot dan membuat tubuh menumpuk lemak pada bagian perut. Selain itu, hormon stres juga memperbesar sel lemak yang membuat tubuh semakin banyak menyimpan lemak. Karena itu lebih baik jaga kesehatan mental dan hindari stres jika ingin segera langsing.

5. Makanan yang salah
Tubuh Anda bereaksi secara berbeda terhadap makanan. Salah satu penyebab yang membuat lemak pada perut susah hilang adalah pola makan yang salah. Mengonsumsi terlalu banyak makanan olahan akan membuat Anda sulit menurunkan berat badan dan menghilangkan lemak di perut. Begitu juga dengan mengonsumsi terlalu banyak lemak. Jika ingin cepat menurunkan berat badan sebaiknya konsumsi lemak yang sehat dan hindari makanan olahan.

Itulah beberapa hal yang menyebabkan banyak lemak menumpuk pada perut dan sulitnya menghilangkan lemak tersebut. Hindari melakukan hal-hal di atas untuk membantu Anda membuat perut cepat langsing. Jangan lupa juga untuk selalu menerapkan gaya hidup dan pola makan yang sehat.

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