Smitha Mundasad
A row has erupted over claims that official guidance to cut down on
saturated fat had been based on shaky evidence. In the 1970s and 80s, there was
a big push away from saturated fats in the US and UK as experts cautioned they
were bad for the heart. Scientists writing in the journal Open Heart have now
argued this advice lacked the solid scientific trials needed to back it up.
But many experts have come to the defence of the original guidelines. Prof
Christine Williams, at the University of Reading, says the claim that evidence
was insufficient is "misguided and potentially dangerous".
And in recent years there has been more scientific data supporting the
case that saturated fat is bad for health. Public Health England say current
recommendations, to keep fat consumption to a maximum of 30% of overall energy
intake and saturated fat to just 10%, should be followed to maintain a healthy
But is this spat over a single food type a red herring? Is it leading
us down a dangerous dietary path?
What is a healthy diet?
One thing experts agree on is that balance is key to a good diet.
Modern nutritional advice makes clear that no one nutrient or food type
is the outright villain - simply avoiding fat or excluding sugar or cutting out
carbohydrates is not the answer to keeping well or shedding pounds healthily.
And most dieticians agree there is no such thing as a super food. No
single food - however exotic - can provide all the nutrients we need. So what
should we make sure is on our plates? Plenty of fruit and vegetables.
These types of foods are important sources of vitamins and minerals -
key to both growth and repair. UK guidelines suggest eating around five portions
of fruit and vegetables a day. To help achieve this, nutritionists advise
swapping a mid-morning snack for fruit, or add a banana to breakfast cereal.
But a debate is now emerging over fruit juices. They do not always
contain the fibre found in whole fruit and veg. And there are increasing
concerns that they often come packaged with added sugar, piling on unnecessary
calories and leading to tooth decay. Current recommendations suggest drinking
no more than one glass of juice every day.
Some bread, rice, pasta and
other starchy foods
Experts say starchy food should make up around a third of the food we
eat. And they recommend swapping to wholegrain varieties when possible to
increase the amount of fibre in our diets. Though some people think starchy
food is fattening, gram for gram the carbohydrate they contain provides fewer
than half the calories of fat, says NHS Choices.
Add in some meat, fish or
Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. Everything from our
hair, muscles, skin and nails needs protein to build and repair itself. Even if
you don't eat meat, your meals should still contain other sources of protein,
such as lentils or nuts. And when cooking meat, lean cuts are best - trim away
visible fat when possible.
Recent advice also suggests people should aim for two portions of fish
a week - including one serving of oily fish. Oily fish contains omega-3 fats,
which may help prevent heart disease.
What about milk and dairy?
Because they're good sources of protein and calcium, milk and dairy
products can form part of a healthy diet. But they should be eaten in
moderation. Cheese can contain lots of salt and fat, for example.
Not too much fat, salt or sugar
Treats can be a good thing - once in a while. But too many and you face
trying to burn off lots more calories than you need. If they aren't burnt off
they can lead to weight gain. According to official surveys, most people in the
UK eat too much sugar.
For example, sugary drinks, including alcoholic ones, are often high in
energy and when consumed too frequently, can pile on the pounds.
Mediterranean meals
A number of experts now argue the best way to get all of this advice on
to one plate is to cook up a Mediterranean style meal. The Mediterranean diet
has been repeatedly linked to health gains, such as cutting the risk of heart
Typically, it consists of an abundance of vegetables, fresh fruit,
wholegrain cereals, olive oil and nuts, as well as poultry and fish, rather
than lots of red meat and butter or animal fats.
Reaching for the ready meal
People often think of ready meals, takeaways and pizzas as processed
food. And in recent years, people have been urged to cut their intake of this
type of foods, which are often high in saturated fats, sugar and salt. But it's
worth checking labels before throwing them all in the bin. Some convenience
foods may still contain good nutrients and be fine to eat in moderation.
A can of baked beans, for example, contains both fibre and protein.
There is no one-size-fits-all recipe for a good diet. And your
nutritional needs depend partly on your age and how much activity you do.
But what is clear as obesity
levels rise is no single food type can shoulder all the blame.
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