Jul 11, 2013

Exercise to Get Glowing Healthy Skin

Do you want glowing skin?  Exercise!

Exercise Improves Blood Circulation

Exercise leads to an increase in your blood flow, and this increase in circulation benefits every part of your body. Sweat is the result of exercise and that is what helps your body get rid of the toxins that are in your body. The natural creation of collagen keeps your skin looking young, firm and glowing. Collagen production is encouraged when your internal body is healthy from exercise.

Exercise Helps your Skin and Reduces Acne

Stress causes acne and exercise relieves stress. Putting both together invariably reduces acne. Doing exercise tends to balance your hormone levels so that they are stable. This stability reduces the chances of acne and gives helps make glowing healthy skin. Sweating also helps reduce the appearance of acne, as sweating unclogs pores.

Post Exercise Hydrate your Skin

Drink lots of water. Every health and skin article will tell you that water is the secret to glowing healthy skin. It helps flush out toxins and it keeps your skin hydrated. Always keep a bottle of water on you when you exercise, because you need to replenish your body of the water lost while sweating.

Exercise Increases Flexibility and Reduces Cellulite on Skin

Doing exercise in the form of toning and increasing flexibility can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is the dimple appearance on your skin, cause by the fat deposits hiding right under the surface. Yoga and Pilates are good ways to combat these craters in your skin.

Exercise and Cardio for Glowing Healthy Skin

Cardio helps can be best for glowing healthy skin. Doing exercise like Zumba and Aerobics increase your blood circulation. If you do not do much exercise your skin will not get enough circulation and will look dull and lifeless.

Here are some precautions you need to take while exercising in order to protect your skin:

When you exercise outdoors, remember that you need to put on sunscreen. Your body might be fit, but running or exercising outdoors without sunscreen will lead to damaged skin. Make sure you keep reapplying your sunscreen, as your sweat will wash it off over time.  Keeping your skin healthy is as important as keeping your body in shape.

Carry some gentle wet wipes, to help clean off the sweat and keep your skin cool.

Wash your skin out well after a workout. Try to clean off any sweat and dirt you might have acquired. Try to take a shower immediately after your workout to limit the forming of bacteria.

I hope these exercise tips help you get the glowing healthy skin you want!

Source: http://www.360living.in/article/exercise-get-glowing-healthy-skin

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